THRALL GUIDE (by elementalistTM)

  • Tittle: Guide for the Green Gladiator
  • Author: elementalistTM
Thrall Dota

  • VERY EASY to use hero 
  • A very good harasser early game
  • Spells are laughably spammable
  • Doesn't really need much practice
  • Really useful and powerful nuke
  • Can disable heroes with Kinetic Field and Static Storm
  • Has 3 possible Escape mechanisms
  • Very good team player
  • Needs good teammates to be effective mid to late game.
  • Needs DotA experience to effectively use him


Thrall curses the target to be struck by thunder 4 times over 6 seconds. Foes nearby the victim will also be damaged.
  • 1. Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 6 seconds / 4 strikes with 40 damage
  • 2. Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 6 seconds / 4 strikes with 60 damage
  • 3. Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 6 seconds / 4 strikes with 80 damage
  • 4. Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 6 seconds / 4 strikes with 100 damage
  • Damage type: magical
Note: There are some heroes who can avoid this skill. Heroes who have Windwalk in their arsenal (Skill or Item) can avoid this and the Cloud above their head will continue to follow them without the Lightning until the duration of the skill ends. Heroes who are magic-immune are not affected by this skill. It just stops.
Tip: In case you are against this guys, continue to harass them so that they run out of mana. It makes them more useless.

Thrall forces the target back to it's previous position through a psionic rift. Sends the unit to where it was 4 seconds ago.
  • 1. Mana 160 / Cooldown 60 / Target is moved back in time
  • 2. Mana 130 / Cooldown 50 / Target is moved back in time
  • 3. Mana 100 / Cooldown 40 / Target is moved back in time
  • 4. Mana 70 / Cooldown 30 / Target is moved back in time
  • The glimpse effect has some travel time, the target isn't instantly moved back.
  • Instantly kills illusions.
Comments: Basing from my experience, this skill is very useful and it can be used both offensively and defensively. Offensively, you can use this for fleeing heroes who are ahead of you or your team. Defensively, this can be used to escape from your enemies who are about to catch you. 

Thrall summons a circular barrier of kinetic energy, keeping enemies from walking in or out of it. The barrier has an aoe of 300.
  • 1. Mana 70 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 2.5 seconds / Keeps enemies from walking in/out
  • 2. Mana 70 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 3 seconds / Keeps enemies from walking in/out
  • 3. Mana 70 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 3.5 seconds / Keeps enemies from walking in/out
  • 4. Mana 70 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 4 seconds / Keeps enemies from walking in/out
  • Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed.
Comments: This is your skill that makes your opponents cry for mercy. It is very useful during battles both offensively and defensively. This can work well with or without your Ultimate...

Note: Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed, so time it well. There are some heroes who can pass through the field unaffected. Heroes who have Windwalk (Skill or Item) can pass through the field. Heroes who are Magic-Immune can also pass through the field.

Creates an area of electric instability which damages and silences enemies in the area. The effect starts off weak and then intensifies over 5 seconds, dealing increasing amounts of damage, before disappearing.
  • 1. Mana 125 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 5 seconds / Silence and up to 170 dps
  • 2. Mana 175 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 5 seconds / Silence and up to 220 dps
  • 3. Mana 225 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 5 seconds / Silence and up to 270 dps
  • The damage starts off slow and ramps up continuously until it reaches the maximum
  • Total damage dealt in whole duration: 446.25/577.5/708.75
  • Damage type: magical
Comments: This is your ultimate and it gives opponents a hell lot of damage. It makes them arguably useless. Although it can be used without the KINETIC FIELD, this skill is BEST casted inside the barrier to maximize its potential and bring the opponents to their doom. And one more thing, this skill only takes 60 seconds cooldown, which means that you can cast it in almost every clash.


Personally it depends on the game situation. Most of the time, MAX out and  Thunder Strike because THUNDER STRIKE is your main nuke and KINETIC FIELD your main disable. 1 early level of  Glimpse would be fine in case low HP heroes tend to get away. Get  Static Storm whenever possible.

There are no such things as proper arrangement of skills but there are alot of ways his skills can be used effectively with each other.

 Kinetic +  Thunder + NORMAL ATTACK
  • This is the most common combo and requires cheap mana. 

 Storm +  Kinetic + NORMAL ATTACK +  Thunder 
  • This is your most devastating combo. Now you might ask, why STATIC STORM first before KINETIC FIELD? Well that's because STATIC STORM lasts 5 seconds while KINETIC FIELD only lasts 4. you would want every bit of damage from the STATIC STORM inflicted to the opponent. Furthermore, they are already silenced the moment they are inside the FIELD. It's biggest damage is at the last second. THUNDER STRIKE is last for finishing of wounded heroes.

 Storm +  Kinetic +  Thunder + NORMAL ATTACK
  • This combo is more or less the same with the second but is more lethal during team fights because of the area of effect of THUNDER STRIKE. While multiple opponents are trapped in the field, alot of them will be struck by THUNDER STRIKE, which makes it really effective.

