ENIGMA GUIDE (by CyberTech)

  • Tittle: The Art of Sucking
  • Author: CyberTech

  • very good jungling capabilities
  • 2nd highest int gain
  • high str gain
  • high starting armor
  • a very fast farmer
  • very good at ganking early
  • synergy with every AOE spellcasters
  • item independant
  • can out-level and out-farm a solo hero
  • low starting strength
  • has a lot of mana issues
  • very fragile, even with his str gain
  • ultimate has a long cooldown and is channeling
  • very vulnernable to disables
As you can see, he has a lot more pros than cons, but his ultimate has 2 cons, which is enough to make up for his pros.


Focuses Darchrow's hatred on a target, causing it to take damage over time and become repeatedly stunned.
  • 1. Mana 110 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 6 seconds / 25 damage and 0.25 s stun every 2 seconds
  • 2. Mana 130 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 6 seconds / 40 damage and 0.5 s stun every 2 seconds
  • 3. Mana 150 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 6 seconds / 55 damage and 0.75 s stun every 2 seconds
  • 4. Mana 160 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 6 seconds / 70 damage and 1 s stun every 2 seconds
  • Damage type: magical
Your primary ganking/chasing skill. Deals nice damage and allows you, your eldolons, your allies to catch up to your target and eliminate it. This spell prevents your target from tp-ing away for 6 seconds on level 4. Can be used for escaping too. Works best when ambushing someone with eldolons.

 Demonic Conversion
Splits a creep into 3 malevolent aspects of itself, coming under your control.
  • 1. Mana 170 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 35 seconds / Spawns 3 Lesser Eidolons
  • 2. Mana 170 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 35 seconds / Spawns 3 Eidolons
  • 3. Mana 170 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 35 seconds / Spawns 3 Greater Eidolons
  • 4. Mana 170 / Cooldown 35 / Duration 35 seconds / Spawns 3 Dire Eidolons
  • The converted enemy unit will give you gold bounty and experience.
  • Eidolons will multiply when they have attacked 6 times. When this happens their health is restored.
A very powerful jungling/ganking/pushing tool. Even though they're vurnernable to physical attacks, clearing them with spells is really hard. If used properly, they can kill a support hero by themselves, if he's reckless enough and greedy enough not to run away. Eldolons can dish out a huge amount of damage early game. More about their usage shall be explained in the Gameplay section.

 Midnight Pulse
Steeps an area in dark magic, causing all opponents who dare enter to take damage.
  • 1. Mana 95 / Mana 25 / Duration 8 seconds / 3% max life lost per second
  • 2. Mana 110 / Mana 25 / Duration 8 seconds / 4% max life lost per second
  • 3. Mana 115 / Mana 25 / Duration 8 seconds / 5% max life lost per second
  • 4. Mana 140 / Mana 25 / Duration 8 seconds / 6% max life lost per second
  • Damage type: magical
  • Damage goes through magic immunity.
  • Destroys trees in its area.
Very powerful late-game spell. Can only unleash it's true potential if the targets are disabled for a few seconds. Works really well with Black Hole. If Black Hole is in cooldown, you can malefice-midnight pulse combo your opponent. Blink ahead of you opponent to block his way, making him stay in the area of Midnight Pulse, if you can.

 Black Hole
Summons the powers from the darkest abyss, creating a vortex that sucks all nearby enemies closer, dealing damage.
  • 1. Mana 250 / Cooldown 200 / 4 seconds / 30 damage at range, 60 damage close up
  • 2. Mana 350 / Cooldown 190 / 4 seconds / 50 damage at range, 100 damage close up
  • 3. Mana 450 / Cooldown 180 / 4 seconds / 70 damage at range, 140 damage close up
  • Damage type: magical
  • (*) Pull and Silence AoE
  • (**) Far damage AoE
  • (***) Close damage AoE
  • Completely disables all caught enemies.
  • Disable works on magic immune units.
This is Enigma's signature skill. Black Hole is one of the most feared ultimates of all time. With this spell, you can completely disable the whole enemy team if positioned right. When combined with Midnight Pulse, can easily bring down enemy team's hit points to 50%. When using this, try to catch as much enemy heroes as possible. This is the priority of targets:
  • disabler
  • spellcaster
  • supporter
  • carry
  • tank

Skill Build
  • Level 1 Demonic Conversion
  • Level 2 Malefice
  • Level 3 Demonic Conversion
  • Level 4 Malefice
  • Level 5 Demonic Conversion
  • Level 6 Black Hole
  • Level 7 Demonic Conversion
  • Level 8 Malefice
  • Level 9 Malefice
  • Level 10 Midnight Pulse/Stats
  • Level 11 Black Hole
  • Level 12 Midnight Pulse
  • Level 13 Midnight Pulse
  • Level 14 Midnight Pulse
  • Level 15 Stats/Midnight Pulse
  • Level 16 Black Hole
  • Demonic Conversion is taken at level 1,3 so we can go jungling immediately. Malefice is taken at level 2 and 4. On level 5 a lot of players can't decide whether to take Malefice or Demonic Conversion. I personally take Demonic Conversion, since the only difference between level 2 and level 3 Malefice is damage and increased mana, which you don't need, while Greater Eldolons are much stronger compared to Eldolons. I personally max out Eldolons first. Black Hole is taken whenever possible. On level 10 you may take stats if you think that survivability is needed, and midnight pulse can wait. Take Midnight Pulse on level 12-15 if you took stats on level 10.

