• Tittle: Countered
  • Author: Lulzicon
Doom Bringer Dota

  • Insanely high Strength and good Intelligence growth
  • Plays ap with em gold
  • Excellent solo hero
  • Dominant through the entire game
  • Very flexible thanks to Devour
  • The counter to everybody
  • Insanely low Agility, which means no attack speed and armour
  • Can't really tank due to low armour, even with high Strength
  • Short mana pool early game
  • Lack of good disables
  • Devour is somewhat luckbased in terms of what skill you want to get (a game which suddenly becomes void of Alpha Wolves at 60 mins for example)
So, when should you pick Doom?
  • When you need a carry
  • When you desperately need to counter a gamebreaking hero
And when do you not pick Doom?
  • When someone else needs to solo mid


Swallows an enemy unit for a short period of time, digesting it and absorbing its special powers.
  • 1. Mana 60 / Cooldown 70 / Gives 25 bonus gold
  • 2. Mana 50 / Cooldown 60 / Gives 50 bonus gold
  • 3. Mana 40 / Cooldown 50 / Gives 75 bonus gold
  • 4. Mana 30 / Cooldown 40 / Gives 100 bonus gold
  • Gives Lucifer the original bounty of the creep, along with the bonus gold corresponding to each level of the skill.
  • The less HP a unit had when it was devoured, the less time it will take Lucifer to devour it.
  • Everytime Lucifer devours a unit a bar is shown above his head showing the progress of the devouring process.
  • You cannot devour ancient, mechanical or flying units.
  • If a neutral creep is targeted, you gain its abilities until you replace them with another creep's abilities.
One of the best farming skills in the game. At max level, if used every time off cooldown, Devour gives close to an extra 2 gold per second. What's more, it gives you a free creep kill, which means a free last hit in lane, and less harassment in jungling. The total amount of gold received every time Devour is used is the gold from the creep (not shown) and the bonus gold (shown).

When you use this skill, the EXP from the creep is given instantly, so assuming if you are going to level and you need that level to kill a target then you can Devour for instant levelling.

If a neutral creep is Devoured, whatever skill it has will be given to you, including skills that we may never have thought existed (that's how I accidentally replaced my Centaur's stun and aura with a Giant Wolf's critical once). If Devour is used on a creep with no skills and you already have a set of skills from Devour, then the original set will not be replaced, so spam it as much as possible.

Level 1/2/3/4 Devour allows you to Devour level 2/4/5/6 neutral creeps, so don't go waste time going into the jungle finding a Centaur with only level 2 Devour.

 Scorched Earth
Blankets the ground he walks on in flames, damaging enemies and healing the Doombringer. Also increases Lucifer's movement speed.
  • 1. Mana 60 / Cooldown 60 / Duration 10 seconds / Damages enemies / Heals Lucifer for 12 HP per second. Increases the movement speed of Lucifer by 16%
  • 2. Mana 65 / Cooldown 55 / Duration 12 seconds / Damages enemies / Heals Lucifer for 18 HP per second. Increases the movement speed of Lucifer by 16%
  • 3. Mana 70 / Cooldown 50 / Duration 14 seconds / Damages enemies / Heals Lucifer for 24 HP per second. Increases the movement speed of Lucifer by 16%
  • 4. Mana 75 / Cooldown 45 / Duration 16 seconds / Damages enemies / Heals Lucifer for 30 HP per second. Increases the movement speed of Lucifer by 16%
  • Damage type: magic
  • The flames follow Doombringer for the duration of the ability.
  • Units under the control of Lucifer also benefit from this.
An excellent skill for towerdiving and escaping. Not only does it give extra movespeed, it heals you as well, making you harder to kill, plus it damages in a 600 AOE. 

Scorched Earth follows Lucifer around, so wherever you go, you will get the movespeed bonus and the regeneration. Try not to use this skill too much to heal, as it has a high cooldown. If your opponents catch you without it, or you don't have it when you need to secure an important kill, you might just die/lose that kill.

