FURION GUIDE (by fireblaze762)

  • Tittle: I'm Everywhere
  • Author: fireblaze762
Furion Dota

Furion has the potential to be one of the strongest heroes in the game, at every point in the game. When played well, he's a scary ganking force, monstrous pusher, along with an excellent carry. Furion is a complex hero, and requires solid decision making. He is incredibly versatile and can take on many roles. Through this guide I hope to show my own way of playing furion and help people use him to his full potential.

  • Furion has a decent early game due to his passable lane control, along with good ganking potential. He is quite useful to your trilane or roamer as you add ~4 hits worth of extra damage, along with a potential 3 extra seconds from sprout.
  • Midgame furion is an incredibly potent tower killer. Its not uncommon for a furion to be able to kill off every outer tower during midgame, as long as your allies can distract the opponent. His teamfight/ganking potential lowers slightly as he is very easily killed and does not posess a nuke or reliable disable.
  • Lategame furion is simply scary. Once farmed up, furion can abuse his teleport to push multiple lanes at once and stop the opposing carry from ever leaving their base. His pure auto hitting potential is somewhat weak, but he is still incredibly powerful lategame hero, arguably the strongest in the game.


Sprouts a ring of trees around a unit, trapping it in place.
  • 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown 11 / Duration 3 seconds / Traps the target using trees
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 3.75 seconds / Traps the target using trees
  • 3. Mana 140 / Cooldown 9 / Duration 4.5 seconds / Traps the target using trees
  • 4. Mana 160 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 5.25 seconds / Traps the target using trees
  • Can be used on enemies, allies, own units, Furion himself, or on the ground.
  • Cannot be used on Ancient-type creeps.
  • The -disablehelp command will prevent an allied Furion from casting Sprout on you.
  • Trees created with Sprout can be destroyed with any item or skill which destroys regular trees, including Force of Nature.
It's most common use sprout to trap opponents, allowing you to attack them without them escaping.
Sprout provides flying vision making it useful for scouting up ramps. Additionally, you can use it to block up ramps by placing it in the middle of one. Sprouting yourself can block meele heroes attacking you. The final use is to act as fodder for Force of nature, allowing you to create treants anywhere (albeit at a high mana cost).

Teleports to any explored point on the map.
  • 1. Mana 50 / Cooldown 50 / Teleports to target location
  • 2. Mana 50 / Cooldown 40 / Teleports to target location
  • 3. Mana 50 / Cooldown 30 / Teleports to target location
  • 4. Mana 50 / Cooldown 20 / Teleports to target location
  • Takes 3 seconds to cast.
  • Since the cooldown and mana cost take effect after this spell is finished casting, Furion will not use any mana or waste the cooldown on this spell if he is interrupted while casting (either by enemies or by himself).
  • When cast, this spell creates an obvious swirl effect on the target point which is visible to both allies and enemies.
Note that you can teleport at any spot, and you aren't limited to creeps, however you must have already been to the place you are teleporting. Because of this, it is a good idea to scout using treants in order to gain the intial vision you need. In addition, teleport uses a 'cast time' as opposed to channel mechanism. This means that if you interrupted, your hero automatically recasts it again without putting it on cd. You can cancel this spell by pressing 'S'. A common strategy with this involves the idea of fake tping. The spot you teleport to will have a sort of swirling spot, which is seen by both allies and enemies. By casting the teleport on the opposing lanes every so often and then cancelling, they will get scared, and will be confused as to when you really do teleport.

 Force of nature
LevelMana CostCooldownCasting rangeArea of EffectDurationAllowed TargetsEffects
  • 1. Mana 160 / Cooldown 37 / Duration 60 seconds / Raises 2 Treants
  • 2. Mana 160 / Cooldown 37 / Duration 60 seconds / Raises 3 Treants
  • 3. Mana 160 / Cooldown 37 / Duration 60 seconds / Raises 4 Treants
  • 4. Mana 160 / Cooldown 37 / Duration 60 seconds / Raises 5 Treants
  • Will only summon as many Treants as there are trees in the target AOE.
  • Treants have 20% spell resistance.
1 tree1 treant. The levels merely show the maximum amount of trees you can use up in one cast. If you cast the spell on only 2 trees you can only get 2 treants, no matter what level the spell is. The most obvious use of treants is pushing, but using them to scout is a good idea. In addition, treants can be used in order to improve your last hitting. This is similar to the idea that enigma uses edilons to synchronize with his attacks, in order to have better last hitting.

