• Tittle: Carry Style Bloodseeker
  • Author: Gyldarts

  • A very good hybrid between a ganker and a carry
  • One of the most feared heroes
  • One of the heroes with the fastest attack animation
  • Great agility and good strength growth.
  • Paper hero at early to mid game without proper blood bathing.
  • Uses alot of mana to continuously use bloodrage to boost your damage/silent a target.
  • Tanky heroes with BM can kill him.
  • Using bloodrage on other carries can be suicide for your team and you.
When to pick Bloodseeker
  • Your team needs:
  • A ganker
  • A carry
  • A chaser
  • You love raping
When NOT to pick Bloodseeker
  • There is a silencer
  • There is a Doom Bringer
  • A bunch nukers are at your enemy's team
  • You hate gore


 Blood Rage
Drives a unit into a bloodthristy rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second.
  • 1. Mana 80 / Cooldown 12 / Duration 6 seconds / Increases damage by 30%, takes 20 HP per second
  • 2. Mana 80 / Cooldown 10 / Duration 7 seconds / Increases damage by 60%, takes 20 HP per second
  • 3. Mana 80 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 8 seconds / Increases damage by 90%, takes 20 HP per second
  • 4. Mana 80 / Cooldown 6 / Duration 9 seconds / Increases damage by 120%, takes 20 HP per second
  • Damage type: magical
  • Removes most negative buffs when cast on allies and most positive buffs (and ethereal) when cast on enemies.
  • Bloodrage can be casted on an allied, enemy or neutral unit.
  • The -disablehelp command will prevent an allied Bloodseeker from casting this spell on you.
When to use:
  • When you feel like you're going to die from a nuke, when you have cast rupture and a spell caster can stun you from chasing your ruptured target.
  • Use this to silence and nuke your squishy enemies, don't use it on carries.
  • NOTE:When an ally wants you to deny him with this, stay far away from exp range, you will get experience if you do that.
 Blood Bath
Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source.
  • 1. Regenerates 10% of the Hero's max hp. 10% for creeps.
  • 2. Regenerates 20% of the Hero's max hp. 15% for creeps.
  • 3. Regenerates 30% of the Hero's max hp. 20% for creeps.
  • 4. Regenerates 40% of the Hero's max hp. 25% for creeps.
  • Denied creeps and heroes will also trigger Bloodbath, illusions will not trigger Bloodbath.
  • Strygwyr will regenerate hp regardless of how he killed the unit, be it with spells, items or attacks.
  • If you are in a 325 AoE of a dying enemy hero but did not kill him, you get 50% of the normal hero regeneration (5/10/15/20% of his max hp).
How to use:
  • Simply kill a unit , be it mechanical,organic,enemies or allies, you can gain health from killing enemy heroes too, just make sure to max this after Blood Rage, following level 3-4 of thirst.
 Strygwyr's Thirst
Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 20/30/40/50% hp. If he finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increased movement speed and armor.
  • 1. Increases movement speed by 15% and armor by 3. Grants vision of the target
  • 2. Increases movement speed by 25% and armor by 4. Grants vision of the target
  • 3. Increases movement speed by 35% and armor by 5. Grants vision of the target
  • 4. Increases movement speed by 45% and armor by 6. Grants vision of the target
  • Strygwyr's Thirst is not triggered by Illusions.
  • Invisible units are revealed when under half the hp threshold instead.
Using this:
  • Bloodseeker is a rapist when this is on, immediately chase the half-dead hero and cast rupture, if you have already cast rupture, then bloodrage him/yourself(depends, if he's a spellcaster/stunner, then simply silence him) then hit your target, if you have crystalys, this should be easy, you deal around 300 damage with blood rage on when crit occurs, leave this at level 2 at early game, and max it later on.
Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life.
  • 1. Mana 150 / Cooldown 70 / Duration 7 seconds / 150 initial damage. Deals 20% of the distance moved as damage
  • 2. Mana 200 / Cooldown 60 / Duration 8 seconds / 250 initial damage. Deals 40% of the distance moved as damage
  • 3. Mana 250 / Cooldown 50 / Duration 9 seconds / 350 initial damage. Deals 60% of the distance moved as damage
  • Damage type: HP removal
  • If the affected unit moved more than 1300 distance in 0.25 seconds, it will not receive any damage.
  • This spell is awesome, cast this if you're ganking/hunting an enemy, then simply scare him away and keep chasing him, he'll be dead in a few runs. 