 LVL? Deadth
Dissipates a piece of a target's soul. Deals bonus damage if the target's level is a multiple of a specific number or 25.
  • 1. Mana 110 / Duration 8 / Deals 125 damage. Deals bonus damage if the level of the target is a multiple of 6
  • 2. Mana 110 / Duration 8 / Deals 175 damage. Deals bonus damage if the level of the target is a multiple of 5
  • 3. Mana 110 / Duration 8 / Deals 225 damage. Deals bonus damage if the level of the target is a multiple of 4
  • 4. Mana 110 / Duration 8 / Deals 275 damage. Deals bonus damage if the level of the target is a multiple of 3
  • Damage type: magic (base damage and bonus damage).
  • Causes a mini-stun that can effectively interrupt enemy actions.
  • Bonus damage is 20% of the enemy's max hp.
This can be an awesome nuke, and a mediocre one, depending on the level of your opponent. Obviously, you should only use it when it's awesome, unless you really need to cancel someone's channeling spell, because a ministun comes attached to it as well.

Fun fact: This is the strongest level 1 nuke in the whole game (IIRC).

The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take damage per second.
  • 1. Mana 150 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 15 (16*) seconds / Deals 30 (50*) damage per second and fully silences the target
  • 2. Mana 200 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 15 (16*) seconds / Deals 50 (80*) damage per second and fully silences the target
  • 3. Mana 250 / Cooldown 110 / Duration 15 (16*) seconds / Deals 70 ( / Cooldown 110*) damage per second and fully silences the target
  • Damage type: magic
  • Even though Doom deals magic damage, it will still damage magic immune units.
  • Unlike other silences, Doom prevents the target from using items and disables most passive abilities.
  • Units afflicted by Doom can be denied by their allies when their HP drops below 25% of their maximum health.
  • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
  • With Aghanim's, the timer will not count down when the target is within 550 range of Doom.
One of the best ultimates in the game, simply because it allows you to completely counter one of the opposing heroes. Doom also does a lot of damage, so coupled with LVL? Death a kill is almost usually guaranteed.

Fully silences everything, including items, and some passive abilities, and goes through magic immunity (although they won't take the damage).

The only drawback of Doom is that after your target reaches less than 25% HP, he can be denied, which denies you the gold from killing him.

Skill Build

Versus solo heroes
  • 1. Devour
  • 2. LVL? Death
  • 3. Devour
  • 4. LVL? Death
  • 5. Don't add anything
  • 6. Doom
  • 7. Is my opponent level 6 yet? LVL? Death x 2
  • 8. Devour
  • 9. Devour
  • 10. Scorched Earth
  • 11. Doom
  • 12-14. Scorched Earth
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Doom
  • 17-25. Stats
Versus 2 or more heroes
  • 1. Devour
  • 2. LVL? Death
  • 3. Devour
  • 4. LVL? Death
  • 5. LVL? Death
  • 6. Doom
  • 7. LVL? Death
  • 8. Devour
  • 9. Devour
  • 10. Scorched Earth
  • 11. Doom
  • 12-14. Scorched Earth
  • 15. Stats
  • 16. Doom
  • 17-25. Stats
  • Devour: Should be taken at level 1, because every Devour is a free last hit.
  • Scorched Earth: The last skill to be maxed as it isn't quite as useful as the other 2.
  • LVL? Death: Your only nuke, which should be maxed out fast.
  • Doom: No brainer, the higher the level the better the effectiveness, and Doom is a very useful skill.


Items to Go For

 Coupled with your insanely high base damage, you can easily get most of the creeps early game. Changes the animation as well.

 Core on solo mid heroes (most anyway).

 Absolutely core for Lucifer, and unlike other heroes who get it as core, he actually has the capability to get it extremely fast. Coupled with Scorched Earth, all you need to do to kill is to walk with your target.

 The remake might have toned the overall effectiveness down, but Scepter still remains one of Lucifer's most important items, as it buffs the already insanely epic Doom to even greater levels.

The boots
  • All 3 shoes are actually very viable for Doom.
  • With Boots of Travel, your farming capability increases by a lot, plus the high movespeed bonus allows you to catch up/escape more efficiently.
  • With Phase Boots, you can walk through anything that would stop you from catching up with your target.
  • With Power Treads, you are predicting a long drawn out game where later on your normal attack is needed in addition to your other abilities.
The orbs

 The only orb you should ever get, though after Radiance and Scepter (which already costs a lot of money) you should already try ending the game.

Lifesteal is the only way to go because Doom is supposed to stay as long as possible in the field so that Radiance and Scorched Earth will do their utmost, and this handy little item will prolong it.


 As they attempt to take you down, something is needed to deter them from doing so.

