• Tittle: Fat Lord
  • Author: Grubi
Pit Lord Dota

Pusher/Defender: Pit Lord is one of the strongest tower pushers and defenders in all stages of game thanks to his great aoe presence, farming speed and ability to utilize everything but pure dps items and adapt to every game

Semi Carry: If you decide to farm Jungle and lanes for a bit, and get tower kills Pit can transition into a decent semi carry and win the game by aggresive pushing, but semi carry road is not needed when you defend most of the time, in that case leave more farm for other carries


Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area and continue to burn them for 2 seconds.
  • 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown  / Duration 2 seconds / 25 wave damage, 5 damage per second
  • 2. Mana 110 / Cooldown  / Duration 2 seconds / 40 wave damage, 10 damage per second
  • 3. Mana 120 / Cooldown  / Duration 2 seconds / 55 wave damage, 15 damage per second
  • 4. Mana 130 / Cooldown  / Duration 2 seconds / 70 wave damage, 20 damage per second
  • Damage type: magic
 Pit of Malice
A deadly pit is conjured at target location. Any unit that enters it becomes corrupted with malicious forces and is unable to move for some time.
  • 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown 24 / Duration 1 seconds / Deals 100 damage and ensnares enemies in the target area
  • 2. Mana 115 / Cooldown 21 / Duration 1.5 seconds / Deals 100 damage and ensnares enemies in the target area
  • 3. Mana 130 / Cooldown 18 / Duration 2 seconds / Deals 100 damage and ensnares enemies in the target area
  • 4. Mana 145 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 2.5 seconds / Deals 100 damage and ensnares enemies in the target area
  • Damage type: magic
  • A unit can be disabled by this spell only once per cast.
  • A unit affected by this skill cannot go invisible when disabled.
  • This skill affects magic immune units.
  • The Pit itself has a duration of 7 seconds.
 Atrophy Aura
A 900 range aura that makes the might of an enemy leak out in the presence of the Pit Lord. If an enemy unit dies, you temporarily gain 5 bonus damage and 30 for heroes.
  • 1. Duration 30 seconds / 18% damage reduction. Gains bonus damage on enemy death.
  • 2. Duration 35 seconds / 26% damage reduction. Gains bonus damage on enemy death.
  • 3. Duration 40 seconds / 34% damage reduction. Gains bonus damage on enemy death.
  • 4. Duration 45 seconds / 42% damage reduction. Gains bonus damage on enemy death.
  • Only reduces base attack damage and damage from the primary attribute.
 Dark Rift
Opens rifts that pass through the netherworld at his present position and a target unit simultaneously. Teleports your hero and nearby allied heroes through the rift.
  • 1. Mana 75 / Cooldown 130 / 6 second teleportation delay
  • 2. Mana 150 / Cooldown 130 / 5 second teleportation delay
  • 3. Mana 225 / Cooldown 130 / 4 second teleportation delay
  • Units hidden by spells such as Astral Imprisonment will not be teleported.
  • When targeted on the ground, will target the nearest valid target around that point.
  • Can deactivate Dark Rift at any point after cast. Will still go into cooldown.

Skill Build
  • 1. Atrophy Aura
  • 2. Firestorm
  • 3. Firestorm
  • 4. Pit of Malice
  • 5. Firestorm10.  
  • 6. Pit of Malice
  • 7. Firestorm
  • 8. Pit of Malice
  • 9. Pit of Malice
  • 11. Dark Rift
  • 12. Atrophy Aura
  • 13. Atrophy Aura
  • 14. Atrophy Aura
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Dark Rift
  • If you are soloing against a hard lane take either Firestorm or Pit of Malice at level 1. 
  • Higher levels of aura are situational and you can skip them. 


Starting Items
  • Either buy chicken or upgrade it after you get the bottle.
  • In a pub game ask someone to buy chicken and promise to upgrade it.
  • If your allies did it for you buy a set of wards to control the runes.
Core Items

 Keep replenishing your Bottle using Bottle Crow technique and farm safely from distance.

 Upgrade Boots of Speed later in game.

 Magic Wand is a cheap item that provides great burst of health and mana in dire situations.

 Always keep Scroll of Town Portal in your inventory to push and defend lanes.

Boot Upgrades

 Arcane Boots will cover most of your mana needs in combination with bottle and provide some for allies. Recommended if you're not going for tanking and supportive items

 Tranquil Boots

 Boots of Travel are the best boots on Pitlord, but they shouldn't be gotten early. Get them when you need to push and/or defend on 2 lanes at same time

Extension Items: make 1-2 of them and move on

 Vanguard is the best tanking item early mid game. Not very cost efficient but still usefull on Pit Lord.

