EZALOR GUIDE (by Dark Rogue)

  • Tittle: Walk into the light
  • Author: Dark Rogue
Ezalor Dota


Channels a ball of positive energy, letting it build up 100 damage per second. When released, it damages all enemies in a line. The distance also improves with channeling time.
  • Level 1 - Can be channeled for 2 seconds, maximum range is 500.
  • Level 2 - Can be channeled for 3 seconds, maximum range is 600.
  • Level 3 - Can be channeled for 4 seconds, maximum range is 700.
  • Level 4 - Can be channeled for 5 seconds, maximum range is 800.
  • Casting Range is 230.
  • Channelling Time is 1-5 seconds.
  • Projectile Distance is 1600.
  • Damage Type is magical.
  • Affects mechanical units.
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 150
This is by far the best non-ultimate pushing skill in the game. Though the damage/casting time ratio is somewhat low, at higher levels, Illuminate can single-handedly clear an entire creep wave. And not only does it dominate lanes at all times, but the Energy Globe created during the channelling sheds light onto nearby fog of war, granting immense (and unobstructed) vision. What's more, you can use it to massively farm creeps in the jungle - due to its large range, once you hit the creeps, they will not attack you, provided you are out of their acquisition range. The Energy Globe is the actual 'caster' of the spell, hence why the shockwave is shot from the globe, and not the Keeper. As of 6.55, the Globe will almost always spawn directly in front of the Keeper, with a few exceptions which will be mentioned later.

 Mana Leak
Weakens the bond between the physical and magical essences of an enemy. The magical and physical essences will be divided if the target moves, causing the enemy to lose some of their mana. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be paralyzed while the bond is repaired.
  • Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds, drains 3.5% of max mana per 100 units and stuns for 1.25 seconds.
  • Level 2 - Lasts 6 seconds, drains 4% of max mana per 100 units and stuns for 1.5 seconds.
  • Level 3 - Lasts 7 seconds, drains 4.5% of max mana per 100 units and stuns for 1.75 seconds.
  • Level 4 - Lasts 8 seconds, drains 5% of max mana per 100 units and stuns for 2 seconds.
  • Duration is 4/5/6/7 seconds [debuff]; 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s) [stun].
  • Casting Range is 550/700/850/1000.
  • Is blocked by Linken's Sphere, and can be removed through purge.
  • Can be used on units without mana.
  • Cooldown: 18 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 75
A great skill, that heavily disrupts an enemy heroes' mana pool, granting Ezalor even more lane control. That's what Mana Leak was before its stun was removed. Now, it does a fairly good job at keeping heroes immobile (at least for a few seconds), but fails at disabling them as it once did. The 60% slow for a measly 2 seconds can often be overlooked, though I suppose it does a good job a lot of the time. Keeper of the Light users - rejoice! Mana Leak is once again viable with the return of his stun. Now, it grants a very potent disable, both draining mana and stunning for a fairly decent duration, and is an extremely powerful tool for taking out casters in battles (this goes particularly for those who constantly need to stay mobile)

 Chakra Magic
Channels chakras through a friendly unit, creating a surge of mana.
  • Level 1 - Restores 75 mana.
  • Level 2 - Restores 150 mana.
  • Level 3 - Restores 225 mana.
  • Level 4 - Restores 300 mana.
  • Casting Range is 900.
  • Can be cast on self.
  • Cooldown: 19/18/17/16 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 40/55/70/85
Chakra Magic is an extremely potent support spell. Quite possibly one of the best currently in the game. Though during the early-levels, the mana regeneration is somewhat weak, it is very powerful later, as most spells' mana cost scales at small intervals. Do note, however, that casting it on yourself will not grant you the total amount as it has a manacost. In other words, casting it on yourself grants 30/95/155/215 mana. 

 Spirit Form
Ezalor turns his body luminescent temporarily. His mastery of light becomes so powerful that he can freely cast Illuminate without channeling, cast a brilliant light that blinds foes, and teleport allies from anywhere to his side at light speed.
  • Duration is 40 seconds
  • Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 100
Spirit Form is a highly underused ultimate. In most games, people never utilize it to its fullest potential. It allows Illuminate to be cast with no channelling time (though it still has to charge to build up power), and grants two new abilities: Blinding Light and Recall, both of which will be discussed onwards. At level 3, you can use it practically all the time, and don't need to worry about its mana cost due to Chakra Magic.

_____  Recall
Target an allied hero. Teleports that hero to your location. If the target takes player based damage during this period, this ability is interrupted.
  • Level 1 - 5 second delay.
  • Level 2 - 4 second delay.
  • Level 3 - 3 second delay.
  • Cast Range is global.
  • Can be targeted on the minimap.
  • Cooldown: 40 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 100
Very underused, and very rarely used to its full potential. Not only is Recall a great spell for saving thy ally, but it is also great for setting up ganks. Oh, and if you haven't understood, it teleports an allied hero next to the Keeper. The allied hero must not take damage from an enemy player or the spell will be disabled. Scourge and Sentinel damage do not count as player damage. The spell will go into cooldown, even if the target isn't recalled.

