• Tittle: Basic Slithice Guide
  • Author: ScarPe
Naga Siren Dota

  • Fast base Movespeed
  • Long semi-disable (one of the best)
  • Ultimate very strong (escape or help engage)
  • Free scout with illusions
  • Good stats (overall)
  • Strong pusher
  • Wins nearly every 1on1 
  • Relatively low hp (agility hero)
  • AoE nukes kill images very fast
  • Melee hero

The Skills

 Mirror Image
Confuses the enemy by summoning copies of Slithice, which can deal damage. Images take triple damage (300%). Lasts 30 sec and has 40 sec cooldown.
  • Level 1 - 1 illusion(s) with 15% damage (70 mana)
  • Level 2 - 2 illusion(s) with 30% damage (80 mana)
  • Level 3 - 3 illusion(s) with 30% damage (90 mana)
  • Level 4 - 3 illusion(s) with 45% damage (100 mana)
  • Our illusions are what makes us a very dangerous girl.
  • During the casting, Slithice is invulnerable. This can be used to avoid spell and attack damage.
  • Upon cast most effects will be removed from Slithice.
  • If Slithice is targeted with an attack or skill before the attacker is in range and she uses Mirror Image the attacker will hit the real Slithice.
  • Naga Siren and illusions all have 8 collision size.
  • Important: Read Mechanics -> Illusions to get some informations about what items work on illusions.
Entraps an enemy unit in a net, rendering the unit unable to move. 14 seconds cooldown.
  • Level 1 - 2 seconds (75 Mana)
  • Level 2 - 3 seconds (85 Mana)
  • Level 3 - 4 seconds (95 Mana)
  • Level 4 - 5 seconds (105 Mana)
  • Great skill in every gamestate, in best case we will have 5 seconds free hits with hero and 3 illusions
  • Works on magic immune units.
  • Interrupts channeling spells.
  • A few spells, including Blink, will also be disabled when Ensnared.
  • Ensnare sets the movement speed of the affected unit to zero.
  • Ensnare dispells non-combat consumables.
Additional Ensnare Information:
  • Linkens Neglects Ensnare
  • If Ensnares Hero uses Dagger, Blink or i.e. Waveform they 
  • will be ensnared the rest of the duration at the new spot.
  • Pugnas Decrepify and Abbadons Aphotic Shield and Burrowed time
  • remove Ensnare
 Rip Tide
Calls upon the power of the seas, creating an enchanted wave that deals damage and degrades enemy unit's armor for 8 seconds.
  • Level 1. Mana 80 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 8 seconds / 130 damage, -2 armor
  • Level 2. Mana 90 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 8 seconds / 160 damage, -3 armor
  • Level 3. Mana 100 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 8 seconds / 190 damage, -4 armor
  • Level 4. Mana 110 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 8 seconds / 220 damage, -5 armor
  • Damage type: magical
  • Will affect enemies around Naga and her illusions.
  • An enemy in multiple AoEs will only get hit once by Rip Tide.
 Song of the Siren
Slithice sings a tempting song. Enemy units near her are put to sleep. 200 mana, 120seconds cooldown.
  • Level 1 1000 AoE - 6 seconds
  • Level 2 1500 AoE - 7 seconds
  • Level 3 2000 AoE - 8 seconds
  • Great ultimate, weather to save ourself/mates or initiate teambattle (if your team needs like 6 more seconds to get in position)
  • Gives vision around all affected units.
  • Does not work on invisible units.
  • Sleeping units are invulnerable until the end of the spell. 

Skill Build
  • 1. Ensnare
  • 2. Mirror Image
  • 3. Ensnare
  • 4. Mirror Image
  • 5. Ensnare
  • 6. Song of the Siren
  • 7. Ensnare
  • 8. Mirror Image
  • 9. Mirror Image
  • 10. Rip Tide
  • 11. Song of the Siren
  • 12. Rip Tide
  • 13. Rip Tide
  • 14. Rip Tide
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Song of the Siren
  • 17 - 25. Stats
  • We will get ensnare first in order to prevent early ganks, followed by mirror image to deal more damage if our team ganks, remove/avoid most poisons/stuns and as one of the best reasons the scouting. 
  • Our ultimate will help us to prevent ganks on our team, whatever some people prefer to get it at level 9 but we dont want to get ganked.
  • This has several reasons like images only benefit from extra damage/attackspeed gained by stats/agility and more hp/mana which are barely needed since we are only a little fragile sea girl.

Item Build

Starting Items:
  • Not that common, but we will barely need reg/hp.
  • I have chosen 2 circlets, because we will get wraith bands anyways.

Go on with 

Complete  Power Treads

So our itemcore will be:

Situational starting items:

 Magic Stick /  Magic Wand: They are definetly an option if you have heros on your lane that spam their spells, according to what we need - stats - we should upgrade Magic Strick to Magic Wand.

