- Tittle: Io, in Organized Games
- Author: XeNiM666
- One of the best gankers
- One of the best support heroes
- Has a scouting ability
- Global Teleporting skill
- Skills cost little mana
- Easy to master
- 0 starting armor
- VERY squishy
- Laughable starting damage
- Useless without a good ally
- Auto-banned in -CM games
- When you would like to support
- When you and your carry would like to farm easily
- When you are confident with at least 1 teammate
- When you have many gankers in your team
- When the enemy is full of burst damage spells
- When the enemy ganks better than you
- When you would like to support yourself
- When you have no one to support
- When your allies are epic n00bs
- When you are an epic n00b
- WHEN YOU ARE A MEGA KS'er!!! >.<
Skill Build:
Ganker / Roamer Build:
- Level 1 : Tether / Spirits
- Level 2 : Spirits / Tether / Overcharge
- Level 3 : Tether / Spirits
- Level 4 : Spirits / Overcharge
- Level 5 : Tether / Spirits
- Level 6 : Relocate
- Level 7 : Tether / Spirits
- Level 8 : Spirits / Tether
- Level 9 : Spirits
- Level 10: Overcharge / Tether
- Level 11: Relocate
- Level 12: Overcharge / Tether
- Level 13: Overcharge / Tether
- Level 14: Overcharge / Stats
- Level 15: Stats
- Level 16: Relocate
- Level 17: Stats
Yes the skill build is a bit messy, but I will explain. After much testing, this has been proven to be the most recommended skill build for Io. Spirits is maxed out early game for that extra damage nuke and the 30% slow. Although harassing with Spirits is a bit of a mana problem. Leveling Spirits at Level 1 is very useful especially when you plan to have an early first blood. At least 1 level of Tether and Overcharge is taken before Level 6. It's up to you whether to max Tether or Overcharge after Spirits. It's a matter of choosing between extra movement speed and stun duration, or increasing the attack speed of an ally. Relocate is taken whenever possible as when you reach Level 6, you should be ganking hard...
NOTE: Roaming with Io is far more difficult than roaming with Vengeful. If you want to roam, you MUST have another roamer with you with either a STUN or a SLOW.
Laner / Support Build:
- Level 1 : Tether
- Level 2 : Overcharge / Spirits
- Level 3 : Tether
- Level 4 : Overcharge / Spirits
- Level 5 : Tether
- Level 6 : Relocate
- Level 7 : Tether / Overcharge
- Level 8 : Overcharge / Tether
- Level 9 : Overcharge
- Level 10: Spirits
- Level 11: Relocate
- Level 12: Stats / Spirits
- Level 13: Stats / Spirits
- Level 14: Stats / Spirits
- Level 15: Stats / Spirits
- Level 16: Relocate
- Level 17: Stats / Spirits
This is another useful skill build for Io, but the only downside to this is that you will gank less often, but stay in your lane and help your carry farm better with Tether and Overcharge. Tether is maxed out first for the extra movement speed and stun duration. Overcharge is maxed out next for the increased attack speed. At least 1 level of Spirits is needed because as a laner, it's only use is to slow and scout when chasing. Relocate is taken whenever possible. Try to gank with your carry when someone on your team will gank an enemy hero, and at least give the kill to your carry.
Item Build:
Starting Items:

Utility Items:

Core Items:

Luxury Items:

Situational Items:

Rejected Items:

Level 1-7:
Choosing your Lane:
Io can play any lane as long as he has someone to support. Never go solo with Io. No support can play alone in a lane, especially Io, which has no soloing/nuking skills whatsoever. If for some reason Io goes mid, then ALWAYS try to ask for a gank. Io can't kill with Tether, Overcharge and 1 level of Spirits.
Io can play his best when he is paired with a carry, preferably with a stun or slow. Give all the last-hits to your ally but try to take some too. You can't rely on 1 gold/sec. All you have to do is deny. If you're lane with an enemy melee hero then do your best to harass him. If your ally decides to kill, then support him. As much as possible, give hero kills to your ally. If, for some reason, you get the kill, then give the creeps to your ally.
Io and Roaming:
Io has the potential to become a Roamer. But unlike other roamers, Io has to have at least Level 1 on both Tether and Overcharge and must have another roamer with him, preferably one with a stun or a super slow. But choosing to roam on such low level will leave you under-leveled a lot. Plus, without you, your carry won't be able to kill with ease early.
Io and Tri-laning:
It is possible to have Io in a tri-lane, provided that 1 of your lane-mate has at least 1 stun or slow. With Spirits, Tether and Overcharge, killing squishy heroes early game will be easy, especially when you have a tri-laning buddy such as Vengeful, Vol'jin or Rylai. Most tri-lanes consist of a carry, buffing them with Overcharge is very deadly, plus with Tether, he can easily escape because of the added movement speed from Tether. But when Io is in a tri-lane, it is most likely that Io will be a target in ganks as Io is very squishy.
Level 8-15:
Mid-game Phase:
This is where ganks and pushes are being done. As a global ganker, you should participate in almost all ganks, while bringing 1 carry along with you, for you to assist and support.

- Before you reach Level 15, you should have all your core items with you. Your Urn has to have at least 3-5 charges left. If you've been a good little orb, the game should end before you even reach Level 16. Continue ganking with your carry, which has at least 1-2 core items, to let him earn some gold for his luxury items.
When ganking, always remember to bring with you a carry. He will make use of the killing/assist gold for his luxury items, and so will you. Also, make sure that you can kill the target enemy in less than 11 seconds or it will be just useless, although you can leave your carry behind for the last hit. When you are done ganking, let your carry farm while Relocate is on cooldown. Always try to be there when your carry farms, give him all the last hits and you just deny. Be aware of the opposing team, they might gank you, slowing your farm a lot. Never farm alone, always have an ally nearby. There's no sense in supporting allies if you have nothing to support with.
Level 16-25:
Late-game Phase:
This is where mass team fights and mass pushes are happening. All of your have your core items and some luxury items at hand so the key to winning late game is pure skill and strategy. You, as a support, must know when and where to use your skills wisely.

- Most games doesn't let you become Level 25. But in the slight chance that the game flows on endlessly, these items are the ones you should look out for. The first luxury item you should buy is Heart of Tarrasque. If you've been a good orb lately, you wouldn't have to buy heart at all, the game should end. But if the game is going good, Guinsoo should be your second luxury item. Your team will need the extra disable from you. The last luxury item is all up to you. Whatever item will do, it depends solely upon the situation.
As a support, you should be always there in team fights, although the enemies will target your first. You shouldn't be afraid to die when you know that you did what you can do to help. In a team fight, you should ALWAYS activate Tether and Overcharge on an ally hero. Now, knowing who to Tether is crucial to your victory in a team fight.

An endless list of hard/semi carries will love you with your bonus move speed and attack speed. Especially for heroes like Mortred, Bara and N'aix because of their big damage outputs. Plus with your power to heal allies, it's almost a guarantee that you will win the team fight. With Relocate, any carry with low life can be transported to the fountain for free healing and return to fight once again.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com