Skill Build
  • Level 1 - Blood Bath
  • Level 2 - Blood Rage
  • Level 3 - Blood Bath
  • Level 4 - Strygwyr's Thirst
  • Level 5 - Strygwyr's Thirst
  • Level 6 - Rupture
  • Level 7 - Blood Rage
  • Level 8 - Blood Rage
  • Level 9 - Blood Bath
  • Level 10 - Strygwyr's Thirst
  • Level 11 - Rupture
  • Level 12 - Blood Rage
  • Level 13 - Blood Bath
  • Level 14 - Strygwyr's Thirst
  • Level 15 - Stats
  • Level 16 - Rupture
  • Level 17+ - Stats

Let me explain clearly:
You take Blood Bath and Blood Rage early to stay in a lane and become a farming arsehole with full health every creep you kill/deny, Strygwyr's Thirst is taken at level 4-5 , because at level 4-10 ganking starts getting wild, you might wonder 

Why i focused on Blood Rage and Blood Bath instead of bath and thirst, thirst's bonus ms when you are hunting someone is more than enough at level 2, that's why you would increase it to level 3-4 at level 10++, and Rage is very useful at level 3-4, it ensures you a kill, a free DD+20% every few seconds for 9 seconds.If you max Strygwyr's Thirst first you are nuts, don't ask why, he already has 365 + (365 * 22%) = 445,3 MS if you have Power Treads and Thirst on, with phase you move damn fast.

Item Build

Core Build
  • Bloodrage + Crystalys = (DD+20%) + 1.75 Crit = 2.95x more damage
  • Force Staff is used after you cast Rupture, since the update, Force Staff can be used at all levels of Rupture.
Late Game Items
 or  or 

You should first get desolator after blademail, then the following item would be buriza, since buriza grants a 2.50x critical, with your Bloodrage which adds 120% bonus damage, your normal attack damage when crit procs it would be 1.20+2.5 = 3.7x of your normal damage, hurts doesn't it?Imagine your damage is around 150, x 3.7 would be 555 damage on a single hit, get manta after buriza to boost your agility.

NOTE: If you prefer manta, sell Force Staff, it won't benefit you much at very late game, if you prefer force staff, then don't get manta to replace anything, especially radiance and buriza, if you're going to replace deso with manta, it's not a good choice, but it's your choice.

OK Items for Bloodseeker

 Vladmir's Offering: This item is really good on Bloodseeker, but i don't like it being carried by Bloodseeker, Strygwyr focuses on his main items, and Vladmir's Offering is not a good item to be carried by him, so ask an ally to build this for your team, just don't buy this, you do not want to waste money on this item.

 Abyssal /  Crabash: Works pretty well with Strygwyr, why not?Any melee carry will love this.

 Sange & Yasha: Why not?If you want to slow down your enemies, use this, but i prefer Manta Style though, it's better than SnY since it synergizes well with his illusions.

 Janggo: I don't really recommend this but, if you have some extra money to spend at the early phase, feel free to get it.

 Ethereal Blade: This is a powerful item, get it if you want, just don't replace Desolator with this.

 Mjolnir: Attack Speed? Awesome!, Chain Lightning? Good!, Orb Effect? NO, This is why Mjolnir can't beat Desolator's usefulness in terms of hunting, get this only if you're facing hardcore heroes who barely has magic resistance and relies on physical attacks, you can shock enemy heroes with Mjolnir, and hitters would get shocked by attacking you.

OMGWTF Stupid Items on Bloodseeker
  • Oh God, if you bought one of these items , what were you thinking 


Early Game

In the Early phase of the game, you are a farming badass and that's what you are going to be, that's why take Blood Bath at level 1 and 3, so you can stay in a lane pretty much as long as you want, except if you get ganked, Last Hit as much as possible, Denying is a must, especially if you're facing nevermore.

You're good at this, get close to your enemy when you see a creep with it's hitpoint at half, and hit your enemy's hero, if he fights back, just keep hitting and then return to deny/kill a creep.

Stay Alert: 
Stay alert for these two: Half-dead heroes AND ganking enemies(targeting YOU), since you harass i'm sure he's gonna call an ally.

Mid Game

This is your FIRST PRIORITY in mid game, simply Rupture a target, bloodrage to yourself ,if your target's a stunner/skiller bloodrage him/her instead, then rape him/her.

Second Priority, farm at the jungle and farm HEROES if they're scared of you, same strategy.

Staying Safe:
This is your third priority, because you will be targeted first if you are feared by your enemies, just watchout for ganks when you farm lane creeps.

Late Game

You are now a carry if you have a Desolator, and Buriza, or just Desolator with Crystalys, enemy fears you, you hit them hard with your normal attacks and rupture, if they stay put, they'll die, if they run, they'll die too, they just have to pick how to die.

Farm for your buybacks , duh.

Don't be mean, support your allies and let them have the kill, you are full fledged, if you're not....ah.

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