- Tittle: Destroy the Foolish Ones!
- Author: dark_phoenix96
Among the small number of intelligence heroes who focus on getting a lot of powerful items late in the game, the Obsidian Destroyer relies on building up as much intelligence and mana as he possibly can. His deadly Arcane Orb enhances his attacks with large amounts of unresistable pure damage, and if his mana pool gets high enough the Obsidian Destroyer is capable of killing fragile enemies with only a few Arcane Orb attacks. Astral Prison is a useful ability, which can put a powerful enemy hero out of the fight or save an ally from death. In addition, it drains intelligence when cast on an enemy hero, and by repeatedly using this ability the Obsidian Destroyer can quickly reduce the enemies' mana pool, making it difficult for them to cast many spells. To keep both his own and his allies' mana pools full, the Obsidian Destroyer has a passive skill called Essence Aura. In addition to boosting the Destroyer's own mana pool, this aura gives any allied unit under its effect a chance to instantly regain a portion of their total mana pool every time they cast a spell. Essence Aura fuels Arcane Orb, giving the Destroyer potent damage with little risk of running dry. Although Arcane Orb and Astral Prison make the Destroyer deadly in small engagements, his powerful Sanity's Eclipse spell can turn the tide of large battles. An Obsidian Destroyer with a lot of intelligence items can kill or badly wound several enemy heroes at once with this spell. Few heroes are capable of putting out as much damage as a pumped up Obsidian Destroyer.
- One of the most feared carries in the game.
- His Arcane Orb deals pure damage that completely ignores armor and magic resistance, which makes him a very powerful tank destroyer.
- His Astral Imprisonment has a lot of features, which makes it a very versatile skill.
- His ultimate, Sanity's Eclipse, is a powerful game-breaking skill.
- His Essence Aura greatly supports his allies (Including himself).
- Very high mana pool which takes quite a long time to burn.
- High Intelligence Gain.
- Fairly high starting movement speed (310).
- Fairly high starting armor (5.36).
- Even though he's a carry, he's very skill dependent.
- Item dependent.
- Silence and Magic Immunity counters him hard.
- Low strength gain.
- Fragile in early game.
Pick Destroyer if:
- Your team has a lot of disablers and/or supports.
- Your team needs a tank destroyer.
- Your team has a lot of low-cooldown spammable skills.
- Your team needs a carry.
- You're a good farmer.
Don't Pick Destroyer if:
- Your team has a lot of carries.
- Your team has a few (or no) disablers and/or supports.
- The enemy team has a lot of silence skills.
- The enemy team has a lot of disablers.
Gives the Destroyer extra power to damage his enemies based on his remaining mana pool. Damage type is pure.
- 1. Mana 100 / Deals 6% of your current remaining mana. Deals 100 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units
- 2. Mana 100 / Deals 7% of your current remaining mana. Deals 200 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units
- 3. Mana 100 / Deals 8% of your current remaining mana. Deals 300 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units
- 4. Mana 100 / Deals 9% of your current remaining mana. Deals 400 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units
- Damage type: pure
- The damage is calculated after the mana cost is spent.
- Does not stack with orb effects and buff placers.
This skill is what makes Destroyer a powerful carry and tank destroyer; it deals pure damage based on a percentage of your remaining mana pool (The percentage increases per level). In other words, the more mana you have, the more you deal damage with it. Like what I've said in the "Pros and Cons" Section, pure damage completely ignores armor and magic resistance, so tanks fear and hate you a lot. Leveling up this skill is not worth it in early game because you don't have enough mana to spam it continuously, take note that every Arcane Orb attack cost 100 mana, so your mana pool will run out fast if you kept on spamming it; also, it won't do too much damage because you still don't have a lot of mana in early game. Save this skill later for mid game and late game, once you have enough mana to spam it (About 1500 mana points or more) and your Essence Aura is already at max level (I'll Explain about Essence Aura later). Take note that raw damage won't increase the damage of your Arcane Orb so don't aim for raw damage items. Also, this skill deals bonus damage on illusions and summoned units. Its bonus damage on illusions and summoned units increases per level.
Teleports a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for the duration of the spell. If cast on an enemy, Harbinger steals intelligence from the target. Intelligence is restored to the hero after 60 seconds.
- 1. Mana 120 / Cooldown 18 / Duration 1 second / 4 Int exchange
- 2. Mana 140 / Cooldown 16 / Duration 2 seconds / 6 Int exchange
- 3. Mana 160 / Cooldown 14 / Duration 3 seconds / 8 Int exchange
- 4. Mana 180 / Cooldown 12 / Duration 4 seconds / 10 Int exchange
- When cast on an ally, no intelligence is stolen.
- Imprisoned units are hidden and invulnerable.
