PUCK GUIDE (by Lapis Lazuli)

  • Tittle: You can't kill me
  • Author: Lapis Lazuli
Puck Dota

  • Has a great escape mechanism
  • One of the most versatile hero in the game
  • Deadly AoE combo
  • Ranged
  • Piss poor stats & stat gain
  • Slow innate ms
  • Squishy
  • Extremely vulnerable to disables (if hit)
  • Missile can sometime annoys you

Hero Skills

Sends a magic orb flying down a straight path damaging everything in its way. At any time during the life of the orb the Faerie Dragon may teleport up to it, taking its place.
  • 1. Mana 150 / Cooldown 12 / Deals 70 damage
  • 2. Mana 150 / Cooldown 12 / Deals 140 damage
  • 3. Mana 150 / Cooldown 12 / Deals 210 damage
  • 4. Mana 150 / Cooldown 12 / Deals 280 damage
  • Damage type: magical
  • The Illusory Orb grants flying vision to the area around it while it travels.
  • Even though it is castable at 3000 range, it will only travel at most 1800.
This skill, by far, is one of the most versatile skill in modern DotA. It can be used to damage, nuke, chase,, escape, mindgame, juke. The only thing that could be asked for more is a disable, but wait, there're still 3 more skills to go. Note that even though 900 ms of the Orb might seem fast, you'll learn that it is actually not and would be rather easy to dodge (if the enemy is competent) by just about 1.5 sec notice. So be sure to not waste this spell since Puck can be a bit mana intensive early game.

  • Shifts into the Illusory Orb
  • This ability is automatically gained when the first level of Illusory Orb is learned.
  • Will dodge projectiles when successfully shifting into the Illusory Orb.
Releases Puck's mystical faerie dust around him dealing damage and silencing enemies.
  • 1.Mana 100 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 0.75 seconds / Deals 70 damage and Silences
  • 2.Mana 110 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 1.5 seconds / Deals 140 damage and Silences
  • 3.Mana 120 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 2.25 seconds / Deals 210 damage and Silences
  • 4.Mana 130 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 3 seconds / Deals 280 damage and Silences
  • Damage type: magical
Generally a great skill, has a good silence, mediocre damage and is somewhat spammable. The 400 AoE is also enough if you know how to position yourself properly, which would be covered at a later part of the guide

Shifts the Faerie Dragon out of existence for a brief period, temporarily avoiding any further damage.
  • 1. Mana 0 / Cooldown 6  / Duration 0.75 seconds / Grant temporary invulnerability
  • 2. Mana 0 / Cooldown 6  / Duration 1.5 seconds / Grant temporary invulnerability
  • 3. Mana 0 / Cooldown 6  / Duration 2.25 seconds / Grant temporary invulnerability
  • 4. Mana 0 / Cooldown 6  / Duration 3.25 seconds / Grant temporary invulnerability
  • Puck retains his collision size while phaseshifted.
This is one of the main reasons why Puck has such shitty stats. This skill is just that good. It actually does allow you to dodge every non-instant spell in the game, given you have the reflexes to do that of course. Now that it doesn't cost ANY mana at all, you can basically spam it during the laning phase and any auto attack could be thrown at you could be easily mitigated (in a solo lane anyway). However, since you can no longer Auto-cast on it, skill and reaction would be more important than ever.

Puck's powerful imagination engulfs an area, creating coils of volatile magic that damages and stuns enemy unit as it latches on to them. Stretching the coils beyond 600 range causes it to snap and deal additional damage and stun time.
  • 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 1.5 seconds (Coil Break) / 100 initial damage, 100 (200*) Coil Break damage, and stun
  • 2. Mana 150 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 2.25 seconds (Coil Break) / 150 initial damage, 150 (250*) Coil Break damage, and stun
  • 3. Mana 200 / Cooldown 85 / Duration 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 3 seconds (Coil Break) / 200 initial damage, 200 (300*) Coil Break damage, and stun
  • Damage type: magical
  • The initial stun and damage can be blocked by Linken's Sphere, but the target will still be affected by the coils themselves.
  • Each coil lasts a maximum time of 6 (8*) seconds before it disappears.
  • Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter (* shows upgraded values).
Simply great. Though it might look small, it is actually enough to trap 3 + enemies inside the Coil since it has a dictated targettable AoE, unlike her other skills. What si the point of this skill? Trap enemies inside a confined space for a duration, let your and your allies' AoE rape them to shreds. A picture below tells you the range which the coil itself would break. 

