• Tittle: 'With Patience comes Victory.'
  • Author: .Budi
Goblin Techies Dota

  • has the longest Stun of all heroes
  • can deny himself
  • longest attack range of all heroes (without skillpoints)
  • a good strength gain compared to other int heroes
  • a very strategic/psychological hero
  • a high chance to get first-blood
  • can farm a creepwave in an instant
  • doesn't have to be on a lane to defend it
  • very slow movement speed
  • very low base damage
  • low armor and agility gain.
  • without a good team you are useless
  • a lot of heroes can counter Techies


 Land Mine
Plants an invisible mine that explodes when an enemy nears. The explosion deals less damage if the target is farther away. You may only have 20 mines placed at a time.
  • [Level 1] 300 damage
  • [Level 2] 400 damage
  • [Level 3] 500 damage
  • [Level 4] 600 damage
  • Cooldown: 25/20/15/12
  • Manacost: 125/150/175/205 
 Stasis Trap
Plants an invisible Stasis Trap that stuns nearby enemy units when detonated.
  • [Level 1] 3 seconds stun duration; 270 seconds ward duration.
  • [Level 2] 4 seconds stun duration; 300 seconds ward duration.
  • [Level 3] 5 seconds stun duration; 330 seconds ward duration.
  • [Level 4] 6 seconds stun duration; 360 seconds ward duration.
  • Cooldown: 20/16/13/10
  • Manacost: 80/110/140/160
 Suicide Squad, Attack!
Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Deals massive area of effect damage. 
  • [Level 1] Deals 650 full damage; Deals 350 partial damage 
  • [Level 2] Deals 850 full damage; Deals 400 partial damage 
  • [Level 3] Deals 1150 full damage; Deals 450 partial damage 
  • [Level 4] Deals 1550 full damage; Deals 500 partial damage 
  • Cooldown: 180/170/160/150
  • Manacost: 100/125/150/175
 Remote Mines
Plants an invisible mine that will only activate when triggered. Doesn't damage buildings. 
  • [Level 1] 300 damage (*450 damage)
  • [Level 2] 450 damage (*600 damage)
  • [Level 3] 600 damage (*750 damage)
  • Aghanims Scepter bonus.
  • Cooldown: 10
  • Manacost: 200/240/300

Skill Build

The Sneaky Miner
  • 1. Land Mine
  • 2. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 3. Land Mine
  • 4. Stasis Trap
  • 5. Land Mine
  • 6. Remote Mines
  • 7. Land Mine
  • 8. Stasis Trap
  • 9. Stasis Trap
  • 10. Stasis Trap
  • 11. Remote Mines
  • 12-15. Stats
  • 16. Remote Mines
  • 17-22. Stats
  • 23. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 24. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 25. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
Skillbuild explanation:

First of all you need one level of Land Mines so you can put your mines on the "First-Blood" spots. After that you get !Suicide Squad, Attack!! so you can deny yourself, or get an early game kill. With Arcane Boots and Soul Ring you should have enough mana to place level 4 Land Mines, so you should max it first. Stasis Trap is the next skill you should max. Suicide isn’t worth leveling past level 1 or 2 after early game because the enemies will have too much armor. You should take Remote Mine every time you can, for obvious reasons.

This Build is primarily used for anti-gank tactics and is useful against triple lanes or gank teams. Your job is to support your carry by preventing ganks on him. “Gank him and you will be fine” won’t work as long as you mine the lane.

By maxing your Land Mines you are also a good pusher, so TPing to pushed lanes and destroying towers can maybe give your team a nice advantage.

The Supporting Disabler
  • 1. Stasis Trap
  • 2. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 3. Land Mine
  • 4. Stasis Trap
  • 5. Stasis Trap
  • 6. Remote Mines
  • 7. Stasis Trap
  • 8. Land Mine
  • 9. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 10. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 11. Remote Mines
  • 12. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 13. Land Mine
  • 14. Land Mine
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Remote Mines
  • 17-25. Stats
Skillbuild explanation:

Sometimes your enemies are going to play very carefully and won’t move around the creeps pathing, which means that your Land Mines won’t get you kills. So you skill Stasis Trap on level 1 and try to support your mates by stunning the enemy. You can place the Stasis Trap on creeps, and if the enemy is too slow or doesn’t notice, you will stun him with it. Again you get Suicide Squad, Attack! on level 2 for the same reasons as on the first skillbuild, but this time you can use it more often. After you maxed Stasis Trap, and got 2 levels of Land Mines you should max Suicide Squad, Attack!, because it synergies well with your stun strategy. Land Mines are maxed later, because you are going to spam your Stasis Trap and won’t have enough mana for level 4 Land Mines. You should take Remote Mine every time you can, for obvious reasons.