Item Build


  • ring of basilius allows your Eldolons tank a lot more, while giving you some mana regeneration. It's a bit risky though, as you may lose a lot more mana than you can regenerate.
  • cheap mana regeneration while your Eldolons take damage. Use it right after you have created Eldolons.
  • chick for your team if noone gets it. Allows you to buy some clarities while you farm.
  • an essential item for Enigma. Very cheap mana-regeneration.
  • cheap mana regeneration while your Eldolons take damage. Use it right after you have created Eldolons.
  • probably the best item in competitive games. Give you the ability to counter-gank, but with Enigma's high manacost spells and their long cooldown, only 7+ charges or so ought to do the trick. Good for regenerating HP for a fragile hero like Enigma though. Upgrade to Magic Wand () if needed.
  • best stat-giving item in the game for it's price. Like the description says, wearing one of this ensures a Good Game. Two of theseGreat Game.
  • allows you to endure on a lane if being harassed constantly.
  • cheap mana regeneration while your Eldolons take damage. Use it right after you have created Eldolons.

 I consider this item Enigma's core. Although Enigma doesn't have that much HP, but soul ring allows him to cast one more spell if he needs it. Farming soul ring is not a problem for Enigma, and Soul Ring will give him the opportunity to perma-jungle. Getting this may delay your blink dagger, so you may skip it if you think you can get a dagger in time.

 I reccommend that you get this and keep it, especially if you're going with the pushing strat.

 the most important item for Enigma, no matter what guide, what build, whatever you're reading, this is a MUST. Noone's gonna let you slowly float in and blackhole them to death. Either they kill you, either they run away. Getting this item too early will only increase Enigma's mana issues, so I reccommend you get it after soul ring.

 upgrading boots isn't need imho. If you get power threads, you waste 25% attack speed. Get phase boots, waste damage and phase. If you phase for chasing, you'll have to wait 15 seconds for Malefice, and in that time you're vulnernable to a counter-gank. Phasing for blackhole is not needed: get blink. I leave boots as it is, so I can upgrade it to BoT late game.

 with blink dagger and wards, you can effectively ambush roaming/jungling/stalking opponents. Read this very detailed guide about warding.


 best ensurance for your Black Hole against disablers and stunners. Gives you nice amount of hit points to sustain some physical hits.


 allows you to cast double Black Hole. If placed right, 1 midnight pulse + 2 black holes = enemy team is down to 30% hit points. Adds a lot of mana issues to Enigma.

 best disabling item in the game. Works well for every hero. Solves Enigma's mana issues. Though singletarget.

 armor boost is great for survivability, Slow Aura for anti-carry. Arctic Blast works well with Black Hole, Slowing everyone and dealling moderate damage. Gives a lot of mana.

 very good survival item for any hero. If disabled, allows Enigma to survive long enough to cast Black Hole.

 provides great mobility, allows you to buy-back teleport, if ambushed, to assist your team in defending or clashing. Great for counterpushes or mass-pushing.


 not very good on enigma, since he'll probably be missing a lot of action when jungling. For it's cheap price, might work well as a substitute for Soul Ring. Get this if your team has hardcore gankers, and you can assit them to get some charges for later use.

 get this if you can't afford to buy blink dagger early, or are constantly disabled by Zeus, Spectre.

 works very well when you're going for support Enigma. Farming this will not be a big issue, so if your team is in need of some supporting, don't hesitate and get this.

 buy this if the enemy team has a lot of nukers, AOE spells or initiators. Pipe is not used only to soak up some damage, the huge green effect is also used for mind games. Imagine a huge army with giant green spheres covering half of the screen: this will give you the opportunity to initiate first, while the enemy team is still trying to make the right decision.

 soul ring solves mana problems, and you won't be able to afford energy booster while jungling, since about 9/10 times while jungling you're gonna scrape off the neutral creeps about 400 gold, using every single drop of your mana and 2 claritys that you bought in the beginning, allowing you to buy a sobi mask and a clarity. Soul ring probably does a better job, since you will be using it mainly for creating eldolons or maleficing someone. Although, this newly introduced item might work nice if you're going for a fast push strat.

 take this if the enemy team has ultimate disables like Doom, Primal Roar, Reaper's Scythe etc.

 Black Hole + Necromicon is a very powerful combo. Allows you to chase after invisible heroes, burn some mana while you suck them all. Grants minor survivability.

 probably the most logic-lacking item in the game. Grants you a lot of agility, which you'll be unable to use on ethereal units. Get this item if there's a hardcore carry on the enemy team (especially Sniper).


  • Leave these items for your carry.
 your farming capabilities are already super high. Getting this will only delay your core.

 really high price, only good for kill stealing. Will delay your other items heavily.


