• Tittle: The Faceless One
  • Author: ONEATATIME

Faceless Void is a melee hero with a blink-like ability who fulfill the role of carry. He has also a massive disable once every 2 minutes from level 6 on. The fact that he’s an agility hero with natural bash makes him the best hero for permastun. Every point of agility has multiple effects towards damage, since it makes the bash occur faster. He has the Time Walk skill to bash anyone and position Chronosphere perfectly. Both ultimate and melee bash work against magic immune units. Faceless Void becomes truly imbalanced after the middle game due to his passive skills, but he has an extremely hard early game. He has no nuke, no ranged damage nor healing ability. His passive skills are hardly effective during this phase and Time Walk doens’t give any damage either. Faceless Void doesn’t need many items to become strong, he just needs the time to get the few important ones. Thanks to your annoying permastun and to the 5 seconds disable, along with the fact that you fight in melee range, you’ll get the most concentrated fire. The enemy will disable you as fast as possible since they know you have Time Walk to escape, and you’ll die if you concentrate on just damage items. Here’s an expanded list of his main qualities and defects:

  • Decent agility
  • Decent strength
  • Game-breaking ultimate
  • Good attack animation
  • Good disable
  • Good escape mechanism
  • Good survivability
  • High base damage
  • Permabasher
  • Powerful late game
  • Spell dodger
  • Strong carry
  • Bad lane control
  • Item dependent
  • Low HP and EHP
  • Low intelligence
  • Low statistics’ gain
  • Mana problems
  • Melee hero
  • Weak early game


 Time Walk
Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units along its path for 3 seconds.
  • 1. Mana 120 / Cooldown 19 / Duration 3 seconds / Invulnerable travel and 25% slow
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown 17 / Duration 3 seconds / Invulnerable travel and 30% slow
  • 3. Mana 120 / Cooldown 15 / Duration 3 seconds / Invulnerable travel and 35% slow
  • 4. Mana 120 / Cooldown 13 / Duration 3 seconds / Invulnerable travel and 40% slow
  • Faceless Void is invulnerable while moving using Time Walk.
  • Faceless Void will lose his queued commands when he uses this skill.
While using Time Walk you’re invulnerable, so it means you can’t take damage nor be targeted. Also, you’ll lose your queued commands while using it. It has a very short casting time, in fact Faceless Void isn’t able to complete his animation by fully raising his hands. It’s an utility spell: it’s used to dodge spells, escape, chase, slowdown and initiate. While escaping, keep in mind that you can use it even if you’re under the effect of Ensnare or similars and to target, if possible, a place where enemy heroes can’t walk through. Unfortunately it has a high mana cost (120), so don’t spam it until you solved your mana problems.

Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks.
  • 1. 10% chance to dodge damage
  • 2. 15% chance to dodge damage
  • 3. 20% chance to dodge damage
  • 4. 25% chance to dodge damage
  • Stacks with evasion.
Whenever you receive damage (above 6), there’s a chance that Backtrack will trigger, healing you back. This skill can’t be silenced, but it won’t evade stuns even if the damage is backtracked. It stacks with evasion and is really effective against heroes with high AS. Also, it increases your EHP by 25% (the more HP you have, the more EHP you gain).

 Time Lock
Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time.
  • 1. 10% chance, 40 bonus damage
  • 2. 15% chance, 50 bonus damage
  • 3. 20% chance, 60 bonus damage
  • 4. 25% chance, 70 bonus damage
  • Damage type: magical
  • Stun works on magic immune units.
  • Does not stack with Cranium Basher.
  • Deals double the bonus damage if inside Chronosphere.
Time Lock just means permabash. It’s better to increase your AS, as it’s better compared to damage, allowing you to bash faster. Of course, it doesn’t stack with Cranium Basher. Inside the Chronosphere you’ll increase your EDPS by an average of ~27. The damage type is magical, so it can be blocked, for example, with a Black King Bar. However, the stun works the same. Also, the effect lasts twice the time on creeps and half on Roshan.

Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere.
  • 1. Mana 150 / Cooldown 120 (60*) / Duration 4 seconds / Pauses all units
  • 2. Mana 175 / Cooldown 110 (60*) / Duration 4.5 (5*) seconds / Pauses all units
  • 3. Mana 200 / Cooldown 100 (60*) / Duration 5 (6*) seconds / Pauses all units
  • Stops both units and buildings, friend or foe.
  • Couriers are unnaffected.
  • Does not affect units owned by the Faceless Void (Illusions, Summons).
  • Reveals invisible enemy units in its area.
  • Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter (* shows the improved values).
  • Faceless Void can always move under the effect of Chronosphere.
Chronosphere is a game-breaking ultimate. It can turn the tides of a battle. By casting it, you’re able to block units you don’t own, even invisible ones (revealing them) and with magic immunity, as well as buildings. It has a 0.5 casting time and there’s a short pause before it will work. Many spells can’t be blocked, such as Exorcism or Omnislash. Of course it can be improved with Aghanim’s Scepter, but I don’t consider it a really good item.

Skill Build
  • Level 1: Time Walk
  • Level 2-3: Backtrack
  • Level 4: Time Lock
  • Level 5: Backtrack
  • Level 6: Chronosphere
  • Level 7: Backtrack
  • Level 8-10: Time Lock
  • Level 11: Chronosphere
  • Level 12-14: Time Walk
  • Level 15: Attribute Bonus
  • Level 16: Chronosphere
  • Level 17-25: Attribute Bonus
An early level of Time Walk is needed to prevent ganks, allowing you to escape and to get into allied ones. You can also level it up again at 3, if level 1 isn’t enough to survive (700 casting range could be insufficient). Next, I personally prefer to level up more Backtrack than Time Lock. The former gives you some tankiness, as well as a safer time farming, since you withstand more from harassing, while the latter is useful for ganking purposes and to help you last-hitting. For an aggressive gameplay, just switch Backtrack with Time Lock. Chronosphere is your ultimate, so level it up as soon as possible.

Item Build


This is my favourite starting set of items. Ancient Tangoes of Essifation and Healing Salve provide plenty of heals, while Ironwood Branches some statistics. Also, Stout Shield will help Faceless Void to survive in the early game. It can be switched with a Quelling Blade if you think you’re not able to last-hit enough.

This is an alternative: the two Slippers of Agility can replace the Quelling Blade. Moreover, they can be upgraded to a Poor Man’s Shield.

This one provides both last-hitting and defensive power, but it lacks of statistics and sufficient healing.

For competitive gaming only. Poor Man’s Shield protects you against early harassment and improves your last-hitting. Also, you won’t require healing items as you should go with a babysitter with extra heals or a healing spell.


 Magic Wand isn’t only the so obvious upgrade to the Ironwood Branches, in fact it provides a low HP bonus and mana burst regeneration that seem trivial, but that will help a lot. Statistics never go wrong. If you can’t afford it, a Magic Stick is a must.

 Power Treads are the best boots for Faceless Void. First of all, they grant him 25 IAS. Secondly, they have many useful features. In strength mode they provide 152 HP (synergizing with Backtrack). In agility mode they offer 8 extra damage and further AS. Also, they help in taking down towers and while healing in fountain (higher percentage of HP and mana regeneration). In intelligence mode they provide 104 mana points, so switch to them if you’re lacking mana: it’s almost a free Time Walk.

 Faceless Void is a low HP melee hero, so he will just benefit from the HP and survivability that Vanguard offers (most of all, against physical damage). You could say it delays the obtaining of other items, but it’s really effective. Get it as soon as possible.

 Mask of Madness is one of the best items Faceless Void can carry. As a bad farmer, it’s the cheapest possible AS for him. 100 IAS and 30% MS for 1900 gold is even better than Power Treads. Time Walk costs too much mana (unlike Blink), and slow doesn’t last long enough for you to bash effectively. With Berserk and Power Treads he’s faster than almost any other hero with Boots of Travel. Also, Chronosphere costs a lot of mana, that you can’t spend for Time Walk. The lifesteal is good for the lane control. Faceless Void can regain his HP by killing neutral creeps. If you have problems dealing with the 30% extra damage, the trick is just not to activate Mask of Madness (Chronosphere lasts 5 seconds while Berserk 12, so when it disappears just escape). Use it when it doesn’t mean instant death, and you on the other hand can get the kill. Moreover, it synergizes with all of your skills. Berserk carries over when Time Walk is activated, Backtrack mitigates the extra damage you take, Time Lock’s percentage chance to bash is doubled as he attacks twice faster and Chronosphere greatly hinders the damage inflicted to him.


