BUTCHER GUIDE (by beastblood)

  • Tittle: I got a hook with your name on it
  • Author: beastblood
Butcher Dota

  • Good surprise attack.
  • Good in team fights.
  • Can help teammates get a good farm.
  • Fun hero to play.
  • Somewhat slow movement speed.
  • Abit hard to play for noobs.
  • Low armor.
  • Low starting mana.
  • Weaker late game.


 Meat Hook
Launches a bloody hook at a unit or location. The hook will snag the first target it encounters, dealing damage then dragging the victim back to the Butcher.
  • 1. Mana 110 / Cooldown 14 / Deals 90 damage and drags the victim to the Butcher
  • 2. Mana 120 / Cooldown 13 / Deals 180 damage and drags the victim to the Butcher
  • 3. Mana 130 / Cooldown 12 / Deals 270 damage and drags the victim to the Butcher
  • 4. Mana 140 / Cooldown 11 / Deals 360 damage and drags the victim to the Butcher
  • Damage type: pure
  • Invisible units can be hooked normally.
  • Meat Hook can go through cliffs, trees, structures and siege creeps.
  • The tip of the Meat Hook is what drags the units to the Butcher, so touching the Meat Hook in any other part than its tip will not trigger its effect.
  • Meat Hook deals damage and a ministun to enemy units, effectively interrupting them. Allied units can be dragged too, but neither the damage nor the ministun will be dealt to them.
  • The -stats (-st) command can be used to know the accuracy of your hooks (number of enemy heroes hit / (number of enemy units hit + number of misses) )
  • Meat Hook can go through cliffs, trees, structures and siege creeps.
  • The tip of the Meat Hook is what drags the units to the Butcher, so touching the Meat Hook in any other part than its tip will not trigger its effect.
  • Meat Hook deals damage and a ministun to enemy units, effectively interrupting them. Allied units can be dragged too, but neither the damage nor the ministun will be dealt to them.
Pudge releases the disease and filth inside of him, dealing intense damage and slowing surrounding enemies while hurting Pudge as well.
  • 1. Mana 0 / Cooldown 0 / 35 damage per second. Reduces movement speed of enemies by 20%
  • 2. Mana 0 / Cooldown 0 / 60 damage per second. Reduces movement speed of enemies by 20%
  • 3. Mana 0 / Cooldown 0 / 85 damage per second. Reduces movement speed of enemies by 20%
  • 4. Mana 0 / Cooldown 0 / 110 damage per second. Reduces movement speed of enemies by 20%
  • Damage type: magical
  • Rot can be activated while using Dismember without interrupting it.
  • Deals damage and slows invisible units as well.
  • If Pudge is silenced while Rot is activated, he will not be able to de-activate it until the silence wears off.
  • Pudge can deny himself using this skill.
  • Rot can be activated while using Dismember without interrupting it.
 Flesh Heap
Pudge is made of innumerable rotting corpses, giving him extra protection against spells as well as the chance to add more to his bulk.
  • 1. Gives Pudge 4% extra resistance to spells. +1 STR for hero kills.
  • 2. Gives Pudge 8% extra resistance to spells. +1.5 STR for hero kills.
  • 3. Gives Pudge 12% extra resistance to spells. +2 STR for hero kills.
  • 4. Gives Pudge 16% extra resistance to spells. +2.5 STR for hero kills.
  • Spell resistance stacks with that from items.
  • Gains Strength for enemy heroes that die nearby (450 AoE), or if Pudge kills them.
  • The ability is retroactive, meaning the strength gain will be adapted once you lvl up flesh heap.
  • The -stats (-st) command can be used to know how much Strength you gained through this skill.
  • Overhead notification when strength is gained.
  • Flesh Heap's retroactive features makes it so that it doesn't matter when you level it up. You still keep track of kills in the 450 AoE and kills that you have made even if it's Level 0.
Chows down on a target, causing excruciating pain. Lasts 3 seconds.
  • 1. Mana 100 / Cooldown 30 / Duration 3 seconds (heroes) / 6 seconds (creeps) / 75 (75 + 0.75x strength*) damage per second
  • 2. Mana 130 / Cooldown 30 / Duration 3 seconds (heroes) / 6 seconds (creeps) / 125 (125 + 0.75x strength*) damage per second
  • 3. Mana 170 / Cooldown 30 / Duration 3 seconds (heroes) / 6 seconds (creeps) / 175 (175 + 0.75x strength*) damage per second
  • Damage type: magical
  • Disable works on magic immune units.
  • A unit affected by dismember will continue to be disabled and damaged even if it becomes invisible.
  • Dismember is a channeling spell.
  • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
  • Improved version heals Pudge the same amount as it deals damage.


Starting Items (Middle Lane):
  • Some nice stats and a chicken is nice to start with, Improves your survivability and makes it easy to hold the push.
Starting Items (Side Lanes):
  • This starting item build will make you able to nuke your enemies with hook and rot.
Early Game:
  • You will have great survivability in early teams fights.
Mid game:
  • You will easly win a solo battle against lowhealt heros, and you will be great in team fights.
Mid game:
  • You can also rush Hood of Defiance, Wich will provide with great survivability and makes you able to farm much more.
Late game:
  • At lvl 25 with this items you will have 4.1k hp, You will be a unstoppable killing machine.
Possbile Items:

 Pudge dosent have much armor so a Vanguard can help you survive. Some times this can be better to get then Hood of Defiance or before Heart of Tarrasque.

 Yet again, Since pudge got so low armor Shivas Guard can be good to get for some armor.

 Urn of Shadows gives you some hp and a good mana regen.

 You can also make a Khadgar's Pipe of Insight if your having abit trouble surviving.

 Medallion of Courage, Gives some armor and mana regen. Perfect for pudge early game.

Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com