 Glimpse +  Storm +  Kinetic +  Thunder
  • This is my personal favorite. It makes an opponent utterly useless. Cast glimpse on a target and watch where it was 4 seconds ago, it can be seen due to the visuals. Cast STATIC STORM and KINETIC FIELD immediately after then THUNDER STRIKE. This guarantees you a kill almost everytime.
  • Note: Glimpse could be used anytime to finish fleeing heroes. It can also be used to have perfect positioning for spells.


Like what I always say, it depends on the game situation. For me, I'd like to start off with:

When i get 500 , i rush for  and upgrade it later depending on what i need. Most of the time i use the new item . it gives you all the mana in the world and spam your spells like crazy.  are also nice for the stat bonuses and attack speed.  for the extra damage and PHASE.  for movementspeed and TELEPORT.

These are the items that you need to get after the items above. Items are arranged accordingly in order of purchase.

 You should have at least one of this all the time with you. You are one of the most useful support and should be anywhere anytime when the team needs you. You can also use this if you are trying to escape or go back home.

 +  =  You need this item for its useful HP and Mana regen, which prevents you from having to go home often. It also has a bonus +10 damage. 

 Buy after then scroll to form 
  • Prevents you from lethal targeted spells. Bonus stats are also useful. I include this item as a core item. After I get arcane boots I rush this item. HP and Mana regen are quite useful and the bonus stats are decent.
 +  = 
  • After Linken's, I normally get this. Very useful because of the extra attack speed and Chain Lightning. Now, many people have been asking for arguments regarding this item. The reason why this item is important is because during team battles, after you've casted your spells, all you have to do is help your team normal attack while waiting for your spells to finish cooldown. This small time can have a very large effect to the outcome of the battle. I normally upgrade this later to
OTHER ITEMS you MIGHT want to add to your inventory:

NOTE: These Items are highly SITUATIONAL. I'm not saying that you should get every bit of it in every game. I just want to note that these are the items that BEST fit the Far Seer. Items are placed in order from Highest Priority (TOP), to Lowest Priority (Bottom). 

 This item can bag you alot of kills and gives you decent INT. Get this if you want to have a lot of kills without trying so hard.

 Why Vanguard? Because you are FRAGILE. How are you supposed to be effective against opponents if they kill you first? This will fix your survival problems mid to late game. For those who ask why to use Vanguard if you're a ranged hero, that's because my way of playing him requires diving to the action and help normal attack those heroes for extra gold. It is also cheap in terms of protective items(You don't expect to save up for Siva's Guard in every game, especially if you've become food.)

 Useful if your enemies throw alot of spells at you.

 Useful due to armor and slow. If you can farm up for this, then go for it. 

 A very useful item for pushing heroes into the FIELD. Also useful for chasing and escaping. Beware for opponents having this item, they can set your victims free.

 This item makes it easy to place your KINETIC FIELD. Also useful for survival and disable.

 Also useful for suvival and the extra damage. Beware of heroes with cleave and true sight, they can still kill you. I don't highly recommend this item.

 Useful for its priceless ability HEX. Costs alot but it depends if you can farm for it.

 This item is very situational. Rivirland noted that this item is better off carried by a support rather than a carry. It makes you and your allies last longer in battle.

 Very useful item for Thrall. It is very useful for Survival, but I don't highly recommend this item because you are built to be a Semi-Carry/Support. Let the other Support get it.


 Useful for postioning and chasing.


 Useless. You're just wasting your 5025 for something which you already have.
 WTF. That's all I can say if you buy this item. You don't need it one way or the other. you can't EVEN tank.



This is the most important part because you need to do this effectively. First buy your items and pick your lane. Either solo mid or Top Sentinel. If you want to level up quickly and get alot of   go mid. I prefer at the sides because of the side shops. You don't need to go back home often.

The strategy for this Part is pretty STRAIGHFORWARD.HARASS.

When you get to your lane, find the most fragile or useful hero(e.i. stunners, carry, etc.) and spam your THUNDER STRIKE on that hero. Tell your lanemate to help you harass. More or less he will be forced to a defensive mindset.

He will have to use up all his healing items or go back to the fountain. Most of the time, you will bag FIRST BLOOD. You can use the main combo as i have explained above. Continue this until you get alot of kills and. Most of the time, foes will TP back to their lane. Use Glimpse on them immediately to send them back to their base, this will give you advantage over gold and experience and make him waste his gold for that TP Scroll. This makes heroes frustrated  .This will remarkably affect the whole flow of the game to your advantage.


DO NOT GO OUT ALONE. You need your teammates to be effective. By this time, Carries are already Monsters and the only way you can beat them is by joining your teammates. When clashes begin use any of the combos above and make sure you don't let any opponent escape. That is your main use of the team. Make them pay heavily. Avoid getting ganked.

Note: Position your FIELD properly in a way that alot of Heroes will be caught in it. Push Towers and get get your good items. Try not to die so you can always help.

Continue going with your teammates and finish off every remaining one of them. Win the Game!!!

Edited by