WITCH DOCTOR GUIDE (by zaphodbrx99)

  • Tittle: Guide to Vol'jin, the witch doctor
  • Author: zaphodbrx99
Witch Doctor Dota

  • Vol'jin has an AOE ranged stun that can be very powerful when creeps are not around
  • Maledict is imba.
  • Death ward can do a shitload of damage.
  • Has superb base damage and animation rivalling that of melee heroes- good for last hit or harass.
  • Paper hero- has no hp or armour.
  • Maledict can be countered by heal.
  • Ultimate is channeling.
  • Heal doesn't really synergize with the rest of his skills.


 Paralyzing casks
Vol'Jin launches a cask of paralyzing powder that bounces between foes, stunning those affected for a short period of time (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals damage per bounce.
  • 1. Mana 110 / Cooldown 20 / Duration 1 second on heroes / 5 seconds on creeps / 2 bounces, 75 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown 18 / Duration 1 second on heroes / 5 seconds on creeps / 4 bounces, 100 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes
  • 3. Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 1 second on heroes / 5 seconds on creeps / 6 bounces, 125 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes
  • 4. Mana 140 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 1 second on heroes / 5 seconds on creeps / 8 bounces, 150 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes
  • Damage type: magical
  • Targets can be hit multiple times, as long as another unit is struck in between the bounces.
  • Area of Effect specifies the range it can bounce.
This is a ranged "AOE" stun with a huge casting range and no delays or anything ( other aoe ranged stuns like that of Lina have low range or casting delays ). It is most effectively used when you have two heroes standing close to each other so the casks will just bounce off each other, stunning them for 4 seconds each. It also does a decent dmg of 50 per bounce on heroes for a total of 400 dmg if all the bounces landed on heroes. The first stun lasts for 1.5 sec, the other bounces for 1 sec only.

This spell also doubles as your farming mechanism as it does extra dmg to creeps. It also stuns creeps for 5 seconds making it very useful for pushing.

 Voodoo Restoration
Vol'Jin focuses his voodoo magic to heal nearby allied units.
  • 1. Mana 25 initial + 8 each sec / Cooldown 0 / Restores 16 hp/sec
  • 2. Mana 50 initial + 14 each sec / Cooldown 0 / Restores 24 hp/sec
  • 3. Mana 75 initial + 20 each sec / Cooldown 0 / Restores 32 hp/sec
  • 4. Mana 100 initial + 26 each sec / Cooldown 0 / Restores 40 hp/sec
  • Heal is applied in 0.33 second intervals.
  • Can heal magic immune units.
Voodoo restoration is a healing spell. That itself is a bit odd as Vol'jin is not primarily a healer- atleast he is usually not used that way. But this skill is not weak in any way- it heals 40 hp/sec with not as much mana cost as most people think. Warlock's heal is also 40 hp/sec, but it is not AOE and can't last for ever. So you could use witch doctor as a primary healer if you wanted to, in which case his skill build would be significantly different ( heal maxed first ).

We get this last because casks and maledict is just better. It is still worth taking over stats ( almost every skill in the game is worth taking over some measly stat bonuses ). Because a portable fountain for your team is very nice to have, and at lvl 16+ with an urn and voidstone/guinsoo, you'll have so much mana that you can keep this permanently on. It's actual use for in-combat regeneration is somewhat debatable, as a stun of any sort disables this spell. Level 1 voodoo restoration is rather imbalanced, costing a minimal amount of mana, so get atleast one level even if you don't want the rest.

Targets an area with an ancient voodoo curse. Cursed heroes will not only take damage over time, but they will be dealt bonus damage every 4 seconds based on how much hp they lost since the beginning of the curse. Lasts 12 seconds.
  • 1. Mana 120 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 12 seconds / Enemies lose 5 hp/sec, 16 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 12 seconds / Enemies lose 10 hp/sec, 24 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse
  • 3. Mana 120 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 12 seconds / Enemies lose 15 hp/sec, 32 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse
  • 4. Mana 120 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 12 seconds / Enemies lose 20 hp/sec, 40 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse
  • Damage type: magical
  • Damage is based on the difference between the HP values currently and when Maledict was cast.
Ah, maledict. The ultimate-worthy signature skill of the witch doctor, it is the reason why Vol'jin is picked. It is the best amplifying damage skill in the game, good during all stages of the game.

 Death Ward
Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes.
  • 1. Mana 200 / Cooldown 90 / Duration 8 seconds / 60 (90*) Chaos Damage
  • 2. Mana 200 / Cooldown 90 / Duration 8 seconds / 90 Chaos Damage (120 Chaos Damage, bounces once*)
  • 3. Mana 200 / Cooldown 90 / Duration 8 seconds / 120 Chaos Damage, bounces once (150 Chaos Damage, hits 3 targets at once*)
  • The Death Ward is invulnerable, and can only be destroyed if its duration expires or if Vol'Jin is interrupted.
  • The Death Ward can be controlled and made to attack a specific target.
  • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
  • The Death Ward has a 700 attack range and attacks every 0.25 seconds.
Witch doctor's ultimate, and his effective "DPS" skill. It does a load of damage but sadly since it is channeling it can be countered by using stuns/ministuns - or simply running away from it ( though it has a long range of 700 ). You will need BKB if you want to get full use out of his ultimate.