_____  Blinding Light
Blind nearby units, causing them to miss 80% of the time.
  • Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds.
  • Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds.
  • Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds.
  • Cast Range is 900.
  • Area of Effect is 675.
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 50
Upon casting, after a small delay, causes a 250 knockback over a period of .4 seconds, and applies a debuff on enemies, causing them to miss on 80% of their attacks. Blinding Light does not interrupt channeling spells.

Generally, there are two ways to play Ezalor: as support, or as a pusher. Alternatively, you may choose to play him as a disabler (through Mana Leak and Blinding Light).

The Supporter Build
The supporter build should be used when you have enough pushers and gankers, and you need more support on your team, rather than Lane Control. If you don't like supporting your team, and would rather have global lane control, than I recommend using the Lane Control build (see below).
  • Level 1 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 2 - Mana Leak
  • Level 3 - Illuminate
  • Level 4 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 5 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 6 - Spirit Form or Mana Leak
  • Level 7 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 8 - Illuminate
  • Level 9 - Illuminate
  • Level 10 - Mana Leak or Spirit Form
  • Level 11 - Spirit Form
  • Level 12 - Mana Leak
  • Level 13 - Illuminate
  • Level 14 - Mana Leak
  • Level 15 - Attribute Bonus
  • Level 16 - Spirit Form
  • Levels 17-25 - Attribute Bonus
  • One level of Illuminate is taken early for extra lane control. Chakra Magic is a no-brainer later on, and Mana Leak is gotten for more ganking power, but can be used as a defense mechanism. Spirit Form can be delayed in favour of Mana Leak, though I personally don't recommend it.
The Lane Control Build
The Pusher build should be used when your team doesn't have too many lane controllers, yet a decent number of supporters. It is based on Illuminate and Chakra Magic, and should be used in solo or duel lanes (but hardly ever in tri-lanes). If you prefer Supporting, then I recommend looking at the Supporter Build (above). I recommend using the Supporter Build over this one.
  • Level 1 - Illuminate
  • Level 2 - Mana Leak
  • Level 3 - Illuminate
  • Level 4 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 5 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 6 - Spirit Form or Illuminate
  • Level 7 - Illuminate or Spirit Form
  • Level 8 - Illuminate
  • Level 9 - Mana Leak or Chakra Magic
  • Level 10 - Chakra Magic
  • Level 11 - Spirit Form
  • Level 12 - Chakra Magic or Mana Leak
  • Level 13 - Mana Leak
  • Level 14 - Mana Leak
  • Level 15 - Attribute Bonus
  • Level 16 - Spirit Form
  • Levels 17-25 - Attribute Bonus
  • Illuminate is maxed out with Chakra Magic to push lanes, and to keep your own
  • mana pool balanced (kinda' selfish, but not many people will mind). Mana Leak is taken early in case you need to countergank, and also to dominate the lane by forcing enemies back. Spirit Form can be delayed a level or two, but I recommend getting it if you're constantly switching lanes (which isn't a bad idea).

Item Build
Currently, in my opinion, there is only one viable item build for Keeper, no matter what skill build you chose. As on most heroes, you must start off with stat items. 

  • I like Bracers, since they give you the Strength you need to stay in a lane. Get a Mantle for the mana boost, and a Magic Stick, since you'll want to get as much Mana and Health regenerated as possible, and the Magic Stick enables you to do so. A courier is also recommended, though you can do without it (see Miscellaneous items).
  • You keep the two Bracers. However, you do get your handy Boots of Speed, which you will require, since Keeper requires a high level of mobility, for someone as fragile as he is. Perservance is got for the superb regeneration it gives, and finally, you'll need Mekansm for the Area of Effect Heal, plus the great armor support. Ultimately, Mystic Staff will be bought for a later-formed Scythe of Vyse. Personally, I recommend keeping Magic Stick, but if that's not working for you, then just sell it and buy a Mystic Staff. You have to learn to adapt to the situation. In case you already have one or two heroes that need on your team, I recommend getting Staff of Wizardry instead of Mystic Staff (for a Necronomicon).
 /  or 
  • You'll need to keep your mana and Hit Points balanced, since no one likes a feeding support hero. That's why I recommend getting Guinsoo's Scythe, so that you can get yourself out of tough situations, and can be a great setup for Illuminate. Naturally, Boots of Travel is a good choice, and your allies won't need to get them since you could Recall them. Once again, if you have enough Guinsoo-wielders on your team, I recommend getting Necronomicon but you should take it over Guinsoo in case of invisibility or whatever.
Luxury Items

 Linken's Sphere is great for when your enemies have some good disablers. Plus it has some nice regenerating effects, and serves as a Perseverance upgrade. 

 Eul's Scepter of Divinity is also nice, since it is a perfect setup for Illuminate. You can also Recall your teammates while your target is in a tornado. 

 Force Staff is my personal favourite of the lot. It has an obvious synergy with Mana Leak, but also helps Illuminate placements, and can save you a bunch of times, especially combined with Blinding Light.

 Shiva's Guard - once again, I have to mention the great stats, and the Arctic Blast spell. And, once again - very nice setup for Illuminate. And, hell, maybe even Mana Leak.