 Wrath of nature
Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds 7% damage.
  • 1. Mana 150 / Cooldown 90 / Deals 140 (155*) base damage , has a maximum of 16 (18*) targets
  • 2. Mana 200 / Cooldown 75 / Deals 180 (210*) base damage, has a maximum of 16 (18*) targets
  • 3. Mana 250 / Cooldown 60 / Deals 225 (275*) base damage, has a maximum of 16 (18*) targets
  • Damage type: magical
  • Although the range of the additional bounces is map-wide, only currently visible enemies can be hit.
  • Can be cast through the minimap: the nearest valid target will be selected.
  • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
If you want to hit a hero for high damage, generally aim to start the wrath as far from the hero as possible. In addition, its a good idea to try and secure at least 1 last hit with this wrath, by starting off the spell by last hitting a hero with low hp. Note that this spell only hits visible units, meaning if you want to hit neutrals for farm, use your treants to scout the opponents.

Skill build

  • 1 - Force of nature
  • 2 - Sprout / Teleport
  • 3 - Teleport / Sprout
  • 4 - Teleport
  • 5 - Teleport
  • 6 - Wrath of nature
  • 7 - Teleport
  • 8 - Force of nature
  • 9 - Force of nature
  • 10 - Force of nature
  • 11 - Wrath of nature
  • 12 - Sprout 
  • 13 - Sprout 
  • 14 - Sprout
  • 15 - stats
  • 16 - Wrath of nature
Analysis : This is my most common build as it provides a mix between mobility from teleport, with pushing potential from Force of nature. Maxed teleport at 7 is great as it gives you great versatility although you don't have that strong trapping potential or pushing power. The single level of treants at level 1 is for vision purposes.

  • 1 - Sprout / Teleport
  • 2 - Teleport / Sprout
  • 3 - Sprout
  • 4 - Teleport
  • 5 - Teleport
  • 6 - Wrath of nature
  • 7 - Teleport
  • 8 - Sprout
  • 9 - Force of nature
  • 10 - Force of nature
  • 11 - Wrath of nature
  • 12 - Force of nature
  • 13 - Force of nature
  • 14 - Sprout
  • 15 - Stats
  • 16 - Wrath of nature
Analysis: Allows furion to be a great global threat with level 4 teleport at level 7. He will be less useful for pushes until ~level 12 or so though. The fourth level of sprout is gotten at 14 as 4.5 seconds is usually enough and you will need the treants for pushing after ganks.

Broodmother 2.0
  • 1 - Force of nature
  • 2 - Teleport
  • 3 - Force of nature
  • 4 - Sprout
  • 5 - Force of nature
  • 6 - Wrath of nature
  • 7 - Force of nature
  • 8 - Teleport
  • 9 - Teleport
  • 10 - Teleport
  • 11 - Wrath of nature
  • 12 - Sprout
  • 13 - Sprout
  • 14 - Sprout
  • 15 - Stats
  • 16 - Wrath of nature
Analysis : Go for this build if you plan to push down towers extremely quickly. Normally your allies will distract the opponents to help you push, but this build also works in early game push strats. In that case, its worth getting sprout at level 1/2 to help kill heroes before you kill their tower.