 An extra disable never goes amiss.

 The perfect item for Doom, solving his armour and attack speed problems.

 Fear of disables?

 If you require more HP, but IMO get this only after you get enough armour.

 Turns the game into a 3v5. Something to consider if you get Perseverance and have enough sense not to turn it into a Bfury.

Rejected items
There are a lot of obvious items that Doom should not get. I'm just going to highlight the important ones.

 Get it free from the Alpha Wolf.

 Only for heroes who have difficulty farming. Getting it on Doom, especially when he won't be using his normal attack much in team fights, is kind of useless.

The HP and MP regen from Bfury is a big attraction to this item on Doom as well. If you need HP, turn on Scorched Earth. If you need MP, get a Void and turn it into a Guinsoo, not Bfury.

 Another commonly seen item on Doom because of similar reasons to Bfury, plus it gives a non-orb lifesteal! It won't help much unless you are considering it for your last item (and even then there are much better options).

Play Style

Choosing your lane

Without a doubt, solo mid. As a carry, Doom needs the early levels and can't afford to be sharing last hits. Plus, he's one of the best mid solos out there, so why not?

Early Game (1-7)

As soon as you see the first creep, Devour it immediately. Try as much as possible not to get denied by your lane opponent (which should be reasonable as you have an insanely high base damage). The main reason behind this is because if your opponent gets even one deny, you won't be level 3 after the first 2 creep waves, when Devour has finished cooldown, and level 2 Devour gives 20 more gold, not to mention finishes faster. You might think this isn't much of a deal, but remember, every second that Devour could be used, it should be used. Level 2 Devour has a shorter cooldown, finishes faster, and gives more gold compared to level 1 Devour. You should be aiming to last hit as much as possible anyway, so try to achieve this state if you can.

LVL? Death usage is what separates a scrub from a good player. Proper use of LVL? Death is crucial to securing lane dominance.

Against solo heroes, at level 5 you add nothing. LVL? Death at level 2 does 250 extra damage to multiples of 5 and above, and versus a solo hero who is expected to keep up with the same level as you, shouldn't he be level 5 when you yourself are? As soon as he hits level 5, nuke him straight and force him to back. This is how you will attain your lane dominance and get overleveled compared to your opponent. When your opponent reaches level 6, he gets another nasty surprise. You are back, but this time, with LVL? Death at level 4 (multiples of 3 do bonus damage). Nuke him again, possibly using Doom to get that kill. Assuming you forced your opponent to back, getting that one level higher than him shouldn't be too difficult.

Against 2 or more heroes, when you are level 5, usually they will be around level 3. LVL? Death at level 3 does bonus damage to multiples of 4. Wait for them to level up, and then start nuking the weaker hero straight away.

Creeps that you should Devour:
  • Dark Troll Warlord (Ensnare/Summons)
  • Centaur Khan (Stun)
  • Satyr Soulstealer (Mana Burn)
  • Polar Furbolg Champion (Slow)
  • Ogre Magi (Frost Armour)
Mid Game (7-16)

In my opinion, Doom's early game strategies end at level 7 (after all, there's no way to reset your skill points, so you will be stuck with level 4 LVL? Death for the rest of your game). After this, your only role is to, farm. It may be boring, but with it you can rush a Radiance under 20 minutes. After Radiance, immediately go for Scepter. If possible, try not to stop for Bracers, because they aren't really needed when you can rush for bigger items.

At this point, assuming, you have bought Radiance, you can try and start killing already. To kill:
  • 1. Doom the unlucky target.
  • 2. Turn on Scorched Earth and start running with him.
  • 3. LVL? Death whenever possible.
Creeps that you should Devour:
  • Dark Troll Warlord (Ensnare/Summons)
  • Centaur Khan (Stun)
  • Ogre Magi (Frost Armour)
  • Kobold Taskmaster (Speed Aura)
Late Game (16-25)

So hopefully you have got your Scepter and Radiance. Now it's time to end the game. In team fights, always Doom the hero with the biggest threat. Turn on Scorched Earth and start hitting another enemy hero. Use LVL? Death on anybody where the bonus damage is applicable.

Creeps that you should Devour:
  • Alpha Wolf (Command Aura/Critical)
  • Kobold Taskmaster (Speed Aura)
  • Centaur Khan (Stun)
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