- Imprisoned units can still be hit by Sanity's Eclipse.
- The -disablehelp command will prevent an allied Harbinger from casting this spell on you.
This skill is a very versatile spell. It can be used as a disable, escape mechanism, defense mechanism, Sanity's Eclipse damage and Arcane Orb damage amplifier, and a temporary mana drainer. Since this skill has a lot of functions, you need to think what you're going to do with it depending on your current situation. Every intelligence points that you temporarily steal from an enemy using this skill will stack continuously with your own but each intelligence steal will restore to targeted hero(s) after 60 seconds. It also decreases the physical damage attacks of Intelligence heroes because their Intelligence also increases their physical damage.
Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a chance to restore 25% of its mana pool. Passively adds to the Destroyer's base mana pool.
- 1. 10% chance to restore. Increases base mana by 75.
- 2. 20% chance to restore. Increases base mana by 150.
- 3. 30% chance to restore. Increases base mana by 225.
- 4. 40% chance to restore. Increases base mana by 300.
- Arcane Orb has the regular 10%/20%/30%/40% chance for mana restoration, whether autocast or cast manually.
- Several skills with no cooldown (such as the Storm Spirit's Ball Lightning) and toggled spells (such as the Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration) cannot trigger Essence Aura.
This skill is what keeps your mana pool full; which also keeps your Arcane Orb at full power. Not only this skill helps you, but your teammates as well, especially teammates with low-cooldown spammable spells. Like what I've said before, maximize this skill before you maximize Arcane Orb. For you to spam Arcane Orb freely without getting your mana burned out completely, maximize Essence Aura and have 1500 mana points or more. Once you've done that, your mana pool won't run out anymore and your mana pool will be always be full while you're spamming Arcane Orb. Thanks to this, you won't be needing pure mana regeneration items. Essence Aura also increases your base mana pool. Its bonus base mana pool increases per level.
The Obsidian Destroyer unleashes his full potential; his mind unleashes a psionic storm able to penetrate lesser minds with terminal force, dealing massive damage to them. More crafty minds are able to resist most of the damage, but they expend most of their energies to do so, losing 75% of their mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.
- 1.Mana 175 / Cooldown 160 / Deals damage equal to 8x (9x*) the difference between heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence.
- 2.Mana 250 / Cooldown 160 / Deals damage equal to 9x (10x*) the difference between heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence.
- 3.Mana 325 / Cooldown 160 / Deals damage equal to 10x (11x*) the difference between heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence.
- Damage type: magical
- If an enemy hero has an intelligence difference lower than 10/30/50 (at level 1/2/3), but greater than 0, he will lose 75% of his current mana.
- * with Aghanim's scepter
- It will hit units under the effect of Astral Imprisonment.
This is Obsidian Destroyer's signature skill. Heroes with low intelligence will take heavy damage from it, while intelligent heroes who are not intelligent as Destroyer will take less damage but their mana pool will be burned down to 75%. Because of this, it's better to cast this first during a clash (Although in pub games, I last-hit heroes with this skill during a clash since I don't trust my teammates). After all, what can an intelligent enemy hero (Like Lion or Lina) with 2000 mana, who's not smart as Destroyer, do when 1500 of his/her mana was burned by this skill? Those heroes who are not too intelligent will greatly take damage from this skill, giving you and your teammates the advantage against them. Be careful when you're going to cast this on enemy heroes who have more intelligence than you do, because they'll be unaffected by it. It will deal damage based on the difference between Destroyer's Intelligence and the enemy hero's intelligence.
- Level 1: Astral Imprisonment(1)
- Level 2: Essence Aura(1)
- Level 3: Astral Imprisonment(2)
- Level 4: Essence Aura(2)
- Level 5: Astral Imprisonment(3)
- Level 6: Essence Aura(3)
- Level 7: Astral Imprisonment(4)
- Level 8: Essence Aura(4)
- Level 9: Sanity's Eclipse(1)
- Level 10: Arcane Orb(1)
- Level 11: Sanity's Eclipse(2)
- Level 12: Arcane Orb(2)
- Level 13: Arcane Orb(3)
- Level 14: Arcane Orb(4)
- Level 15: Stats(1)
- Level 16: Sanity's Eclipse(3)
- Level 17-25: Stats(2-10)
Explanation: Always get Astral Imprisonment first to ensure a first blood or to prevent a first blood. Maximize Astral Imprisonment and Essence Aura first because they're very helpful to you and to your teammates in early game. Like what I've said before, save Arcane Orb later for mid game and late game because it costs a lot of mana in which you don't have enough mana to spam it too much (Arcane Orb costs 100 mana per cast), and it won't do a lot of damage because you don't have a lot of mana in early game. Destroyer's base damage is huge in early game and you can amplify his base damage with your Astral Imprisonment, so you don't need Arcane Orb for intimidating your opponent(s) and for last-hitting creeps. Once you maximize Astral Imprisonment and Essence Aura, maximize your Arcane Orb and your Sanity's Eclipse. Don't level up Sanity's Eclipse to level 1 when you reach level 6 because it doesn't have enough punch in early game. Level it up to level 1 when you reach level 9 after you maximize your Astral Imprisonment and your Essence Aura. Maximize your Arcane Orb after you maximize Astral Imprisonment and Essence Aura but don't forget to level up your Sanity's Eclipse when you reach level 11 and level 16. Don't forget to level up your stats too.