Skill Build

Now you are either confused of the skill build (since literally all of Puck's skills are so awesome) or you already decided. If the latter then just skip this. If it's the former, then continue reading for a bit of in depth explanation

There are only 2 globally accepted skill build for Puck, heavily reliant on either maxing orb first or rift first. You might ask, why not max Phase Shift first? my answer is: Phase Shift is already so good at lvl 1 that it does not need to be level until the further point of the game, meaning teamfights. Also you'd likely be going solo anyways, so level wouldn't actually be a problem so long as you know what you're doing

Illusory Orb Build
  • 1.Orb
  • 2.Phase
  • 3.Orb
  • 4.Rift
  • 5.Orb
  • 6.Coil
  • 7.Orb
  • 8.Rift
  • 9.Rift
  • 10.Rift
  • 11.Coil
  • 12.Phase
  • 13.Phase
  • 14.Phase
  • 15.Stats
  • 16.Coil
  • 17.Whatever the hell you want
Now what this skill build suggest, is proper lane harassment and decent spamming of nuking spell (Orb is your primary nuke in this build). Abuse the range of the orb. Even though the damage increase is rather minor, this is mostly for the fact that Orb doesn't increase MP cost over time.

Warning Rift Build
  • 1.Orb
  • 2.Phase
  • 3.Rift
  • 4.Rift
  • 5.Rift
  • 6.Coil
  • 7.Rift
  • 8.Orb
  • 9.Orb
  • 10.Orb
  • 11.Coil
  • 12.Phase
  • 13.Phase
  • 14.Phase
  • 15.Stats
  • 16.Coil
  • 17.Whatever the hell you want
Now I've talked before about how Orb doesn't increase MP cost nor reduce CD at later levels, while the range stays the same. That's why this build exploits on the fact that Rift is the best scaling spell she has (aside from Dream Coil). It is also good if you need that silence a bit earlier, or facing with melee heroes)

Experimental Build
  • 1.Orb
  • 2.Phase
  • 3.Rift
  • 4.Rift
  • 5.Rift
  • 6.Coil
  • 7.Rift
  • 8.Phase
  • 9.Phase
  • 10.Phase
  • 11.Coil
  • 12.Orb
  • 13.Orb
  • 14.Orb
  • 15.Stats
  • 16.Coil
  • 17.Whatever the hell you want
This build is just experimental and in progress. Basically, it's to abuse the fact that the only thing that doesn't come from low lvl Orb is a little bit of reduced damage. As such, we max Rift first, then Phase, then Orb or maybe just skip the last 3 levels of Orb and go straight to stats entirely. This is complement by Semi Carry item build later. Remember: This is nothing but an experimental skill build, if you can provide me a replay of it being effective, do send it to me, but don't bash on it.

Item Build

Starting Items
  • At the start, it is optimum of you to get stat boosting items as well as regeneration. Since Puck has an ok lane control as well as being ranged, she can farm her early game items quite easily with proper spamming of Illusory Orb. Ring of Protection is only if you're going sidelane and planning to get a Ring Of Bassilus soon
Early Game Items
  • That's about it for early game items since you're really should aim for your core right about now. Of course get these early items according to your starting build, and you should only get atmost 3 of these. Puck works great with early core items since she's not that dependant on her gear.
Core Item
  • Yes you see it right, there's only 1 item in there.
  • That's why there was no "s" after item. It is just THAT good with Puck, however extremely hard to use effectively. Of course you don't ALWAYS have to get it, but in most of situations it is the best choice. The section about Blink Dagger will come below.
All of the listed above are relatively cheap mid game item, and each of them works in a certain situation.

 Jaggo if you have Bracer
 Force Staff if you needs more ultility
 Dagon if you're just lazy
 Necronomicon if you're confident in microing, I'd say that if you can, this is the optimum item at this point
 Mekansm if your team lacks one
 Aghnims if you feel like it
 Veil, a relatively new item. I haven't personally tried it yet but it seems that it'd work on theory
 Eul: Semi disable, semi escape mechanism, good alternative if you can't farm Hex
 Atos: A gripping disable, somewhat uneeded but can be really helpful if you can make good use of the stats

Only get at most 2 of these items, then move on to the next item section

  • I agree this is not that many, however, it's because there're still items in the experimental section to consider. All of the items above are quite straight forward since well, there's just that little number. At this point after having 1 or 2 items in this section, you might want to consider some in the experimental build. All items here must be bought according to the game itself, which is what I have been saying for years but some people still fail to realize it.
  • Note: Ghost Sceptre is specifically made to counter enemy's great DPS late game (if it poses any threat to you at all)
Boots of Choice
One of the few heroes in DotA that can go for almost any boots of choice.

 Boots of Travel :For rather long game, sell other boots and buy this. Can also be rushed if your team is an early pushing oriented and you can get it 2 mins after Kelen's Dagger

 Phase Boots :Generally for ganking, is good for most situations

 Power Treads :When you focus on on the DPS build more

 Arcane Boots :When you just can't plain hit, get this and spam

 Tranquill Boots: Rather run-off-the-mill and unappreciated. Doesn't help with Puck all that much if you're willing to look past the passive ms.

