RHASTA GUIDE (by GhostofGuns)

  • Tittle: Wards'up?
  • Author: GhostofGuns
Rhasta Dota

  • One of the best disablers in the game
  • Can singlehandedly turn the tides of a battle
  • Not really item dependant
  • Very fragile
  • Slow movespeed
  • Mostly the #1 target in team battles

Disabler: I'm sure you know that 'Disabler' isn't a role, but I've just created one! (lol) Anyway, Rhasta, as a disabler, focuses on techniques to help, aid and assist teamates. Of course, the disabling skills can also help to grab a kill, or hold it up so your teammates know what to do.

Ganker: Rhasta has also claimed to be a ganker, roaming in search of kills. You're underleveled, get a teammate and roam the map, grab a kill or two, and see how much improvement there is.

Pusher: Yes, Rhasta is one of the best pushers around. Mass Serpent Wards, is just the right solution for bringing down towers at a high effiecency cost, of it's mana. Mass Serpent Wards can also help to farm creeps while their pushing, and in large numbers.


 Ether Shock
Calls forth a cone of lightning, hitting multiple enemy units for damage.
  • Mana Cost: 95/105/135/160
  • Cooldown: 10 secs
  • Casting Range: 600
  • AoE: 200
  • Duration: N/A
  • Allowed Targets: Enemy Units
  • Effects: 75/150/225/300 damage to 3/4/6/7 targets 
  • The only spell that Rhasta can nuke out. Also, used for harassing and getting last hits. Important skill, sometimes used early game to get extra gold coins with creep kills.
Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.
  • Mana Cost: 110/140/170/200
  • Cooldown: 13 secs
  • Casting Range: 500
  • AoE: N/A
  • Duration: 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 secs
  • Allowed Targets: Enemy Units
  • Effects: Turns enemy into critter 
  • Rhasta's hexing skill. Sometimes used with Ether Shock to add potential in it's effect, making use of the time. Also, useful on fleeing enemies.
Magically binds a target enemy, so that it cannot move or attack.
  • Mana Cost: 110/135/155/185
  • Cooldown: 16 secs
  • Casting Range: 400
  • AoE: N/A
  • Duration: 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 secs
  • Allowed Targets: Enemy Units
  • Effects: Disables the target, dealing 40 damage per second 
  • Rhasta's best disabling spell (In my opinion). In team battles, Shackles help out alot. Bind your enemies by a few seconds and their done for. Also, a few seconds are alot quite alot of pain if your allies are DPS (damage per second) heroes.
 Mass Serpent Wards
Summons 8 immobile serpentine wards to attack enemies. The wards are immune to magic.
  • Mana Cost: 200/350/600
  • Cooldown: 110 
  • Casting Range: 550
  • AoE: N/A
  • Duration: 45 secs
  • Allowed Targets: N/A
  • Effects: Summons 8 Serpent Wards, which have 39-43(53-59 *)/54-58(74-79 *)/69-73(94-100 *) damage 
  • * Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter 
  • Rhasta's Ultimate. Really makes up for it with 8 Serpent Wards. Although they can't move, they can help you to escape if you're in danger, help your teammates, or trap enemy heroes in them! And combined with disables, game over?
Note: Aghanim's Scepter no longer increases the Ward-count. Instead, the damage is increased. 

Skill Build

The Common Build
  • 1. Shackles
  • 2. Ether Shock
  • 3. Ether Shock
  • 4. Shackles
  • 5. Ether Shock
  • 6. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 7. Ether Shock
  • 8. Shackles
  • 9. Shackles
  • 10. Voodoo
  • 11. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 12. Voodoo
  • 13. Voodoo
  • 14. Voodoo
  • 15. Attribute Bonus
  • 16. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This build adapts to Rhasta's disable usages. With Shackles going first, you can be sure even if you meet heroes on the lane, it is worth a start. Voodoo is usually gotten last due to the massive mana needed. Another build would be to max out Ether Shock, then Voodoo, then lastly Shackles. Some people use the build for the extra disable they need. It is also a key that Ether Shock nukes out and harass enemies that get near the lane, so it is a powerful spell. 

The Disabler
  • 1. Shackles
  • 2. Voodoo
  • 3. Shackles
  • 4. Voodoo
  • 5. Shackles
  • 6. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 7. Shackles
  • 8. Voodoo
  • 9. Voodoo
  • 10. Ether Shock
  • 11. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 12. Ether Shock
  • 13. Ether Shock
  • 14. Ether Shock
  • 15. Attribute Bonus
  • 16. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This is a different type of build, where people will make use of Rhasta's disabling skills. More importantly, a 2nd level of Voodoo can help alot in the early kills. So pick this if you think you're ready for some disable.

The Competitive Skill Build
  • 1. Shackles
  • 2. Ether Shock
  • 3. Ether Shock
  • 4. Voodoo
  • 5. Ether Shock
  • 6. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 7. Ether Shock
  • 8. Voodoo
  • 9. Voodoo
  • 10. Voodoo
  • 11. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 12. Shackles
  • 13. Shackles
  • 14. Shackles
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Mass Serpent Wards
  • 17 - 25. Stats
The competitive skill build for Rhasta. Though I said that this guide is not suitable for competitive play, it's just a skill build to let you understand how to play for him.