Now that you know everything about Destroyer's skills, you know what you're going to buy for Obsidian Destroyer. Your main items are intelligence items and attack speed items. Intelligence items will not only increase your mana pool for your Arcane Orb, but they'll also increase your intelligence for your Sanity's Eclipse. In others words, Intelligence items are the best items for Destroyer in terms of offensive power. Attack speed items will allow you to spam your Arcane Orb faster, which makes you a deadly carry and tank destroyer.
Orb Effects: Any Orb Effects. You already have Arcane Orb. Never buy any other orbs because you already have one.
Raw Damage Items: Like what I've said before, raw damage doesn't increase the damage of your Arcane Orb. If you want to increase the damage of your Arcane Orb, buy Intelligence items. Not only Intelligence items increase your mana pool for your Arcane Orb's power, but they also increase the power of your Sanity's Eclipse as well.
Game Strategy
Early Game
Since you're a carry, you know what you're going to do; you need to farm up your items as fast as possible in order to win the game. Buy your starting items and go to your respective lane. Destroyer is a very good mid solo hero, he can take the mid solo lane or take the top/bottom lane but depending on your team formation, you have to pick your respective lane. Your role in your lane is simple: last-hit and deny creeps as much as possible, and spam Astral Imprisonment on the enemy hero who's about to go for a last-hit or a deny. Your role may be simple, but it's far from easy. If you keep yourself calm and focused, you can do it precisely and accurately. If the enemy in your lane has strong lane control, play defensively and keep your distance. If you can't farm in your lane because of the enemy's strong lane control, ask your teammates for a lane switch or a gank. If you and your lane partner have strong lane control, keep it up to prevent the enemy in your lane from farming up. If you have an ally babysitter in your lane (Like Omniknight or Warlock), then farming in your lane will be easy. Farm up your core as fast as possible.
Mid Game
Mid Game is where the most ganks and clashes occur. During this time, keep farming until you get your core but be careful because enemy gankers would probably stalk on you while you're farming in your lane. Once they get the opportunity, they'll gank and kill you. Don't die if possible! Your life is too precious and every death you take will take away some of the gold you've earned! Keep alert at all times, especially when most of the enemy heroes are not in their respective lanes. Always keep some TP scrolls so you can teleport to other lanes. TP scrolls will help you save time for farming up gold. Don't participate in team fights unless it's necessary. If you don't see most of the enemy heroes in the map, don't farm near the enemy tower because most probably they'll come for you. Keep farming until you get your core. You can farm in the neutral camps but be careful because the enemy heroes roam too much in the jungle.
Once you've got your core, you can participate in ganks and team fights. Gank an enemy hero anytime you want whenever possible but keep alert and keep your guard up (Gank with your teammates whenever they're available). During a team fight, cast your Sanity's Eclipse first! Make sure you hit most of the enemy heroes with it. Your ultimate will heavily damage those low intelligence heroes and will heavily burn the mana of those intelligent heroes who're not as smart as you do. Like what I've said before, what can an intelligent enemy hero (Like Lion or Lina) with 2000 mana, who's not smart as Destroyer, do when 1500 of his/her mana was burned by this skill? During a team fight also, use Astral Imprisonment on the most dangerous enemy hero in the enemy team (Like a tank-carry like Dragon Knight or a heavily farmed-up carry like Troll). Make sure you and your team get the upper hand while that enemy hero is disabled by your Astral Imprisonment because if the disable duration of that skill ends, that enemy hero will come out and will wreak havoc in the team fight. When you and your team get the upper hand in the battle, victory is yours. When you have free time after the team fight, use that time to farm up and push a lane.
Late Game
Keeping on earning more gold and buy your luxuries. Once you're fully farmed or over-farmed, it'll be hard for the enemy team to stop you. Again, when a team fight starts, always remember to cast your Sanity's Eclipse first during a clash then use Astral Imprisonment on the most dangerous enemy hero in the enemy team. Finish the game as fast as possible! Because if you ignore this, the enemy team might get the chance to turn the tide of battle. Don't let that happen! Don't give them that opportunity! Finish the game like it's crucial to you!
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com