- Tittle: Supernova in Your Face
- Author: Luffydude
- High base damage
- Really high Str gain
- Very versatile
- Nice range
- One of the best escape/chase mechanisms
- One of the best Area of Effect heal, which is also a nuke
- Cool flashy animations
- It can be very fun and addicting to play him
- 0 base armor and 4 at level 25
- Low base Agi and Agi gain
- Low Movement Speed
- High cooldowns
- Spells also cost Hp
- Phoenix’s attribute and skill set allows him to play many roles. In the beginning, with his high base damage and his Fire Spirits, he excels at dominating the lane by getting easy last-hits/denies AND him or his lane partner won’t need to return to fountain, which can either make him a good farmed Semi-Carry for mid and late game, or a Babysitter if he is paired with a hard Carry.
- He can be a good Ganker because he can deal good burst damage and his skills allow him to chase and finish off fleeing enemies and he can also Support nicely by healing when necessary.
- His Fire Spirits can kill the whole wave of enemy creeps while healing your own creeps at the same time which makes him a good Pusher.
- With his high Hp, he can even become a good Tank with two lifes (or even three with refresher!) if his armor problem is fixed.
- His versatility however has limits and as such he won't be a good Roamer, he is no Hardcore Carry and he definitely is no Jungler.
Skill Usage

Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage over time and slowing any units he comes into contact with for 4 seconds, and then orbiting back to his original position. If during the 2 second duration of this spell Phoenix casts Supernova, the dive ends. Costs 15% of current HP to cast.
- 1. Cooldown 361 / Duration 4 seconds (slow) / 2 seconds (travel) / Deals 10 damage per second for the duration
- 2. Cooldown 361 / Duration 4 seconds (slow) / 2 seconds (travel) / Deals 30 damage per second for the duration
- 3. Cooldown 361 / Duration 4 seconds (slow) / 2 seconds (travel) / Deals 50 damage per second for the duration
- 4. Cooldown 361 / Duration 4 seconds (slow) / 2 seconds (travel) / Deals 70 damage per second for the duration
- The HP cost (15% of your current HP) is direct HP removal.
- 1400 travel distance.
- Dive has a range of 1400 which is even greater than dagger, it can be used over obstacles and it can be cancelled when at the maximum range for better escaping.
- In the beginning it is mostly used for chasing and escaping, but you can also save allies with this skill by disarming your enemies.
- You can also use it to set up your Fire Spirits, and you will need to use it frequently right before Supernova.
- If you have good reflexes you can use it to avoid getting Dismembered after you get hooked by Pudge.
- Although it takes 10% of your current hp to cast you will need some awareness in using it because of the 30sec cooldown.
- Be aware that if you Dive when affected by some abilities of other heroes, like Ensnare and Pit of Malice, it WILL go on cooldown without doing a damned thing and you are probably screwed, so NEVER use Dive when under such spells. Don't know if Icefrog intended this or not...

Summons 4 fire spirits that circle around you. Each spirit can be launched independently at a targeted AoE. Affected enemy units take damage over time and have their attack speed greatly reduced by 150. Costs 15% of current HP.
- 1. Mana 80 / Cooldown 45 / Duration 4 seconds / 20 dps
- 2. Mana90 / Cooldown 40 / Duration 4 seconds / 40 dps
- 3. Mana100 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 4 seconds / 60 dps
- 4. Mana110 / Cooldown 30 / Duration 4 seconds / 80 dps
- Fire Spirits last 12.5 seconds and grow in size while circling Icarus (cosmetic).
- Damage type: magical
- The HP cost (15% of your current HP) is direct HP removal.
- Fire Spirits don't stack, but refresh duration.
- Can be dispelled.
- This is the skill you will be using most frequently it can be used to heal you or your lane partner and to hurt your enemies for 120/200/280/360.
- It requires good timing to use this skill to its max potential and when used at the right time, it can make you have 400 extra hp for the enemy to chop off, which can turn the tide of a battle.
- When using it you get the sub ability which you should try to use it on the enemy every time you can, it will still heal you and your enemy will hate you for the heavy harassing.
- You can use it to save allies and to kill enemies and you can even cancel Clarities and Salves with it, which further improves your lane dominance.
- Because it takes 10 seconds for the spirits to grow, you can use it at your fountain and teleport to a tower, both your mana and hp will be regenerated while you tp and you've got the spirits fully ready to farm/defend the tower.
- When it's maxed, it does almost the same damage as a level1 Dagon.
- Always activate it before engaging the enemies in battle.
Target Fire Spirits

Target a Fire Spirt towards a location.
- Targets all fire spirits towards a target AoE.
- The spirits will move at 900 ms toward the target.