Rejected Item
  • What does rejected items consists of?
  • Well, cheap and/or non effective DPS item
  • Lothar's Edge
  • Linken's Sphere, because Phase Shift is infinite time better than the passive, if you consider this item because of enemy's disable, just get  instead. If you're looking for some hp/mp boosting, get this instead 
  • What is this you ask? Well DPS Puck of course. Lots of experienced player can tell you that after that Hex/Shiva, getting DPS on Puck is probably your best bet to help her scale into late gate, since she has an plain imbalanced survival skill, as long as great farming potential, sort of like Queen Of Pain

How to play

Early Game
Starting the game, there should be 3 obvious lanes to pick from: Long, Short or Mid. Puck should always get the solo, no matter what, since she benefits greatly from the early experience and can handle most meta lanes. The strategy matters on against what kind of lanes you are facing:
  • Solo: Puck has a great early game escape mechanism(s), spammable nuke, good attack range. As such, she can go head-on with most common soloss
  • Dual Lane: Rather troublesome, since Puck can't actively be aggressive, but is still able to get some exp and a mediocore amount of farm. That initial disable in a dual lane can be avoided with Phase Shift, then just Orb out escape if things are getting too messy to deal with
  • Tri lane: Alot more complicated since you're outnumbered 3-1. Just focus on getting some levels early and be sure to get out of there BEFORE getting initiated on, since you're squishy as fuck and will die in 3 nukes (which they'll have) if you ever get disabled
  • Solo with jungle/roaming support: Deadly but counterable. Just ward the respective jungle/lane/river and you're fine, since you can escape before they even get there. The only thing you should be afraid of is instant disable, and Smoke of 'Deshit
Mid Game

After the laning phase, you should really have gotten your Blink Dagger and an upgraded Boots, matters not what you're getting and a few early game items. Now aim for at least 1 of the caster items in Extension/Luxury. Unless your team desperately needs a physical DPS, skip the Experimental section to until later. During this phase of the game, what you should do is to farm relatively safely with your fast nukes, while also be able to participate in necessary ganks/clashes since you'd be the team main power nukes this stage of the game.

Late Game

If getting to this point and your team needs more Disable, get a Hex, else go to the Experimental Section and get the items necessary to bring down the enemy carry fast or just to provide more DPS to the team. At this stage, your nukes doesn't deal that much damage anymore, so just take advantage of each of your skill has to offer besides the nukes: ulitility, silence, stun, dodge


Know your godamn role:

What you are:
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • AoE Rapist
  • Semi Carrier
  • Chaser
  • Initiator
What you should not try to be
  • Tanker
  • Pure Supporter
  • Hard Carrier
  • Feeder
  • Noob
  • And the occasional flamer (sometimes justified though)
Now since you've been taught how to play already, you might wonder what this section is about? Well, there are a few important notes
  • Early on, her skill hurts as fuck, however, you might notice that Orb's travel time sucks massive ass
  • The AoE of your skill aren't that big. You can't tank for shit, so don't rambo unless you have Dagger ready and sufficient mana
  • Don't save your goddamn skills, they have low cd for a reason. If you run out of mana, you're as good as food anyways
How to rambo (guide)
This section is actually made out of pure amusment, if you're confident you can execute this to perfection by any means do it
  • Hex/Orchid from afar if you have, try to get the enemy's core hero/spellcaster
  • Illusory Orb into their enemy's formation
  • Jaunt in
  • Silence
  • Necrobook/Dagon if you have it
  • Jango up/Shiva if you have it
  • Phase Shift
Now, 2 situations shall occur within your 3 seconds of prescious invulnerbility
  • If your teammates roll right in, disable, nuke, fucks up the entire enemy team and locking them in place, proceed to end Phase Shift and auto attack(micro your Book Minions) with your 1337 damage
  • If your teammates roll right in, get disabled, nuke and fucked up by the entire enemy team, proceed to Blink out and run like a bauss
  • If your teammates aren't there 
Combo Execution

Your easiest combo would be to:

 Orb ->  Jaunt ->  Rift ->  Dream Coil

The usual spell combo, dealing above average spell damage while give you good positioning. However, there are things that can go wrong. If they does, simply: 

 Phase Shift -> 

See? Easy to understand, simple to use, not that hard to fail while also micro-intensive. What does this mean? In order to use Puck effectively, you must be good with her spells first. They have numerous usage, but all must be based on the player's skills. Remember, practice makes perfect. 

In Combat

In a combat, there're a lot of things you must remember:
  • Be calm, if you screw up just one button, essentially you and your squishy ass are dead.
  • Now, preferably you would want to start the combat initiating on the enemy with the previously mentioned combo. However, most of the time things wouldn't go your way. Since Puck herself is incredibly versatile and useful, your opponent would go along way just to kill you. Now, note that you are extremely vulnerable to instant disable (can't be dodged), then you'd be focused down like no tomorrow. However, that fate can be avoided by good reflexes (using Blink to escape before the enemy can get off their disables or Phase Shift first)
  • Intuition: Knowing what disable to dodge with Phase Shift and what to dodge with Blink is an art. Which should only come to you with proper experience.
  • Your skills can be used several times in a combat, so be sure to spam them appropriately.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com