 The Butterfly is the best item for Faceless Void. It gives AS, damage and survability, since Backtrack stacks with evasion (51.25%). With Berserk, Power Treads and Butterfly his AS will be enough to own anyone in one on one clashes and solo Roshan. Also the 60 damage it provides helps a lot under Chronosphere.

 Battle Fury doesn’t grant any AS, but it’s a solid DPS item with a 35% Cleave on attack and some HP and mana regeneration. It has a good synergy with Dark Seer and Magnataur and will allow you to farm faster.

 Buriza-do Kyanon is a pure damage item. As long as Faceless Void can use Chronosphere effectively, team battles will start from 4v5 or 3v5 from this point on, since no one can stand long against the damage obtained from your items. Remember that Critical Strike increases lifesteal and can be cleaved, so get it after Battle Fury.

 Heart of Tarrasque will make Faceless Void the best tanking hero of the game. During the vanishing of the permabash’s effect, you should no longer worry about dying. Of course, sell Vanguard if you’re going to buy it.


 Poor Man’s Shield is a cheaper alternative to Vanguard. You can buy it if you’re in trouble, but keep in mind that you’re skipping the health component, as well as a higher damage block. Another thing that it lacks in comparison to Vanguard is regeneration, a component that I consider invaluable to carries like Faceless Void.

 Ring of Aquila, paired with Poor Man’s Shield, is the best alternative to Vanguard. Advantages: cheaper, easier to farm, better than Vanguard in one on one clashes. Disadvantages: takes up two slots of the inventory, provides an armor aura (that can be hold by a support), worst in team clashes.
I think Helm of the Dominator is a valid alternative to Mask of Madness. I saw many competitive players skipping an early orb to get it after some luxury that increases AS (e.g. The Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Yasha). It’s really effective during the late game, upgrading it to Satanic.

 Only get Hand of Midas if you’re able to farm it in timely manner or just skip it. Also, you can buy it if the enemy carry takes a while to farm up or your allies maintain the map control. It gives an interesting +30 IAS. Rembemer to use the Transmute ability as often as possible (in 17 minutes you should recover all the gold spent).

 Yasha grants 16 agility (i.e. 16 damage and 16 IAS) and 15 AS, so it’s an item to consider. In case, Manta Style is the suggested upgrade, as it grants overall statistics and the Mirror Image ability. The clones won’t get stuck in the Chronosphere. On the other hand, the MS increase is totally useless.

 Armlet of Mordiggian seems an odd choice, but the notable thing is that its HP degeneration doesn’t increase by Mask of Madness’ Berserk. So, thanks to lifesteal, you can gain back the HP lost under Unholy Strength. It provides many useful bonus and has a strong synergy with Manta Style. Suggested for a very aggressive gameplay, since it more than doubles your DPS.

 As an orb effect, it precludes your main lifesteal’s choice, but it shouldn’t be understimated. Maelstrom has many interesting features, especially when upgraded: a very nice build up, a permanently IAS (unlike Mask of Madness, that needs activation), a 25% chance to deal damage in an AoE, as well as a great defensive skill (Static Charge).

 Black King Bar is a must against disablers like Shadow Shaman. You won’t need it if you became imbalanced, nor be able to buy it if you’re already feeding. So, well ponder your choice.
Time Lock’s damage doubles whenever you hit a target inside the Chronosphere, so this can be an incentive to buy Aghanim’s Scepter. Essentially, it allows you to cast Chronosphere 2 further times than usual in 3 minutes and makes it last an additional second.

 Monkey King Bar is an alternative to Buriza-do Kyanon. It’s suggested against Talisman of Evasion and The Butterfly users, Pandaren Brewmaster, Stealth Assassin, Troll Warlord and Phantom Assassin. Note that the bash with the longest duration always overwrites the shorter one. So, if Faceless Void bashes consecutively first with Time Lock and then with a Mini-bash, the former will overwrite the shorter from the item.


 Vladmir’s Offering is, above all, an aura and a “supportive vestment”. Almost any bonus it provides is shared with the team, so this means that you shouldn’t buy it.
Although it hasn’t anymore the orb effect, Maim is totally useless due to Time Lock and Time Walk. Berserk gives 18% more MS, and with Time Walk heroes ca be caught after it’s over. Statistics and damage are nice but, I repeat, there are still better items.

