• Tittle: Comprehensive Guide to Silencer
  • Author: CnC_ROCK
Silencer Dota

  • Decent strength gain
  • Decent agility gain
  • Marks his presence in teamfight
  • MAverage attack animation time
  • Item dependent
  • Kil dependent
  • No single click instant nuke
  • No chasing ability
  • Ultimate is hard to use perfectly


 Curse of the silent
Afflicts enemies with the Curse of the Silent. The target will lose hp and mana per second until it casts a spell.
  • Its cooldown decreases by 2 seconds every level
  • HP/MP lost increases by 15 every level.
  • Mana cost increases by 20 every level
  • Damage type: Magical
  • Effect is removed when the target dies or begins the effect of spell.
  • Can be purged.
It provides you with ability to harass early game. Use it on hero with long spell cooldowns or low mana pool. If a dying enemy is trying to escape and you cannot chase him then use this skill. It can get you some kills early game.

 Glaives of Wisdom
Nortrom's Glaives are enchanted by his experience in magic. Dealing extra damage based on his Intelligence.
  • Damage type: Pure
  • Glaves of Wisdon is an Orb Effect and Buff placer.
  • Glaves of Wisdon is NOT retroactive like Butcher's Flesh Heap and hence you will not gain any intellegence from kills made before skilling this ability
  • Glaves of Wisdon prioritises over all other orb effects or buff placers.
Your bread and butter. Deals damage based off your intelligence. Steals intellegence from dying heroes in 900 AOE. Can steal intellegence outside of AOE if it kills the unit. During mid-late game you can toogle it to auto cast because you will have sufficient mana regen till then.
Damage dealt increases by 15% every level

 Last Word
Targets an enemy unit placing a debuff on it. While the debuff is active, casting any spell causes the target to become silenced and take damage. If the duration of the debuff runs out without the target casting a spell, it will still take damage and be silenced but also be disarmed.
  • You have basic vision over the Last Word target while the initial debuff is on it.
  • Last Word does not trigger on item use.
  • Channeling skills will activate this even if they are canceled.
  • The silence happens at the end of the spell casting and will not interrupt channeling spells.
  • Cannot be purged
  • Bonus damage increased by 20 per level
It can be used against both, Spellcasters and Autoattackers. Silence would fail spellcasters and disarm would fail autoattackers. 

 Global Silence
Silencer stops all sound, preventing enemy heroes and units on the map from casting spells.
  • This ability works on invisible units.
  • Silence works on magic immune units.
  • If affected unit becomes magic immune the debuff is removed.
  • Can be purged.
If used properly, can save allies, kill enemies and can turn the tide of the battle. Not easy to be timed right. Has high cooldown so use properly

Skill Build

Lane Control
  • Level 1: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 2: Last Word
  • Level 3: Last Word
  • Level 4: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 5: Last Word
  • Level 6: Global Silence
  • Level 7: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 8: Last Word
  • Level 9: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 10: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 11: Global Silence
  • Level 12: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 13: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 14: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 15: Stats
  • Level 16: Global Silence
  • CoTs can replace the initial Last Words against heroes with spells with high mana cost/mana problems. CoTs a Pudge game and you wont be hooked and dismembered at level 6.
  • Take Last Word against Spell Spammers or physical attack based heroes like SF
  • Level 1: Last Word
  • Level 2: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 3: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 4: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 5: Last Word
  • Level 6: Global Silence
  • Level 7: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 8: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 9: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 10: Last Word
  • Level 11: Global Silence
  • Level 12: Last Word
  • Level 13: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 14: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 15: Stats
  • Level 16: Global Silence
  • Level 1: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 2: Last Word
  • Level 3: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 4: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 5: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 6: Global Silence
  • Level 7: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 8: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 9: Last Word
  • Level 10: Last Word
  • Level 11: Global Silence
  • Level 12: Stats
  • Level 13: Last Word
  • Level 14: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 15: Curse of the Silent
  • Level 16: Global Silence
Rombo Nortrom
  • Level 1: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 2: Last Word
  • Level 3: Last Word
  • Level 4: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 5: Last Word
  • Level 6: Global Silence
  • Level 7: Last Word
  • Level 8: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 9: Glaves of Wisdom
  • Level 10: Stats
  • Level 11: Global Silence
  • Level 12-15: Stats
  • Level 16: Global Silence
  • Level 17-21: Stats
  • Level 21-25: Curse of the Silent

Item Build



 Magic Wand isn’t only the so obvious to be bought, in fact it provides a low HP bonus and mana burst regeneration that seem trivial, but that will help a lot. Statistics never go wrong. If you can’t afford it, a Magic Stick is a must.