Drawing from his own inner fire, Icarus expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. The beam damages enemies for a percentage of their life and heals allies for half the amount. Lasts 6 seconds, damage scales up to twice the initial damage. Costs 4% of current HP per second.
- 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown 20 / 15 + 1% of target's max HP dps (Allies are healed for half the amount)
- 2. Mana 100 / Cooldown 20 / 20 + 2% of target's max HP dps (Allies are healed for half the amount)
- 3. Mana 100 / Cooldown 20 / 25 + 3% of target's max HP dps (Allies are healed for half the amount)
- 4. Mana 100 / Cooldown 20 / 30 + 4% of target's max HP dps (Allies are healed for half the amount)
- Damage type : pure
- The HP cost (4% of your current HP) is direct HP removal.
- The maximum distance of the ray is 1300.
- The famous flashy laser. You should use this skill whenever the enemy is out of range. Remember it is a channelled spell, so don’t even use it if you are nearby an enemy that can stun/silence you or you will have lost 25% of your hp for nothing.
- At late game if Icarus did not farm much, this skill will do more damage than the normal attack, that Centaur will take tons of damage if he is focused with this baby (although you should consider if hitting the tank hard is more useful than trying to kill other heroes).
- Since you can target the ground, this spell is really useful to force out that camping Sand King/Lanaya and also to finish off low hp invisible heroes.
- Also if Dive is on cooldown, Sun Ray can be used for escaping by using the sub-ability you can fly over cliffs. It can’t be abused however, because of its cost of 25% of current life points AND it costs 4% of your mana per second, so your mana will go down really fast like Storm’s ROFL (although not as fast).

The Phoenix willingly ends his current life for the chance to be reborn. Transforms into a burning sun that scorches enemies within 1000 range. The sun can be attacked by enemy heroes; if it is destroyed, the Phoenix dies as well. However, if the sun survives for 6 seconds all enemies in range will be stunned and the Phoenix will return to life fully regenerated.
- 1. Mana 200 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 6 / 1.5 seconds * / 60 damage per second, 5 hero attacks required to kill the sun
- 2. Mana 200 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 6 / 2 seconds * / 80 damage per second, 7 hero attacks required to kill the sun
- 3. Mana 200 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 6 / 2.5 seconds * / 100 damage per second, 10 hero attacks required to kill the sun
- (*) Supernova duration / Stun duration
- Damage type : magical
- Only attacks from heroes (Meepo clones included, but not illusions) can damage the sun.
- No ability can affect the sun.
- Phoenix is paused, hidden and invulnerable for the duration of Supernova.
- Ability cooldowns are refreshed if reborn successfully.
This is Icarus’s egg ultimate which is all about timing and precise placement. Although you are a sitting duck during the 6 seconds, it does massive damage in a 1000 radius. It can also be used to instantly activate all 4 Fire Spirits for even more AoE damage. You will be fully regenerated after its use so think of it like a free regeneration rune that also damages opponents. The mindset you need to have to pull this ulti off is how far should you ulti without risking a heavy focus while at the same time not being so much far away that you will do little to no damage. Enemies will feel a lot of pressure while they are suffering from your Supernova and are more prone to mistakes, try to use that to your advantage.
Skill Order
- Level 1. Icarus Dive
- Level 2. Fire Spirits
- Level 3. Fire Spirits
- Level 4. Sun Ray
- Level 5. Fire Spirits
- Level 6. Supernova
- Level 7. Fire Spirits
- Level 8. Icarus Dive
- Level 9. Icarus Dive
- Level 10. Icarus Dive
- Level 11. Supernova
- Level 12. Sun Ray
- Level 13. Sun Ray
- Level 14. Sun Ray
- Level 15. Stats
- Level 16. Supernova
- Levels 17-25 Stats
- Icarus Dive is taken on level 1 for escaping a possible first blood attempt (or to get a first blood). After that, Fire Spirits is the primary nuke and heal during the lane stages.
- At level 4, Sun Ray should definitely be taken to get your 2nd escape mechanism and snipe off fleeing heroes, since it has a huge range and it can hit heroes in the fog. The 6% damage to enemy hp isn't scaled so even with only 1 level of it will do almost half the damage it does on level 4.
- Dive is the 2nd priority since it will allow you to pull off good Supernovas with less risk, plus the extra disarm will increase your team's chances to win teamfights.
- The ultimate Supernova is taken whenever possible.
- Sun Ray is the last skill to max since its pure damage will shine when enemies get more hp, vanguards and armor.
Item Builds
Starting Items
Phoenix is a hero that can dominate a lane well without needing to abuse regeneration items, so this section is really variable but here are the best options.

Considering Icarus’s versatility, there are a lot of builds that can be successful, you can even play as a Hybrid. I will try to cover them all and then discuss other item possibilities, however the only items he really needs are the following:
Core Items

- Yes, this is all Phoenix really needs, Boots, a Teleport scroll and something to boost his damage reduction from 0 to 25% so that he can stop being a chicken and become a mighty falcon by being able to take some physical damage like any normal hero. You should have in mind the extension you will make when buying the armor item.
- Also consider buying
if the other team has some spell spammers.
Boots Choice

Double Supernova Build

That is 250 + 400 + 600 and 2.5 second stun + 250 + 600 and another 2.5 second stun. If you can pull this off it will most likely win EVERY team fight. As a plus, refresher has a really nice buildup that will give you a nice DPS boost and regeneration. The only downside to this strategy is that pipe totally nullifies your damage, altough you still have 2 Dives to use and 7 disarm on the other team which is not to be underestimated.
Ethereal Build