  • 1 - Teleport/FoN/Sprout
  • 2 - FoN/Sprout/Teleport
  • 3 - Sprout/Teleport/FoN
  • 4 - Teleport
  • 5 - Teleport
  • 6 - Wrath of nature
  • 7 - Teleport
  • 8 - Force of nature
  • 9 - Force of nature
  • 10 - Force of nature / stats
  • 11 - Wrath of nature
  • 12 - Spout/stats
  • 13 - Sprout/stats
  • 14 - Sprout/stats
  • 15 - Stats/sprout
  • 16 - Wrath of nature
Analysis : Go this build if your team desperately needs a DPS carry, and for some reason you are the only candidate. FoN helps last hitting so get it as fast as you feel safe to do so. Fast levels of teleport/FoN allow you to farm in multiple lanes and towers also provide solid income

  • 1 - Sprout
  • 2 - Teleport
  • 3 - Teleport
  • 4 - Force of nature
  • 5 - Teleport
  • 6 - Wrath of nature
  • 7 - Teleport
  • 8 - Sprout
  • 9 - Sprout
  • 10 - Sprout
  • 11 - Wrath of nature
  • 12 - Force of nature
  • 13 - Force of nature
  • 14 - Force of nature
Analysis: You max your teleport ASAP as you want to be a ganking monster as soon as you can pick up dagon. Sprout is kept at one until a bit later as by that time tangos will be used, QB sold. You dont really need to push that much which is why treants are delayed slightly.

Item build


This might seem very strange, as it looks like we are going for a supporting route, but plan to farm up significant amounts of gold for hex, and the Tp scroll might seem useless as we already have teleport, but if you look at it this way:

 Its an excellent item on furion, although its preferred if you're allies dont already have it. It helps speed up your pushing.

 It gives you some bonus hp/mana while the AS is actually very appreciated on furion. It also has good buildup and is the best boots choice in my opinion.

 This is an extremely useful item on furion. Furion is quite reliant on his physical attack in order to deal damage, and hence the - 6 armour is very appreciated. The mana regen is also very useful, and its quite cheap anyway.

 Furion is capable of farming at great speeds. A fast hex can be quite game breaking due to the huge cast range of its disable, and a teleport -> Hex is really quite scary. 

 I highly reccomend keeping a Tp scroll at all times, even if you never need to use it. It allows you to go to base and teleport back in seconds. 

 I highly reccomend buying wards on furion. The vision is invaluable to not only yourself, but also your team. Additionally furion can teleport anywhere to place the ward, saving a lot of time. Finally, furion farms very fast anyway and he isn't that item dependant so saving your supports some 500 gold is very reccomended.


With ganking route you want to stack utility items. Damage is useful, but generally some extra damage on furion wont be game breaking in your ganks. I would not reccomend going for raw damage items.Furion's ganks are always paired with team mates, and you are merely proving a disable out of nowhere, along with a few auto hits. I wouldn't reccomend dagon as its too costly and will rely on you farming for the first 10 minutes, when ganking from level 2 would be more efficient.

 Its an excellent item on furion, although its preferred if you're allies dont already have it. It helps speed up your pushing.

 It gives you some bonus hp/mana while the AS is actually very appreciated on furion. It also has good buildup and is the best boots choice in my opinion.

 Urn is very useful on furion. The stats are very appreciated, increasing furions poor hp, while the mana regen decreases your fountain trips and allows you to spam your sprout more.

 Force staff is extremely useful on any hero, but furion can utilise it very effectively. First, the stats are excellent on furion, giving him some more mana, and the extra DPS is quite useful for killing. The force ability can save your life more times than you'd think and pushing allies forward for an extra nuke is always useful.

 I highly reccomend keeping a Tp scroll at all times, even if you never need to use it. It allows you to go to base and teleport back in seconds. Additionally, sometimes you dont want to use up teleport cd as the teleport is far superior than Tp scroll in that you can pair it up with ghost/bkb/lothars, and if you get stunned, you can cast it again.

 I highly reccomend buying wards on furion. The vision is invaluable to not only yourself, but also your team. Additionally furion can teleport anywhere to place the ward, saving a lot of time. Finally, furion farms very fast anyway and he isn't that item dependant so saving your supports some 500 gold is very reccomended.