 Tranquil boots provide survibility early game for just 975 gold. Upgrade them later to Power Treands or directly into Boots of Travel.

 Kelen's Dagger provide a better escape mechanism than force staff at the cost of regen and active- Force. Its you choice.

 Null Talisman is obvious upgrade to Mantle and Circlet. Chane it to dagon as soon as possible because dagon loses effectiveness as time passes

 Power Treads are the best boots for Silencer. Get them just before heading for Luxury (After farming up Blink). They have many useful features. In strength mode they provide 152 HP. In agility mode they offer AS. In intelligence mode they provide 104 mana points and 8 extra damage and add damage to your glaves of wisdom.

 Jangoo should replace Null Talisman when you have gold because you are not buying a Dagon for this build. This build benifits from attack speed and damage.

 Didnot add it at first because i thought that it went out of play. Atos suits this build very well. 60% slow for 4 seconds and the huge stat bonus is useful to silencer.


 You are going to be focus of teamfight if you go according to this build because of your immense damage output. BKB provides strength and magic immunity for better survibility.

 Skadi is a great orb for Silencer and gives huge boost to HP and MP.

 Which DPS hero does not like this item. +10 armor adds to your tankiness. Allies benifit from the your armor auras and attack speed aura. The raw stats allow you to land extra hits with your orb effect.

 Evasion and agility are just a blessing for every hero.

 Tank it up.

 Best boots avaliable for carry style Silencer. Enemy cannot escape and you can make trips between fountain and lane.

 Where basher is not a good choice for stunning, MKB replaces it with true strike and mini bashes to cancel TP and channeling spells.


 An extra disable is always good. Syncs with your spells too.

 Not another disable. Should be gotten if you fail to buy a Guinsoo. Cheap alternative.

 Mekansm can be bought if you have some spare gold. It wont hurt a carry's ego to buy a mekansm. Instead of trash talking when supports fail to get it, just buy it. Silencer is so fluid hero that he can play every role effectively.

 Get a BKB if you are against a Nuker or Mana Drainer.

  • Quite self Explanatory. Ethereal does not suite this build because late game you will be focusing on right click auto attack with glaves instead of manually casting them because of your high attack speed. Ethereal will not allow you to do that.


Early game

Take the mid lane if possible else move to long lane. There are two main things to know, namely to control creeps, which is essential for the lane management, and to last-hit and deny. Creep control is about to lure creeps under your tower using their scripted AI. This will screw the enemies’ farming, since they won’t be able to last-hit effectively. Harass with your spells. Silencer has no mana issues.

Depending on the heroes you face and their playstyle, you have to two choices, either start ganking or stay in lane till you finish your core items in a passive or a pushing manner. The passive way is used to stay in the so-called “experience range”, protected from any kind of attack. You’re supposed to wait until the creepwawe reaches its safety zone (the tower), where you’ll be able to farm. Concentrate on last-hits and deny. As long as no creep can be last-hitted, attack your own creeps under half HP to draw the lane towards your tower.

Help your ally if possible. Silencer has influence enough if he is not present nearby. Perfectly casted Global Silence can score your team many kills.

Mid game

If an enemy is farming on your lane, call for a gank or move to another one. Get kills based on your priority and importance in the team. Donot steal kills from a hard carry like Spectre or Shadowfiend.

Late game

The most basic method to assist in team fights (if you are newbie and cannot use Global Silence properly) is to cast ulti just before initiation and then Curse the area. Last word any physical attack dependent hero like Ursa, Sven CK, DK, Drow, etc.

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