 Cranium Basher and Abyssal Blade do not stack with your hero’s bash. It’s even written when you pick Faceless Void.

 Refresher Orb isn’t viable on Faceless Void, as you won’t be able to use it properly until level 20. Compared to Aghanim’s Scepter, the latter is better because is cheaper, reaches almost the same effectiveness and works fine also for the middle game.


Here’s a new item build I suggest to try out. It totally skips Mask of Madness (with some variant, it’s chosen by 42%, and that’s very interesting). Hand of Midas is the very first item to buy, and thanks to a courier you won’t spend time running around the map. It grants you an addition of 30 IAS, which is really good, not to mention all the gold you’ll gain spamming Transmute. Poor Man’s Shield (or Vanguard) is necessary because Faceless Void is a very fragile hero, while Power Treads are needed because he’s a squid. Therefore, Battle Fury is bought quite early as you should have enough AS for the moment. At this stage of the game, since it’s the best DPS item for Faceless Void, it’s quite devastating, especially inside the Chronosphere. The next obvious item to buy would be The Butterfly: extra AS is always welcome.

Another item build worthy to be tested. Armlet of Mordiggian could seem a risky item, but it’s a valid alternative to Vanguard. It grants more HP, as well as the desperately needed extra AS, and has a great synergy with Manta Style. Together they will provide you even more AS than The Butterfly, and if Armlet of Mordiggian is activated before Manta Style, also the clones will benefit from the HP increase.


Early game

Take the lower lane if you’re playing as a Sentinel, or the upper one if you’re part of the Scourge. There are two main things to know, namely to control creeps, which is essential for the lane management, and to last-hit and deny. Creep control is about to lure creeps under your tower using their scripted AI. This will screw the enemies’ farming, since they won’t be able to last-hit effectively.

Depending on the heroes you face and their playstyle, you have to play in a passive or a farming way. The passive way is used to stay in the so-called “experience range”, protected from any kind of attack. You’re supposed to wait until the creepwawe reaches its safety zone (the tower), where you’ll be able to farm a bit. When using this style, your movements must coincide with the enemies’, to maintain the distance. Time Walk can save you once, but it won’t give you any regeneration to stay in lane longer. Don’t be greedy or you could lose several HP. If the enemy group doesn’t play agressively, then you can play in the farming way. Concentrate on last-hits and deny. As long as no creep can be last-hitted, attack your own creeps under half HP to draw the lane towards your tower.

Help your ally if possible. In case, you can cast Time Walk to an enemy slowing his MS, so that your ally can try to escape. However, be careful, because you’ll be the next target. Also, as with Time Walk is possible to avoid some annoying spell like Lich’s or Yurnero’s ultimates, you should try not to get out of mana.

Mid game
At this time of the game, there are three valuable options: farming neutral creeps, pushing and ganking.

Farming neutral creeps
The true power of Mask of Madness is farming. So, if the creepwave is already at the enemies’ tower, then start to kill some neutral creep. Even if you’re ganked in the while, you’ll be able to escape and regenerate HP thanks to Time Walk and lifesteal. If you have time to farm in a safe way, do it: if you don’t kill enough creeps, you won’t farm anything before you’re ganked. Farm quickly, so that you can move on to the next creep camp. Do it if lanes are occupied and you can’t push.

Simply start Mask of Madness’ Berserk when the first creep gets below half HP: this will push your lane towards the enemy. As always, when you get close to the enemy, go back and farm neutral creeps. During this time, the enemies will most likely push back, and when the creepwave gets big enough, return, kill them all and repeat the aforementioned process. 

If an enemy is farming on your lane, call for a gank or move to another one. You should be the one who has to kill, above all because of the expensive items you need to buy.

Late game

With a correct Chronosphere’s availment and good team members, you can defeat the enemy at their own towers. If the attack is finished, your team is retreating and you have at least half HP, then you should kill some ancient creep to regain it. It’s unlikely for the enemy to go there, as they need to push back the creepwaves.

Also, remember that with The Butterfly you can solo Roshan. If you unfortunately meet the enemy team, don’t be too hasty: before escaping, check Roshan’s HP and, if it’s low, cast Chronosphere, kill it, bring the Aegis of Immortal and then cast Time Walk.

Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com