Broodmother 2.0
 or  / 

When playing the pushing build, you will normally opt for one of two routes - the Solo push build, or the Team push build. As the name suggests, the solo push build consists of pushing down towers yourself. Generally you avoid teamfights and use that time to take down every outer tower. In the push build, your whole team will push a single lane, hence items like Mek/arcane are far more useful.

 Arcane is great if you're allies benefit from them a lot. Furion can farm quite fast and can normally get arcane a bit earlier than others. Generally arcane is better if going for early push strats.

 Treads is better if you actually plan to do a 'broodmother' and push by yourself. The bonus AS is very useful for killing towers, and furion will normally have sufficient mana if you manage yourself wisely.

 These are your aura items. Furion is a good holder of auras as he can participate in every fight. These auras are also very useful for pushing. A single jango charge with your FoN can inflict serious damage to towers.

 Necromonicon is incredibly useful on furion if used correctly. It speeds up your tower pushing considerably and provides yet another aura. A fast necro 3 can be game breaking.

 I highly reccomend keeping a Tp scroll at all times, even if you never need to use it. It allows you to go to base and teleport back in seconds. Additionally, sometimes you dont want to use up teleport cd as the teleport is far superior than Tp scroll in that you can pair it up with ghost/bkb/lothars, and if you get stunned, you can cast it again.

 I highly reccomend buying wards on furion. The vision is invaluable to not only yourself, but also your team. Additionally furion can teleport anywhere to place the ward, saving a lot of time. Finally, furion farms very fast anyway and he isn't that item dependant so saving your supports some 500 gold is very reccomended.

AFK Farmer
 /  or  /  and, or 


Playstyle is similar to the pushing build, in that you aim to get towers very quickly as they are a solid source of income. However, you also want to use Wrath of nature more freely, and teleport to lanes as much as possible, in order to farm up. Proper usage of this build allows you to farm up significantly faster than the opposing carry, and inflict solid DPS.

 Its an excellent item on furion, although its preferred if you're allies dont already have it. It helps speed up your pushing.

 It gives you some bonus hp/mana while the AS is actually very appreciated on furion. It also has good buildup and is the best boots choice in my opinion.

 Maelstorm is better in longer games as the AS is very useful, and it helps pushing by quite a bit. It deals slightly less burst damage, but its build up is arguably better.

 Deso is the item to go for if you just want to inflict heavy damage. +60 damage is excellent, while the orb effect is really good at amplifying damage. Add on an ally medallion/SF/VS/Alch and you are hitting for very nice damage.

 Gives you the time to attack. With Proper usage of BKB, you can become near unkillable, and deal solid damage. Avatar + Teleport is simply amazing.

 Manta increases your damage even more and helps alot with pushing. It doesn't give the same realiability as BKB though.

 Its just perfect as a third item. The AS is very useful and helps your treants too. It allows you to attack at a significantly faster rate, and also makes you bulkier. The -Armour aura is fantastic and makes tower killing a breeze.

 The almighty Hex. Not much I need to say about it except that its just so useful and furion can definitely farm it up quite quickly.


 HoM is great if you get it before the 9th minute. It really speeds up his farm and the AS boost is very appreciated.

 Lothars is very useful. The bonus damage is decent but the invis ability has pretty good synergy with teleport. You teleport while in lothars, and go invis while teleporting, letting you escape without much problems. Of course its countered by truesight which makes its situational.

 The silence from Orchid has some nice synergy with sprout, decreasing the opponents chance of retalliation. It has fantantastic build up, although that doesn't really benefit furion that much. it gives higher Damage / AS than hex though.

 Very expensive but its extemely good once you finish it. It can really tank you up, helps you DPS, and the slow is invaluable.



The beloved pub stomp build. It does what its meant to, and well. The general idea in this build is to outlane the opponent early game and get dagon at around the 10th minute. After that, just gank like a mad man. Buy your carry items after you get your XX/0/0 score and proceed to win. It actually works decently in a more complex game as well. At least the concept of dagon rush.

 Its an excellent item on furion, although its preferred if you're allies dont already have it. It helps speed up your pushing.