Note: They can be usefull too if you jungle, because some creeps use spells, especially if you are there with your illusions. This also adds charges to the items.

 Poor Mans Shield: Poor mans shield is an option if you have a really hard lane.
(But always remember: block does not work on illusions.)

After we have completed our itemcore, the little sea girl learned how to survive and we can get serious stuff.

(level 1, upgrade only if charges are used)

 into  in addition with  into 

We should have it like this:

 Quelling Blade? Quelling blade is gread for farming and illusions also benefit from the damageboost against creeps. Must have for Slithice. (does not work with lifeleach)

 Why Power Treads instead of Phase Boots? PT is all we need, since all we want are stats to take fully advantage of our Mirror Image spell. Phase Boots may have higer movement speed and an active chase ability, but the other stats (+damage and +amor) are just crappy on an agility hero that uses images to deal tons of damage. (further explainations in the mechanics section)

 3 Wraithband, why dont u go Diffusal directly? As an agility hero we have very low hit points. Wraith Bands are the cheapest and for our hero most effective tier 1 item, that provides us with all we want (hp, damage) via stats.

 Diffusal Blade: Purge ability which is very usefull for chasing an enemy.
  • Diffusal has one of the rare orb effects which even work with our images, which means that every hit wether from you or your images will burn the opponents mana and deal additional damage on every hit, damage type of orb is physical. (mathcraft incoming: you + 3 images = 4x20(36) = 80(144) damage. if all 4 hit once, remember its only the damage from the orb effect.)
  • Nice Stats (agility is exactly what we want to push our images damage output)
  • -> all in all, diffusal is the best item we can imagine with Slithice
 Manta Style: Provides us with good stats (damage, movespeed, hp) and an active ability that is equal to our level 3 Mirror Image spell, which means that we will permanently have images around. Higher damage is the result.

Luxury Items:
We basically have all we want now, and every further item will mainly strengthen the main Slithice.(except hp items)

 Butterfly: Decent item with good agility gain aswell as higher damage for you and your images.
(remember that illusions dont benefit from +IAS and +raw damage)

 Heart of Terrasque: Best item to get survivability via hp gain. Expensive but solid.

 Linkens Sphere: Linkens Sphere with good stats and nice survivability against single target spells like stun/doom.

Items to avoid:

 Battle Fury
  • BF is just crap on this hero.
  • Remember that we want to strengthen our main hero AND our images.
  • While raw +dmg wont work on illusions and cleave dosent work too
  • This item combines everything we do NOT want.

 Crystalis /  Buriza: We already have critical strike, and again +raw dmg is no option.


Picking Slithice:
You dont want to pick Slithice if there is more than one hero with decent AoE nuke in the game, because they will destroy your images with just one or two spells.

Choosing the lane and the lanepartner:
  • The Siren is a little fragile girl, so we dont want to be solo.
  • Chose wether top or bottom lane, but also prefer top for scourge and bot for sentinel. Its just that the tower will help us staying alive against 2 nukers in earlygame.
  • As we already have one of the strongest ingame disables we fit with nearly every other hero. Whatever - another disable/slow will surely grant us early game kills. 
The Earlygame (1-7):
  • Get your starting items...
  • Get on your lane...
  • ... and try to farm.
  • If you have a pair of disablers just hug tower and get a creep now and then.
  • Use your spells offensively and defensively, like initiating/deny a gank with net
  • or scouting your woods if opponents team has misses.
  • (also try to net your enemy while he has towerfocus)
  • Once u hit level 6, and have your ultimate, it will grant you another big portion of survivability for you and your team.
  • Dont be shy to use it, there is no waste of your ultimate if it helps you to stay alive in critical situations.
Note: that you are capable of jungling too, since your mirror image has relatively low mana cost, use your images to block.

(in this case you may chance skillbuild in illusions first with level 1 critical strike and ensnare then, or just illusions first and ensnare second.)

The Midgame (8-14):
  • Start carrying TP scrolls to either get say from a gank,
  • (Ultimate -> tp will save you for nearly 100%) or teleport
  • to other lanes/team mates and gank the other team,
  • remember that a well timed teleport of yourself will cause a very
  • critical situation for your opponents because of your 5 seconds disable.
  • But do not let your farm get too low.
  • At this point of the game we are finishing our Diffusal, which greatly increases our damage output, while purging the enemy stops them from runnay away (in addition to Ensnare.
  • They will never get away.
  • (if you have a warlock in your game: use your diffusal to neglect his ultimate) 
Overall your role in Midgame: Gank or farm while always watching the minimap to be able to help your team with a "save song".

The Lategame (15-25):
  • At this state of the game, you should not go out alone too far, because teamganks are coming up.
  • Well we can use our ultimate to save ourselves but in lategame i reccomend to use your ultimate in teamsituations.
  • Stick with your team and gank, or 1 on 1 gank someone if you have warded their woods, there arent many heros that can match with you in 1 on 1.
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