The Crazy Ganker
  • 1. Land Mine
  • 2. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 3. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 4. Land Mine
  • 5.mSuicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 6. Remote Mines
  • 7. Suicide Squad, AttacK!
  • 8. Land Mine
  • 9. Land Mine
  • 10. Stasis Trap
  • 11. Remote Mines
  • 12. Stasis Trap
  • 13. Stasis Trap
  • 14. Stasis Trap
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Remote Mines
  • 17-25. Stats
Skillbuild explanation:

First you get one level of Land Mine so you can place them around the map. After that you max Suicide Squad, Attack!. With level 3 you start to gank every time your skill is ready. Next skill you max is Land Mine, which you use while you are waiting for the cooldown. Since you dont need stats in this strategy you can skip them and max Stasis Trap first. You should take Remote Mine every time you can, for obvious reasons.

This strategy is very useful when you have good lanes with dual stunners/slowers who can help you ambush the enemy. Good allied heroes would be carries with a stun or slow.

Items Build

Starting Items:
  • You need a TP scroll to place as many mines as possible before the creeps reach the lane. You buy two branches for the boost in stats and Clarity Potions with the rest of the gold. One clarity gives 100 mana which is about 1 Land Mine. So you will be able to place around 9-11 Land Mines. You could get Tangos instead of the branches, or buy less Clarity Potions, but everything has its ups and downs.
(Very) Early Game:
  • Get a Sobi Mask in the beginning so you can regen some mana. Sometimes you have enough gold (first-blood) to buy the Sobi Mask and the Ring of Regeneration, but I would always take the mana regen first. The recipe costs just a few gold so that should be not taking too long. Soul Ring should be get as first item because not a single item in the game can match its mana regen of 6 mana/sec.
Early-Mid Game:
  • Your next goal should be the Energy Booster (or Boots) depending on the state of the game. By dropping the Energy Booster before you use the Soul Ring you will gain more mana. With your Arcane Boots and Soul Ring you got a mana regeneration of around 9 mana per second, which is a lot.
Mid-Late Game (Aghanim vs Force Staff):

A Point Booster is always useful and can give you a lot of mana. Aghanim’s is a real beast in team fights, because you can place your Remote Mines from a distance of 700. So you can place them from a save position. But it only works when you push or you have a lot of team fights. 
If the enemy pushes a lot you should rather get Force Staff:

It’s very useful against Gem and Sentry Wards, and you can easily kill heroes that don’t want to step on your Remote Mines, but don’t want to back either. It gives mana and it’s cheap, which is quite good for mid-game, but it’s not a late-game item.


 Clarity Potions give you 100 mana in 30sec (3,3 mana per second). In early game your Land Mines cost 125-150 mana and have a CD of 25-20 sec. So its a very good item for Techies; 1 Clarity Potion is 1 Land Mine.

 Soul Ring is a the perfect item for Techies. You get 150 Mana every 25 seconds (6 mana per second), which is a lot of mana. It also means that you can place at least one Land Mine every 25 seconds.

 Arcane Boots gives you a lot of mana and some mana regeneration. Combined with your Soul Ring you will have almost endless mana. After you get Soul Ring and Arcane Boots you actually got all items you need till late game. The rest is optional and luxury. 

 Force staff seems better than it actually is. You can push your enemies into the mines, but as long as they don’t have Gem you should be able to kill them without it. Force Staff is just a Gem and Sentry Ward counter, hence inferior to Aghanim's. 

 Techies’ Scepter- oh wait. This item gives you mana, health and it also improves your ultimate. Your Remote Mines will have a higher casting range and you can actually save some mana because the Damage/Mana ratio is higher (0,5 more damage per mana).


 Shiva's Guard gives you a lot of mana and an AoE nuke with slow (and lag), which generally helps your team in fights. This item is recommended if you lack some physical survivability and/or your team needs an AoE slow/nuke. The downside of Shiva’s Guard is that it requires you to save 2700 gold and to be close to your enemy, which is bad because you are still weak to nukes. 

 Orchid is a possibility but not really good. The build up is cheap and easy, but you don't have gold problems and other items are way more useful (for example: Guinsoo or Eul’s). An early rush is also very bad, because it gives you no survivability at all.