 It gives you some bonus hp/mana while the AS is actually very appreciated on furion. It also has good buildup and is the best boots choice in my opinion.

 The stats are quite appreciated but its the active you are going for. The ability to teleport anywhere and deal 600 (200 wrath damage) damage is quite something and it annoys the hell out of opponents.

 Definitely not be underestimated as an item. 32 damage for 2200 gold is good on its own, but its the active that just makes it so good on furion. If you solo gank, casting blademail while hitting a sprouted unit (without QB/tango ofc) means if they attack back, they kill themselves faster. Its also great to deal with annoying opponents, and it can often get you some kills by poor reactions on their part.


 Lothars is very useful. The bonus damage is decent but the invis ability has pretty good synergy with teleport. You teleport while in lothars, and go invis while teleporting, letting you escape without much problems. Of course its countered by truesight which makes its situational.

 Get it if you can handle it. Furion is a good carrier of divine since he can farm it up quickly, and with proper item usage and teleport, hes difficult to kill. He also uses the damage very well thanks to sprout, and he can backdoor well with it.

 Manta allows you to carry better and it really helps pushing. the stats are quite appreciated as well.

 Hex is hex. A disable is always useful.

How to play


Your main objective is to pick up some farm in your lane while maintaining map control by helping out in ganks with teleport + sprout, placing observer wards and using treants for vision. If you have the right team, you can attempt pushes as well. Treants can be used to pull the opponents creeps away which can give you more time to attack the tower. Remember to always look at the lanes, and spam some fake teleports every now and then to keep the opponents on their toes.


You have a 20 second CD teleport. Abuse it. Help out in ganks using wrath and teleport -> Sprout. Push towers when the opponents are pushing as well. This forces the opponents to decide whether they should defend. You should make sure that you have some farm though. If you don't you'll end up mediocre lategame. We must remember that in direct confrontations, a furion without farm advantage wont be beating anyone. If your team has a hard carry, your main source of income will be assists through teleport and tower kills. You can always use treants to jungle as well, although they don't deal that much damage without your heroes help.


By lategame you should have gotten some considerable farm and be able to kill towers pretty fast with your attacks. Its at this point when the remaining towers are more spread out where your superior mobility comes into advantage. If you see the opponents pushing, take the opportunity to attempt a push as well. You can take towers and be in ganks / teamfights at the same time. Remember to aim to keep a treant hiding at roshan as it is incredibly important, not for you, but for your allied carry. Furion should usually be played with a hard carry, with furion taking the secondary role. Make sure you always help out that hard carry, as you can always be with them thanks to teleport. If you need to, take advantage of how broken buy backs are when used by you. Don't be afraid to backdoor if you can.

TOP 10 earlygame tips

1 - Get a single level of treants early, and use them to scout. They give some gold and exp, but the vision is worth it, and hopefully they wont die anyway. Whats more, you might uncover a smoked enemy.

2 - Every now and then cast a fake teleport on another lane. Check how the opponents respond to this. Do they run back out of exp range? Do they plain ignore it? Use this to your advantage

3 - Trade hits, but dont die. Furion is able to teleport back to base easily and get back with a tp scroll, not losing much exp/gold. Furthermore, furion has good animation, damage, armour and sprout might limit their vision.

4 - Unless going for the pubstomp build (dagon) don't stay in one place for longer than a few minutes. You're a ganking monster due to teleport. Abuse it!

5 - You're treants can attack. Use this to synchronize with your attacks to aid your last hitting, or use them to harass the opponent. You can even use them to pull and potentially double pull if you're competent enough. This can be done while you're still laning.

6 - Think twice before teleporting into fog. You never know when you might run into an opponent you weren't expecting.

7 - If you're facing significant pressure, just go jungle. Its smart to use a single treant to help defend your base tower if you were soloing, as this treant can lure the creeps away.

8 - If you're not sure, SPROUT. The flying vision is invaluable, and you can use it to block off opponents. 

9 - Ward early. You dont necessarily need to buy the wards yourself, but you are excellent at placing them. Try and make sure you send a treant to the spot before you teleport though, in order to ensure its safe.