Because of this, you can do a really awesome combo with it. When your Fire Spirits are buzzing use it and Ulti right away (spirits will implode on the spot). Your spirits will do almost 600 dmg and your magic ulti willl also do more damage, and since he is slowed and can’t attack, the enemy will be fried. Plus it will fix your agility problem by increasing your attack speed and also slightly raising your armor. The ethereal blast is really good to anti-carry so you can go for this build to counter heroes like Mortred, Rikimaru or Void.
Radiance Build

If you can get it before the 20minute mark, great! If not, don't waste time farming because this is the moment when Icarus's skills are at their best to kill other heroes.
Later in the game you can also further improve his tankyness and DPS at the same time with the following:

Ganker/Support Items

These next items you shouldn’t be farming, but since you shouldn’t be dieing that much, they will make up for all gold spent.

This item heals almost half than Fire Spirits does, the armor bonus is too low for its price. Ask yourself if you really need an extra heal.
Other Items
DPS Items

- Get these if you have extra gold and the game is lasting too long, you can do some serious damage with them.
- MKB will be be really effective versus enemies like Mortred, Panda, Windrunner and any hero that makes a Butterfly.
- Get Buriza as your 5th/6th item, your high damage will provide some nice crits.
- Butterfly will give you awesome attack speed, some damage, and evasion, which will make you even harder to kill, it's really a viable item incase the other team can dish out lots of damage through normal attacks.
- If you pair up Desolator with Assault and Medallion it will do serious damage. Of course don’t buy it if you took Lifesteal as an orb effect…
- Armlet can be obtained in mid game and it will give you the attack speed you need but it will also hurt you, and you already have 3 skills that do that.
- Get Divine if you are pub-stomping for the lulz
Slow & Tank Items

- These Items will give you a nice boost to your stats, increasing damage output and survival. If you just want to boost survivalness, armor is probably your best option, but these also give you a slow to help you and your allies.
- Halberd is easier to build, and gives you evasion and a useful Disarm. The slow is luck based though.
- Skadi is harder to build, but the stat gain and hitpoint boost is also bigger.
Tank Items

- These items will make Icarus beefier, if you really need it, though I recommend the above items instead of these. Bloodstone will give you great mana regeneration for Sun Ray. HoT will give you the most hp and some damage boost. Vanguard’s damage block won’t improve his survivability much since he is a ranged hero and will delay better items, but also doable, I guess.
Spell Protection Items

- You can get these to allow you to Laser uninterrupted, both will boost your hp but BKB is more reliable vs a stun heavy team while Linkins Sphere can let you Laser for longer times.
Rejected Items

Decide on your role after you pick/random Icarus and after that pick a lane to go. If you want to semi-carry you can either go mid lane or go to a lane with another hero that doesn’t need farm. If there is a hero that needs babysitting you can go with him to safe lane (bottom lane for Sentinel/ top lane for Scourge).
Early Game(Level 1-5):
Whether or not Icarus is solo, the strategy won’t change much, just last-hit/deny as much as possible (of course little to no last-hits when babysitting), and harass the enemy without drawing aggro from the creeps. Remember to make good usage of your Fire Spirits, use it to heal as necessary and to shoot the extra spirits at enemies, remember to cancel clarities and salves with it. At level 3 and 5 your Fire Spirits do enough damage to consider killing that half hp enemy, so when you have your Spirits blinking, if the enemy is distracted walk up to him, or if you are sure you can kill him then Dive in and hit him while keeping him in Spirits range. Avoid towerdiving at all costs because your 0 armor means that tower will kill you with only a few hits, and if you are taking tower fire don’t wait until the last moment to Dive out, that last tower rock WILL chase you even if you are miles away from the tower.
Mid Game(Level 6-16):
When you get your ulti, you should have low mana from getting kills/pushing the lane with the Fire Spirits, pick a good spot, ping your team mates to stun your enemies and Supernova away to full mana /hp or if you think it’s not possible, pick a good spot and just use it to heal yourself. With level 7 Fire Spirits really shine and with Dive you can perfectly position yourself to kill almost any half hp hero, so try and go get some kills at this stage. Remember to heal your allies so they won’t waste time going back to the fountain.
If you are laning for items, you can use Fire Spirits to farm while at the same time healing your creeps so they can push that tower and save Dive to avoid possible ganks.
At level 11 try and get into a teamfight, with maxed Dive and level 2 Supernova, you can just fly over the enemies and ulti in their face, with 3.5 seconds of disarm there is no way they hit you 7 times over 2.5 seconds (except certain heroes that will laugh at you for giving them free gold, more on them later).
Late Game(Level 16+):
At this stage, Fire Spirits will not heal/damage as much, because even heroes like Maiden will have more than 1000hp. Even if you don’t have 0 DPS items, you can still deal good damage by using Sun Ray which in this case will do more damage than your normal attack. Your Dive will shut down the enemy carries like Mortred and Void and will render them helpless for 3.5 seconds. Keep in mind that most heroes will have natural high agility by now, especially farmed carries so be extra careful when using your ulti.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com