 Hood of Defiance is good in combination with Vanguard early on. Upgrade it to Pipe of Insight later when nukes become a problem.

 Mekanesm is an item every team should have, so if no one on your team makes it you should. You might have mana problems with it so consider making a caster item after to compesate.

Luxury Extensions

 Pipe of Insight

 Assault Cuirass is an alternative to Shiva's Guard. You get this item mainly for it's -5 armor aura that works on buildings and is great for pushing and raxing. Get it when your team consists mainly of physical DPS'ers.

 Shiva's Guard is a great tanking extension that can shut down DPS carries mid game in combination with your aura. Recommended as your first or second luxury.

 Necrobook gives you a considerable single target damage boost and truesight which is great against invisible units and dewarding purposes.

 Sheepstick is the ultimate disabling item against carries that don't rely on BKB.

Situational Items

 Hand of Midas is what you get when you want to carry in pubs. You will farm like Furion and get all these sweet luxuries in no time.

 Heart provides a lot of bulk and is a good way to deal with huge amounts of nukes. Pipe of Insight will usually be better or enough by itself.

 Mjollnir is your only viable carry item. You don't have a reliable way to keep hitting your targets.

 You can get Blademail when you are tanky enough to endure massive amounts of aoe nukes (it's especially good vs Ezalor) or damage from high damage heroes like Morted and make them eat their own damage.

 You are a good Gem of Truesight carrier. Don't buy it until you are tanky enough (if you don't have Vanhood or luxury tanking item) or you will be in high risk of losing it.

 You can get Vladimir's Offering instead of one of your supports. You won't have trouble farming it and it's a cost effective pushing item.

 Veil of Discord is an amazing and very cost effective item if you play with nuking lineup. You will probably be the best carrier of this item on your team.

 Force Staff is one of the best supporting items that allows you or your allies to escape from various nasty situations. You can use it to trap heroes in Pit of Malice.

 Blink Dagger



Push early
Even level 1 Firestorm does big damage to towers, and if you can hit the tower and the creeps you will take down T1 tower by level 6 easily

Gank early with Dark Rift
Once you hit level 6 you can use it to teleport you and your lane partner and gank another hero, then quickly take down the tower

Annoy your opponents
With Soul Ring and Arcane boots you can spam your spells non stop, so don't let enemies get close to your towers and don't let them farm

Adapt to your game
With so many item choices you have to decide what item is the best for your team to fill the weak spots or strenghten your strong spots. Don't be afraid to buy wards and gem too, you can farm so fast you barely notice the gold you spend on them

Choosing the Lane

Solo Lane 
The best lane if you are going to semi carry and need to farm Boots of Travel to push and defend non stop. You can't dominate the lane against strong ranged heroes, but you can farm easily thanks to Firestorm. On level 6-7 you can teleport to other lanes to push and defend very effectively

You can solo vs single and dual lane without much problems, but trilane poses a huge problem if you don't get soul ring fast or have bottle crow on shorter lane

Dual Lane 
Pit does well in dual lanes with a good partner, though solo or tri lane suits him better. You should focus on pushing with your lane partner and denying your opponents any kind of farm

Thanks to your awesome disable on level 1 and strong damage from Firestorm, coupled with 2 strong support you can destroy any lane and push pretty fast, but not as fast as if you were in solo lane or dual lane.

At the beggining of the game when you are going to the short lane, you should buy (pubs ofc) Sentry Wards to ward enemy pull and and rune spot to establish lane dominance.

This is how it works:
On the short lane you will usually face enemy carry and his support or random "weaker" hero. In order to farm they have to stay near their tower or they will be suspectible to ganks and harrasment from you and your lane partner, and the most common way to pull creeps closer to their tower is by pulling neutral creeps.

You place the other ward on the rune spot so that you mid hero can get rune control and to prevent your self from being ganked. However, if both mid heroes are not rune whores and you do not fear ganks in first 4-5 minutes of the game, you can wait a bit with warding the rune spot so that you have the protection when ganks actually start to happen

So in a way, you are not SPENDING money on wards, you are INVESTING it, and you can expect to get at least 400 gold return from warding via rune and lane control

When pushing the tower you should tank the incoming creeps or the tower if not in danger of enemy heroes.
  • Go behind the tower and wait for incoming creeps.
  • Cast Pit of Malice to trap them.
  • Stay close enough to the tower so you heal your creeps and far enough so they don't attack incoming creeps.
  • Stay as near to the tower so the creeps attack you and you can hit them and the tower with Firestorm
  • When you are in enemy base a good trick is to cast Pit of Malice before creeps spawn and finish them before they reach your creeps
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com