10 - Force of nature destroys trees. Use this to stop the opponents from juking, making pull attempts easier, give greater vision and a lot more.

TOP 10 midgame tips

1 - Realise you aren't that useful in actual confrontations. You can probably help out your team more by pushing down a tower.

2 - Wrath from afar. If you want to hit enemy heroes at bot lane, target your ultimate on creeps at top lane. This will mean the later, and stronger bounces, will hit the opponents at bottom.

3 - Sprout does stop vision. If an opponent is isolated, the trees will actually hamper their ability to attack back. This is especially useful if you can employ hit and move tactics. When you attack an opponent, they'll get vision of you, however if you move directly after an attack, they lose it.

4 - Gank with your team, but don't always stay near them. You don't need to stick with your allies, you have teleport to get to them if needed. Initiate ganks if you're allies are near, or just teleport mid way through. If theres no gank attempts, farm up, or push a tower.

5 - Carry a TP scroll. You're natural TP is far superior to a tp scroll, and at times you want to save it. Examples would include teleporting using scroll back to base, and then using your skill to get back to your target, non tower, point.

6 - Make sure you always have vision. Ward the hell out of everywhere while constantly using treants that aren't pushing to patrol around key points. Not only do you reduce the risk of teleporting into a bad spot, but you can also inflict damage to them through wrath.

7 - You need to decide whether its best to push with allies or push by yourself. Usually I prefer pushing by myself to play an almost (ex)broodmother sort of playstyle, but allies can really use the tanking potential of treants.

8 - You are most likely the utility guy. You are probably the most versatile hero on your team. You can farm fast, have acess to insane mobility, yet you dont have any specific item requirements. If your team needs a mek, then you should probably get it. Adjust!

9 - Watch when, and where you teleport into a teamfight. Sometimes its better to stay behind your allies, while other times its better to teleport behind and snipe their supports.

10 - Manipulate the creeps. You can technically push 2 lanes at once, and wrath usually makes all your creeps have an advantage. If you can make sure all 3 lanes will target the opposing tower at the same time, its your time to shine.

TOP 10 Late game tips

1 - Always have gold for a buyback. If you have a buy back, you can teleport straight back into a fight. This can be gamebreaking later on as you effectively have an aegis, albeit one that costs.

2 - Pick up some survival items that combine well with your teleport. E.g, lothars, ghost sceptre, BKB or hex. With proper timing and usage, you are pretty difficult to kill.

3 - If you're opponents decide to push, this is your chance. Push a tower by yourself, create treants, cast wrath and then teleport back to defend. Your opponents will be forced to decide whether they should defend or keep pushing.

4 - If you're pushing, sprout up hill for vision. Then summon some treants which you can use to attack opposing heroes that have blink daggers. Wrath can also be used to break daggers.

5 - Be most careful when you first teleport somewhere. Your 20 second cooldown is your downfall. Try and keep in the fog for the first 10 or so seconds unless you are sure there are no opponents.

6 - Snipe those supports. In teamfights, let your allies initiate while you teleport behind the opponents and try and kill off those support heroes. It works pretty well early lategame, although later the support heroes will have gotten ghost sceptres to counter you. Pick up a diffusual if you must.

7 - Try and Pressure your opponents by using Wrath+treants on one lane, your allies on another, while you solo push the third lane. As a semi carry, furion can usually deal with most support heroes, forcing your opponents to decide which lane to defend, and who to defend it.

8 - Remember that sprout is usually more effective now, as opponents will not have QB / tango. Use it everywhere as it also has a low cooldown.

9 - Protect the main carry. Furion can act as a very effective lategame support hero if needed. By stacking yourself with items such as force staff, mekansm, pipe, you can teleport and save your carries life. It doesn't matter that much that you die as you can buyback and teleport back.

10 - TELEPORT EVERYWHERE. You can really be pretty much anywhere, and you should maximise this. Later on, you probably have enough spare gold for a BoT so you might as well get that as well.

Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com