Miscellaneous Items

 Couriers are essential for every successful game, and I highly recommend you purchase one. Whether you need a ground one or a flying one is up to you, though I'd recommend spending another 200 for a flying one. Plus, it gives a nice unobstructed area of vision, which can help set up ganks.

 Wards provide you with incredible vision of the map, which is very useful for escaping ganks and planning them. What's more, they ease the rune control for your team, and may sometimes help you decide which ally to recall.

 Bottle is a nice solution to any health related problems you may be having, though I'd recommend a Ring of Health, since it's much cheaper, and provides a long-term solution. However, if you're planning on rune-control, by all means, take a Bottle.

 Smoke of Deceit - I'm still learning how to use this item to its fullest, but it's very useful, and Keeper, being the support, ought to be the one carrying it, as he doesn't need the inventory slots as much as other heroes do.

Situational Items

Rejected Items

Recall is one of Keeper's most potent and useful spells, so utilizing it to its fullest potential is extremely important if you wish to play Ezalor well.

In clashes

When both teams clash, there has to be one that defeats the other. If the other team outnumbers you, you are to summon any absent hero that may turn the tides of battle. This obviously means that you'll need to draw the attention of the enemies away from you, as they'll attempt to slay you before the Recall is complete (after all, a ~4 second delay isn't exactly short).

Lane Jumping

Much like the infamous Tinker strategy, the Keeper of the Light's team can easily push several lanes in no time. After crushing the enemies' tower in one lane, Keeper can teleport to another lane using his boots of travel, and then Recall any ally that would be helpful in the push.

Rescuing allies

Although I'd recommend that your teammates carry a scroll of teleportation at all times, it may be useful for you to recall them when in need. However, unlike scroll of teleportation, Recall is a bit more sensitive to damage, and any damage received will cancel it (not just a stun). So, it is best used when the hero has gone out of the enemies' range, or has stunned them so that they can't interrupt the teleport.


There are quite a few things to remember when playing Ezalor. First and most important - you need good allies. Ezalor is nothing without good allies, since his three strengths are pushing, supporting and massive disabling. He doesn't deal a lot of damage, nor is he strong enough to survive a gank, which is why you need good tactics to get kills. So, first of all, you should know that Ezalor must never, ever fight solo. Hear me again - ever. So, there are things you should know other than timing your Illuminate discharge, or timing Mana Leak. You should expect a lot of demands from your allies - Recall, Mana Restoration, Disables, and Illuminating. I'm assuming

you've read how to use all of Ezalor's skills properly, so I'm not going to bother you with it again. In short: listen to your allies' demands, never solo, stay in a duel lane, keep your mana balanced for spellcasting, and keep your spells ready for casting; Also, if I haven't told you so, Ezalor is a hybrid hero. He can be one of three things: Disabler, Pusher and Supporter (as can be the builds). You can also mix-and-match, but it is very hard to keep your mana balanced with casting 3 spells, as well as keeping the efficiency balanced. Those are the basics. On to Team Clashes. 

Team clashes
When team clashes occur, it's up to you to play an important AoE role for the team. To make things easier, I've organised everything into a few steps:
  • Step 1: Enter Spirit Form - It's quite important to enter Spirit Form, since it adds 2 new abilities to your arsenal, as well as improving Illuminate.
  • Step 2: Recall the Strongest Missing Player - Put simply, it is crucial to summon the strongest missing allied player into a team battle. The heroes have the following priority (for you to summon): AoE disabler -> Carry -> Caster DPS -> Summoner -> Tank -> Physical DPS. Of course, exceptions to this rule exist (i.e. if your Enigma is terribly underleveled (and without and ultimate) and your Priestess of the Moon is much more powerful)
  • Step 3: Illuminate - After most/all allied heroes are present, cast Illuminate (while in Spirit Form - yes, it's very important). Make sure it's aimed at most of the enemy team, because you want to save your Blinding Light, instead of using it to help with something which isn't that difficult.
  • Step 4: Chakra Magic and Mana Leak - After Illuminate has been cast (no, not launched, but cast) refill your best caster's mana (which means not your own, unless you desperately need it), and cast Mana Leak on the enemy team's primary caster. In some cases, you may want to use it on someone attempting to run from battle.
  • Step 5: Blinding Light - As soon as you've cast Mana Leak on your enemies' primary caster, use Blinding Light. Not only will it cause the DPS heroes to miss on their attacks, but it will leak away the caster's mana. If an enemy hero is low on HP and high on mana, and this would only push him away from the team, then don't cast it, or at least try not to hit the hero with it.
  • Step 6: Necronomicon and Mekansm - Next, summon your Necronomicon minions (assuming you've already gotten Necronomicon), and burn the Mana Leaked unit's mana. This will heavily cripple its spellcasting and possibly activate the slow. When they get on low HP, move your warrior further away from you, and the archer closer, and heal only the archer (because you want Last Will to activate). If some allied hero is on low health you will want to use Mekansm earlier to save them.
  • Step 7: Finish off any nearly-dead heroes - Assuming you won the battle, chase down any fleeing enemy heroes (Mana Leak helps a lot here) and hunt them down.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com