AKASHA GUIDE (by Lady.Liuwa)

  • Tittle: Oh, that's naughty!
  • Author: Lady.Liuwa
Akasha Dota

  • Very sexy
  • Versatile caster
  • Strong solo
  • Strong throughout the game
  • Great aoe
  • Good ganker
  • Great escape artist with blink
  • Easy farmer
  • Beware of disablers
  • Low starting hp
  • No disables yourself
  • Late game is not your strongest suite


 Shadow Strike
Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration. Slow quantity increases per level.
  • 1. Mana 80 / Cooldown 20 / Duration 15.1 seconds / 50 strike damage, 30 duration damage. 20% initial slow
  • 2. Mana 100 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 15.1 seconds / 75 strike damage, 40 duration damage. 30% initial slow
  • 3. Mana 120 / Cooldown 12 / Duration 15.1 seconds / 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage. 40% initial slow
  • 4. Mana 140 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 15.1 seconds / 125 strike damage, 60 duration damage. 50% initial slow
  • Damage type: magical
  • Duration damage is dealt to the affected units every 3 seconds during 15 seconds.
  • Affected units slowly regain their original movement speed every second during 15 seconds.
  • Units afflicted by Shadow Strike can be denied by their allies when their HP drops below 25% of their maximum health.
Short distance teleportation that allows one to move in and out of combat.
  • 1. Mana 60 / Cooldown 12 / 200 - 700 Range Teleportation
  • 2. Mana 60 / Cooldown 10 / 200 - 850 Range Teleportation
  • 3. Mana 60 / Cooldown 8 / 200 - 1000 Range Teleportation
  • 4. Mana 60 / Cooldown 6 / 200 - 1150 Range Teleportation
  • If you used Blink to teleport to a distance over the maximum range, you'll be teleported 4/5 of the maximum range instead.
  • You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles.
  • Blink has a 0.33 seconds teleportation delay.
 Scream of Pain
The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream, damaging nearby enemies.
  • 1. Mana 110 / Cooldown  / 85 damage per target
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown  / 165 damage per target
  • 3. Mana 130 / Cooldown  / 225 damage per target
  • 4. Mana 140 / Cooldown  / 300 damage per target
  • Damage type: magical
 Sonic Wave
Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals heavy damage to all units in a line.
  • 1. Mana 250 / Cooldown 135 (100*) / Enemy units 350 damage
  • 2. Mana 360 / Cooldown 135 (70*) / Enemy units 475 (530*) damage
  • 3. Mana 500 / Cooldown 135 (40*) / Enemy units 600 (725*) damage
  • Damage type: magical
  • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
  • Can hit units up to 1200 range away.

Skill Order
  • 1 Shadow Strike / Blink
  • 2 Shadow Strike / Blink
  • 3 Scream of Pain
  • 4 Scream of Pain
  • 5 Scream of Pain
  • 6 Sonic Wave
  • 7 Scream of Pain
  • 8 Blink
  • 9 Blink
  • 10 Blink
  • 11 Sonic Wave
  • 12 Shadow Strike
  • 13 Shadow Strike
  • 14 Shadow Strike
  • 15 Stats
  • 16 Sonic Wave
Depending on the situations. U can choose to skill blink or poison first. If u take poison level 1 take blink on level 2 and vice versa. Why take 1 level of poison? Not because of the damage but because of the slow this makes it easier to harass and be agressive early on. It also very usefull for ganking. Why max out blink before poison? Being able to move quickly arround the map and positioning is just way more important then a bit more poison damage, the main purpose is slow.


Starting Items
  • I prefer to get a mantle of intelligence for better farming and more agressive harassing, but if you want to play it a bit more safe u can get a gaunlet of ogre strenght. I choose these items because i later turn them to a magic wand and a null talisman and i like to play with bonus stats. I do think starting items are personal. But i dont recommend a stout shield ;D.
Follow-up Items
  • Like i said before, i like to play with some bonus stats on qop since she has very low hp. A bottle is a must, gives u rune control and force you to gank which is what your strenght is in the first place.

 My personal favourites. Int treads, because i think qop can be deadly with her attacks aswell, there for damage and as is a nice combination with your poison. Later on when u get more damage with a guinsoo or shivas its gonna be even better. However if you feel you are taking too much damage and have trouble staying alive, switch them to strenght treads.

 I have never tried it, i dont really plan doing so either, only gives u damage and ms not really something you need.

 Not a fan of these either, very expensive for mana regen and mana pool. A bottle is more then enough, u need to grab those runes. A bracer or talisman increases your mana pool. And i usually follow up with a void stone. I guess if u really want to spam your nukes and can farm 1500g before a bottle you could do it, it is also a great team item.

 As usual this is the best pair of boots money can buy. But therefore its very expensive and hard to get. Very usefull in late game since qop is able to push lanes pretty fast. If u can farm this much gold early game its worth a shot. Since it does drastically improve your farm afterwords aswell.

Core Items
  • Some people may disagree with me on the linkens being a core item, but its almost always the first item i get on qop. If u are having problems with a strong carry u can decide to get perserverance and turn it into a guinsoo. If im having problems farming up linkens i sometimes go for agha first. Yes i listed 3 items as core items, this does not mean you have to get all 3 to win a game. But i would get one of these items as my first item and most likely one of those as a follow up item aswell.
Vital Alternative Items
  • I cant list 6 core items, but these 3 items are very strong on qop and much needed aswell.
More Alternative Items
  • Let me explain a few things here. Yes MKB, if u have your core items but your team lacks some carry, qop has no problems filling those shoes. Qop is very well capable of carrying arround high damage items such as mkb, which imo is the best one. I also saw a qop pwn the living shizzle out of everyone with refresher, so ofcourse i had to put it in there. And heart is also a good option in late game.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com