Early Game

Time for you to hit the jungle. This will probably the most booring part of the game, since your only friends are going to be eldolons and angry neutral creeps. 

1) Farming in Sentinel jungle:
Go and wait for the rune, protect an ally so he can ward safely. Stand to the right of camp 7, so you can prevent:
  • a) Scourge heroes from pull-blocking and safe-warding
  • b) Sentinel heroes from safe-warding
After 30 seconds have gone by, start farming in spot 10. Then you can proceed to spot 11 or 9 with 6 multiplied Eldolons. In spot 11 your Eldolons will mostly die or expire, so try to focus on the big creep, while leaving the small one for conversion. Spot 9 is the same as spot 11, but you have a wider choice after finishing this camp. It's best if you finish spot 9, move to spot 8, multiply there, and go ambush the bottom lane. With 6 eldolons you're able to dish out a tremendous amounth of physical damage. Combined with your ally's slow, stun or just auto-attack, your malefice, you have 80% of grabbing a kill. 

Repeat that process and you've got yourself a good early game.

2) Farming in Scourge jungle:
Stand to the right of camp 1, a little bit to the left of the rock that blocks sight to the top rune. If you stand there, you prevent:
  • a) Scourge Heroes from safe-warding
  • b) Sentinel heroes from safe-warding and pull-blocking
After 30 seconds, go to camp 3, then go to camp 5. I don't reccommend going to camp 4, since stronger creeps are in camp 5, and you can take them out for more exp with multiplied eldolons. Aim for the big creep, leave the small one for conversion. After you convert the small one, camp 3 should be ready, return to camp 3, and your eldolons will likely expire by now. Go to camp 4, convert, kill, go to camp 2 if noone is pulling, or go to camp 1 if camp 2 is occuppied. In camp 1 convert the small one, kill the big one, wait for them to multiply, ambush the top lane (concidering that they have no wards), grab a kill or two.

Repeat the jungling process.

  • when facing furbolgs and centaurs, try to make eldolons stand separately to avoid Thunder Claps and War Stomps.
  • try to make one eldolon being targeted by only 1 creep. If you disperse damage like that, then by the time all of 3 Eldolons reach low health, they'll multiply.
  • convert the orange/brown Ogre instead of the blue one. Blue one doesn't cast frost armor, so there's no point.
  • when facing the Dark Troll, try to kill the blue one first, so skeletons could be summoned for more exp. Be careful, skeletons can dish out a fair amount of damage.
  • cast demonic conversion on your own Eldolons when facing Mud Golems.
Going solo is another good option for Enigma. When soloing, you can out-farm any other solo laner with your free deny spell, dominate the whole lane and push at the same time.

First thing is to pick a lane. If you're Sentinel, go top, if you're Scourge, go bot. These lanes tend to be safe spots for enemy carries to farm, but as your allied creeps will be close to the enemy tower most of the time, pushing will be very easy.

To completely dominate the lane, use demonic conversion on creeps outside of enemy's exp-gain range (1000) as much as possible.

Solo strategy is very simple, so there's not much to talk about and illustrate here.

Mid Game

You should have your blink dagger by now, and lets assume that you're level 9-10. If your team is turtling, then you shouldn't go for a push, instead, help your teammates in ganking. All you have to do is Blink => Convert ANYTHING => Malefice target => Select eldolons and right click on target => Black Hole.
Remember to use Black Hole whenever you can, even if it's meant to be used to kill a single target or save an ally (not on creeps, no). If you only have semi-carries, take down a tower a two for some gold. Remember that Eldolons can be used on Meaet Wagons or Glaive Throwers too, so whenever you see one, cast one it (the enemy one), for easy gold and a fast push. If you see an ally in need, spawn Eldolons and order them attack the chaing target. In a lot of cases they would just be too busy chaisng your ally, not caring about 43-51 damage Eldolons shooting them, until it's too late.

Late Game

The true moment for Enigma to shine. This is the time where a single Black Hole can decide the outcome of the battle. In this phase, Eldolons lose their usefulness against heroes, but are still powerful for pushes and defending. Malefice's stun is more important now than never, and a single midnight pulse can scare away the whole enemy team. Even without your ultimate, you can still prove your usefulness to your team, by quietly Eldolon + Malefice combo-ing the supporter that stands behind the enemy lines. Midnight Pulse in the middle of the battle and your enemies will have 2 choices:
a) Disperse and get hit while running
b) Continue casting spells/attacking while losing health
Be careful though, timing your blackhole is absolutely crucial. If noone follows up to your Black Hole, you're as good as a sitting duck.

Blink Tips
  • try not to stay behind your team, try going on a parrallel HORIZONTAL line with them.
  • try to stand on hills, cliffs to prevent enemies just rushing in and killing you if they spot you.
  • use wards to assit your blinking if you can. I.e. in pushes, try to place a ward behind the enemy tower, so you can position your blink perfectly.
  • if it's really necessary, use black hole to disable your opponents, allowing your blink dagger to re-enable. You will have 1 or more seconds to dagger away.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com