Team Battle: 5v5
If you're going for a team battle in DotA, 5v5, I suggest doing this:

 Total: 625 Gold

Why just this, and not other builds with Bracers? If you don't know yet, Null Talisman costs 25 Gold cheaper then Bracers, and you need extra gold early game to balance properly. Clarity to save you from running back to base, along with Tangoes.

 Total: 11175 Gold. (This is possible if your team is owning early game, to mid game, and this is really costly, so you may want to exchange Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse for Aghanim's Scepter or Necronomicon.

Why Boots of Travel?
Questions for why BoT (boots of travel) equipped by Rhasta is and will be asked. Some people go for Treads, while it is worth it, or not? Travel makes Rhasta's pushing purposes alot more beneficial. It is also time consuming to travel from one place to counter-push or to push, so there we have the boots to solve Rhasta's pushing needs.

Why Eul's Scepter of Divinity? 
Eul's is definitely needed to land your ultimate. Though it may just look plain, and only to help you land it, it has many purposes behind this item as well. Early game, you'll be harassing alot. And since we're going, for example, bottom lane for Sentinel, get a quick Sobi Mask from the side to increase mana regnetion. And so, Eul's solves our mana regeneration problem. 

Why Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse? 
Another hex for you to abuse. Definitely, it may be costly, but you'll get what you need for it. The hexing purpose is also to help you land your Mass Serpent Wards, though Eul's may be a better choice. As I said, Guinsoo is costly, so you may want to swap it for Aghanim's or Necronomicon or any other boosting items you want.

Luxury Items:

 Refresher Orb  5300: Due to the changes in 6.63(b), the cooldown is changed to a bigger amount, a 110 second cooldown. So, if you're getting hanged, rushed, chased, hit or whatever, and Wards are on a cooldown, reach for this. 

 Aghanim's Scepter  4300: Due to the changes in 6.64, the Scepter DOES NOT increases Rhasta's Ward-count anymore. Which means, Scepter increases the damages of the Wards instead. But still, the damage is quite hard (with level 3 94-100 damage). Go along with it if you feel you're overpowered and can only count on your Wards to save potential lives or kills.

 Necronomicon 2750: Many favourites between Rhasta users. This is considered Luxury since the uses of the Necronomicon Archer and Warrior both do wonders. You let them charge for the enemy, while you hide. When the enemy concentrates on them, come out of the darkness and do your best. 

 Shiva's Guard 4700: Many attempts to fail at Ward-Trap doesn't mean that you'll fail disastrously. Get Shiva's Guard and go for the escaping enemy. Activate it, and, get your kill, if possible.

During 1v1 fights, it is expected to have alot of money in the beginning. So I'll let you have this build:


Clarity is optional if you're playing -om, or something else. If not, spare the gold. Travel is advised to get since you're not going to waste money by buying Eul's first when you haven't even gotten your Ultimate. 

Mostly the same as the team battle build for the Core. No else.

Other items that might help Rhasta: 

 600: Ganking item, and since Rhasta is a ganker, he needs it, thought many people will consider buying it.

 3300: Soul Booster is another cost efficient way of buffing up Rhasta if you don't feel like running back to the fountain.

 5050: Another efficient way, upgraded from Soul Booster. Same as Soul Booster.

 1400: Great item. Helps buff up Intelligence and increses the movespeed a little. Though I still recommend Travel for pushing, and lane dominating purposes. 


Early Game

Early game, soloing mid lane is Rhasta's purpose. Or bot for Sentinel, top for Scourge. I can see why if you're in need of money or extra exp. Also, never skill any of Rhasta's skills first, because you won't know what you're facing. If you're facing no enemy, I suggest picking Ether Shock instead. Since you're going for last hits/denies with no one to disrupt you, I don't see why not. 

If you get Ironwood Branches first, I suggest getting Healing Slaves over Tangoes. Why? Rhasta's low health early game will be a disruptance. Or, if you need another, I suggest buying extra Tangoes. 

Mid Game 

Mid game for Rhasta mostly is to join in between and fro of team battles. With disables going around, the enemy will hardly touch you, but you'll evenly touch your enemy. Also, maybe during this time, your enemy will try to do means to take you down. You're probably the #1 target in team battles. It may be an honour to be the prority target, but nevertheless, you must becareful even if you're ganking quite well.

They say, if you want to kill an enemy around mid game, hide in the trees, surprise your enemy. Start by the same combo, then once your Warding cooldowns, rinse and repeat.

Late Game 

More or less, your item build should be ready by now. You don't have to really matter much if you're going up against another hero. I know the nerf about the Mass Serpent Wards, to a higher cooldown. If you're just finished with Mass Serpent Wards, keep farming. You just need to waste time before you can reuse Mass Serpent Wards again. Or, you can use Refresher Orb. 

Late game here, you must be precise with Rhasta. Alot of advantage will be taken, so I suggest trying to stay with teammates at all times. If enemy is on your lane, never alert them. Instead, call for allies and deal with them together.

Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com