Skill Build

Normal ( recommended ) skill build
  • Level 1 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 2 - Maledict
  • Level 3 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 4 - Maledict
  • Level 5 - Maledict
  • Level 6 - Death ward
  • Level 7 - Maledict
  • Level 8 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 9 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 10 - Voodoo Restoration
  • Level 11 - Death ward
  • Level 12 - Voodoo Restoration
  • Level 13 - Voodoo Restoration
  • Level 14 - Voodoo Restoration
  • Level 15 - Stats
  • Level 16 - Death ward
  • Level 17+ - Stats
Alternate ( healer ) build: For baby-sitting purposes, you get one level of voodoo restoration first and max stun.
  • Level 1 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 2 - Voodoo Restoration
  • Level 3 - Maledict
  • Level 4 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 5 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 6 - Maledict
  • Level 7 - Paralyzing casks
  • Level 8 - Maledict
  • Level 9 - Maledict
  • Level 10+ - Death ward etc
For the normal build, you want to max out maledict ASAP since it is so imba and casks are good even with just 2 points in them. Then we get heal ( or you can really go stats if you don't want heal at all ). Of course ultimate is taken as often as possible. Level 1 voodoo restoration is rather imbalanced, costing a minimal amount of mana, so get atleast one level even if you don't want the rest.

Item Build
Core item build
You should get cheap and easy to build items. If you are playing any sort of organized games, you should be buying wards ( and courier, dust etc. ). In case you are playing as full time supporter, your item build basically stops here. Spend your money on wards and such.

The items are pretty self explanatory. I usually skip bottle altogether and go for urn and wand. But it depends on players.

Core extension

 Dagon is an extremely good item for Vol'jin, because of it's burst damage and synergy with maledict. You should rush this ASAP because it gets less useful with time. You can level up the dagon if you like but I advise against it.

 Black King Bar is needed for survivability and so that you don't get interrupted while channeling the death ward. And it also prevents WD from getting instagibbed by nukes which he is very prone to.

 Boots of travel. Don't buy phase boots or treads. Save up your money to get boots of travel in lategame.

Late game luxury items

 Aghanim's scepter works with your ultimate and improves it quite a lot. 

 Guinsoo is great lategame item for any support hero, Vol'jin is no exception.

  • Buy these items if you got a load of money to throw away.
Special mention

 Lothar's edge can be used as a 'substitute' for BKB, making you invisible while channeling ultimate ( use ulti and then lothar, it doesn't break the silence ). Be aware that it can be easily countered using dust and the extra damage is quite useless for you.

 Blink dagger and  force staff can be used for positioning your spells and situationally for escaping, so buy it if you want to.

General Strategy

Early Game

In general witch doc is good in any lineup, see the hero synergies section for details. A burst damage lineup is preferred. In a pub you can pick him whenever you like, as he isn't really dependant on his allies to kill.

Your starting items should be some combination of tangoes, healing salves, gauntlets, mantles, circlets, clarity potions ( doesn't matter exactly ). If you are playing an organized game as a supporter you might want to buy courier or observer wards. Do NOT buy boots first or bottle first. This is stupid.

WD can solo mid ( and you probably should in pubs ) quite fine, but his real strength lies in dual-stun lanes. Ideally you would be paired with a melee hero with a hard-to-land stun, such as Slardar or Centaur. These lanes are pretty beastly- with the use of your stun + maledict + your ally's stun + some hits, you can easily get kills. WD's physical attack is really good early on- huge base damage rivalling melee heroes, imba attack animation and range. Abuse it for last-hitting, denying, harassing.

Mid Game

Mid game for WD starts at around level 6-7. At this point you should basically be permanently roaming and ganging. Maledict is insanely useful at this point and will remain so for the rest of the game.

Understanding Maledict:
Here are a few calculations to understand how effective maledict is.

Maledict deals damage over time for 12 seconds, additionally there are three 'ticks' in maledict, which show up as red numbers. This deals bonus damage based on the difference between current hp and original hp at the start of the curse.
  • Damage dealt = ( initial HP - current HP )*0.4 ( or 0.1-0.4 depending on level)
  • Since it is based on hp difference, any kind of heal counters it greatly.
Maledict has very low AOE and cast range. Casting a maledict is basically the most important part of playing WD.

Using your spells 
Your role in a team battle is simple. Cast paralyzing casks first, then go close to apply maledict to 1 or more heroes ( who is gonna get screwed ). Then use ultimate and try not to die. Use BKB if you got one.

Late Game

Witch doctor scales decently in lategame compared to other intel heroes. Maledict is a very good scaling spell and rips apart tanks. His death ward does a lot of damage too. I suggest getting aghanim and BKB if you want to make full use of your ulti. Use heal for healing your team.

Death Ward
I decided to do some calculations regarding Death ward.

Level 3 with aghanim, deals 150 dmg with BAT of 0.3

Thus DPS = 150/0.3 = 500 DPS which bounces on 3 heroes.

Compare with a carry who has 300 dmg, +200% AS and 1.7 BAT
His attack time will be: 1.7/ ( 1+ 2 ) = 0.56

DPS = 300 / 0.56 = 529.4 DPS

Thus you can easily see that Death ward deals comparable DPS as a carry hero with items, of course not accounting for critical strike, lifesteal, bash etc. So it is worth getting BKB and aghanim on him, and these items also increase his survivability.

The name 'chaos damage' for the death ward is misleading. It refers to the WC3 damage types where different damage types deal extra/less dmg to different armour types ( for example piercing deals extra dmg to unarmoured ). Chaos dmg deals full damage to all damage types but that doesn't really matter in dota because everyone in dota has hero type armour ( except creeps but they don't matter ). 

So for all practical purposes, it could be said to be physical damage, reduced by armour. It is not magical damage.

Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com