 Eye of Skadi: At first you might wonder why Techies would/should get Eye of Skadi, but it is really good if you are chasing enemies a lot. Because of your high attack range you can use it very well. Still I would only buy it after your core items and maybe 1-2 luxury items. Also you shouldn't forget that it gives good stats as well.

 Necronomicon is a really good team clash item. You can mana drain and damage your opponents with the summons and you can counter wards and invisible enemies who try to sneak around your mines. The life and mana is very nice and the build up is quite easy.

 It has a very cheap build up and gives you +25 movement speed which closes the ms gap between you and other heroes. The cyclone ability can be really useful for your team and you can land Stasis Traps and other mines easier with it. Also note that you can block stuns/attacks by using it on yourself.

 Guinsoo is a very good item on every intelligence hero and Techies is no exception.
It gives you mana and mana regeneration, plus a disable for your team. If you have the money you should definitely go for this item.

 Bloodstone, once on my “Rejected” list, now made its way up here. You start with 5 charges, which is quite a lot of mana regen. It’s not core and should only be bought after Aghanim’s or Force Staff, but it’s the only item which can really give you unlimited mana. If you manage to get ~10 charges you can actually sell your Soul Ring/Arcane Boots and make some place in your inventory.


 Refresher Orb: All your skills have a decent cooldown, so a Refresher Orb is not needed. Though you actually could get one for fun, because it would make a 18 seconds stun possible.

 Dagon is not really a bad item, but way worse than other alternatives. It’s just an item that consumes needed mana. Also people tend to kill-steal with Dagon, which is counterproductive because your carry should get the kills.

 Lothar's &  Dagger: Good for initiation, but in my opinion they just take away inventory place and make you suicide for no reason. You have Force Staff, which should be enough for this purpose. 

 Linken's Sphere &  BKB: Goblin Techies is not a tank hero. You usually stand back and place your mines, so you don’t need those items.

 DPS Items: You have low agility and low base damage. You can’t carry with physical dps items.


 Land Mine
"Land Mine" is the skill which makes Techies to the hero he is.
The mines got a small delay, which means that they don't trigger immediately after planting/moving into their AoE. Land mines can be triggered by invisible units.
It deals 300 damage on level 1 (reduced by magic resistance and armor) and can be used in many different ways:
  • You can stack a few mines on a certain spot to kill an enemy, once he walks over them.
  • You can farm with them. Creeps will survive with very low hp after they activate a mine.
  • You can harass opponents who try to deny/last-hit a creep (against melee heroes).
  • You can use them as little wards on rune spots. Land mines don't give a lot of vision, but it's enough to see whether there is a rune or not.
  • You can stop the neutral creeps from spawning.
  • You can use them as a nuke in team fights.
 Suicide Squad, Attack!
Suicide should only be used to deny yourself or if you can get a kill while on low mana. Since the Suicide buff your lane partner and you will gain full experience which in a way can be abused, by simply suiciding on a sure kill just to give your carry more experience.

The damage is reduced by magic resistance and armor, which means that Suicide will only deal 30~70% of the damage (depending on the enemy’s armor):
  • Level 1: 550 -> reduction -> 275 damage.
  • Level 2: 850 -> reduction -> 425 damage.
  • Level 3: 1150 -> reduction -> 575 damage.
  • Level 4: 1550 -> reduction -> 775 damage.
The more armor the enemy has, the less damage he will take. Also you should not forget that the full damage AoE is only 200.

You should also use your Suicide if you see a chance to kill 2 or more kills or to scare an enemy away who is going to kill your mate.

 Stasis Trap
The Stasis Trap is one of the longest stuns in DotA and can (if you place one Stasis after the first activated) stun for 12 seconds. The Trap lasts 270-360 seconds.

The negative sites on Stasis Trap are, the small activation AoE of 200 and the activation time of 2 seconds. You should also remember that after a stasis trap activates all other Stasis Traps in a 450 AoE will be destroyed. Stasis Traps hit invisible units, but won’t be triggered by them. Enemies with high movement speed can walk over the mines (due the 2 second activation time) without activating them.
Having Stasis Traps all over the map can be very useful in team fights, because it can delay support, ensure a safe escape or stop fleeing enemies.

Stasis Traps are usually connected with Land Mines so you should check part 2 of the strategy section for more information.

 Remote Mines:
Remote Mine is a really tricky ability, because it has so many good uses. They have a duration of whole 8 minutes, and deal damage in an AoE of 400-425. The low casting range of 500 can be upgraded to 700 by Aghanim's Scepter. A good trick for calculating the damage of your Remote Mines is:
  • Remember how much damage each mine does after magic reduction: 225/335/450/560
  • Or to place your remote mines in a bundle of 4 which means that you just have to summarize the damage of 3 of the mines.
If you combine both methods you can easily calculate the 'pure' damage your mines do even if you have 5 or more mines on one spot.

A good tip for placing your remote mines is to make them in small bundles of 4 to deal a lot of damage in a 'small' AoE or to scatter them around a certain spot which increase the damage, but it could also reduce the damage of your mines (because 1 or 2 mines don't hit the enemy). They can also clear a whole creep wave on level 3, which means you can farm and push globally. 

Remote Mines can and should also be used as Wards, because of their low cooldown and long duration they are perfect.

Gem & Sentry Wards:
  • Every game will reach a point when the enemy will buy either a Gem or Sentry Wards. If your team mates can’t make pressure or fail to get kills you are pretty much screwed. The enemy will search your mines and destroy every single one of them. But that doesn’t mean you lost. You can try to turn the sides by forcing team fight where Gem is pretty much useless, or you use Suicide to support your team in clashes.
  • The problem isn’t that grave if your team actually pressures the enemy or is dominating. To counter Gem or Sentry Wards when you are leading there are few ways:
  • Force Staff: You can simply push the enemy on you mines and initiate a team fight.
  • Aghanim’s: With Aghanim’s you don't have to stack your Remote Mines anymore, but you can use them in team fights.
  • You can also place your mines uphill so the enemy cant see them until they are already dead.
  • Gem and Sentry Wards are overrated as counters, and are only useful as long as the enemy is dominating the game.


Level 1-6

In the beginning you pick Goblin Techies as fast as possible, so you have enough time to place your Land Mines around the map. I suggest you to place 4-5 Land Mines on one spot for first-blood. If you have some time left you should place one 'obvious' Land Mine on a spot not near the the others, and you do that when the enemy can see it. This will make the enemy think that there are all your mines and walk right onto your Land Mine stack. You can stay on the lane until you reach level 3 or 4 thanks to the Clarity Potions you bought earlier. After you mined 2-3 spots on the bottom lane, and you see that your mate can solo the enemies, you should place mines around the whole map. You should check, during the first 5 minutes, how your enemy moves, because this will help you during mid game and maybe give you some good kills in early game. 

With level 6 you must have at least Soul Ring, even if you have to steal some farm or else you will lack the important regen to use Remote Mines.

During early game you should place your remotes on the lanes, to help your team in ganks, or kill them before they can push a tower.

Level 6-11

Right now you should be switching between lanes, so your enemy can't predict your mine spots. This should also give you some kills which make this phase one of the shortest. You can also stack some creeps and kill them off with 2-3 Remote Mines to gain some levels. Getting to level 11 should go really fast and by then you should also have your core items plus some extra gold depending on how much you 'could' farm. You should never steal away farm from anyone after you got your core. Rather try to kill your enemies or kill neutral creeps.

Level 11-16

This phase is the most important one, because you will have to decide on your optional & luxury item. By now you should know how your enemy acts and moves on the map. The enemy will start to group and gank with the whole team, so you have to place even more mines to help your carry. With your skills you can also keep pushing the lanes, so your team can kill a tower whenever they see the chance.

Depending on your farm you should have Aghanim's Scepter and some gold by level 16. With level 16 you should be able to win almost every team fight, by nuking the enemy away with your 750 damage mines.

Level 16+

You will probably win the game a few minutes after you reach level 16, but if you have to turtle it's definitely going to take a while. A good way to turtle is to place your Remote Mines on the lane and not on the tower, because like this you can kill the creeps before the creeps even reach the tower. The only choice for the enemy will be either buying a gem, or to backdoor. Both would give your team an advantage during a team battle. This is a good opportunity to change the flow of the game plus you will have a nice amount of gold which you can invest in some nice luxury like Shiva's Guard or Guinsoo.


Techies can jungle good as well. With some Mines they can kill a whole camp without taking damage. If you want you can put some mines in the beginning and let the neutral creeps spawn (4-5 times) then let them walk over your mines, which should give you 2 to 3 levels. Actually you could let your mid hero, or someone else get the experience points, so they get an useful early game advantage. Later you can kill creepwaves with only 1-2 Mines! 

Edited by