- Tittle: Testosterone incarnate
- Author: SSJ3_Raditz
There is no manlier, tougher, or more badass hero than KING LEORIC. Leoric has been through CENTURIES OF LIVING IN HELL then PUT BACK ON EARTH. Basically, HELL HAS COME TO EARTH. Run while there's still land, this chunk of pure testosterone(and hellfire) is OUT to KILL you. The mere presence of Leoric causes his fellow creeps(and himself) to STEAL THE VERY ESSENCE OF YOUR SOUL. He can also COME BACK FROM THE DEAD(faster than Jesus).
- TECHNICALLY FREE AEGIS(although with manacost)
- Tanky
- Painful low cooldown stun
- INFERTILE(no testicles)
- Mana problems

Leoric launches a sphere of hellfire from the end of his sword, causing his victim to burst into flames. Deals damage and stuns for 2 seconds followed by a 20% slow for 2 seconds.
- 1. Mana 140 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 4 seconds * / 50 impact damage, 15 dps, stun, 20% slow
- 2. Mana 140 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 4 seconds * / 100 impact damage, 30 dps, stun, 20% slow
- 3. Mana 140 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 4 seconds * / 150 impact damage, 40 dps, stun, 20% slow
- 4. Mana 140 / Cooldown 8 / Duration 4 seconds * / 200 impact damage, 50 dps, stun, 20% slow
- Damage type: magical
- Total damage: 80 / 160 / 230 / 300
- (*) 2 seconds stun, then 2 seconds slow and damage
- As you can see, this low cooldown stun sets pussies on fire and stunning them at the same time. The low cooldown allows you to abuse it during teamfights, which means all your enemies are pussies(on fire). Do however, check your mana. You might have no mana for Reincarnation.

Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit enemy units.
- 1. Gains 15% of attack damage
- 2. Gains 20% of attack damage
- 3. Gains 25% of attack damage
- 4. Gains 30% of attack damage
- Stacks additively with Vladmir's Offering lifesteal aura.
- Fuck Dracula. He needs to bite other people to turn them into vampires(not of the sparkling emo kind), all Leoric needs is his presence to turn people into vampires. Plus, Leoric gets testosterone from enemy blood.
- Stacks with Vladimir's Offering/Mask of Madness/Dominator. Enjoy your 46%/47%/45% lifesteals.

Gives a chance to do more damage on an attack. Alternatively, can temporarily sacrifice this ability to steal life from an enemy hero. Borrows 20% Max HP from target enemy and returns it after 7 seconds.
- 1. Mana 30* / Cooldown 25* / Duration 7* / 15% chance for 1.25 times normal damage**, borrow 20% of target's max hp*
- 2. Mana 30* / Cooldown 25* / Duration 7* / 15% chance for 1.75 times normal damage**, borrow 20% of target's max hp*
- 3. Mana 30* / Cooldown 25* / Duration 7* / 15% chance for 2.25 times normal damage**, borrow 20% of target's max hp*.
- 4. Mana 30* / Cooldown 25* / Duration 7* / 15% chance for 2.75 times normal damage**, borrow 20% of target's max hp*.
- Damage type: HP Removal* / Physical**
- (*) Active
- (**) Passive
- Borrowed hp is nonlethal.
- The passive critical strike is disabled while Leoric borrows health.
- What the hell do you expect from the sword of King Leoric?
- Also, the crits work with Vampiric Aura, giving Leoric lots of health when he crits. Enjoy your critical lifesteals.

When killed the Skeleton King will come back to life and slow enemies in a 700 aoe by 30% for 3 seconds.
- 1. Mana 140 / Cooldown 260 / Duration 3 seconds / Slows enemies' movement and attack speed by 30% for 3 seconds, then revives.
- 2. Mana 140 / Cooldown 160 / Duration 3 seconds / Slows enemies' movement and attack speed by 30% for 3 seconds, then revives.
- 3. Mana 140 / Cooldown 60 / Duration 3 seconds / Slows enemies' movement and attack speed by 30% for 3 seconds, then revives.
- Will revive even if silenced on death.
- Will not revive if Skeleton King does not have required mana.
- Will not revive if he dies on unpathable terrain.
- If Skeleton King has an Aegis and Reincarnation is cooled down upon death, Reincarnation will trigger first.
- Revives with full HP and full mana.
- This is what defines King Leoric. No unit in Dota is man enough to COME BACK FROM THE DEAD FASTER THAN JESUS(he had lots of lag). Just the sight of Leoric coming back from the dead causes nearby enemies to be paralyzed with fear.
- As I said earlier, check your mana. You might have not enough mana for Reincarnation.
Skill Build
- Lv1: Hellfire Blast
- Lv2: Stats
- Lv3: Hellfire Blast
- Lv4: Stats
- Lv5: Hellfire Blast
- Lv7: Hellfire Blast
- Lv8-10: Mortal Strike
- Lv11: See Lv6
- Lv12: Mortal Strike
- Lv13-15: Vampiric Aura
- Lv16: See Lv11
- Lv17: Vampiric Aura
- Lv18-25: Stats
Item Build
Starting Build

- Any combination of these items
Early game items
During early game you can try to buy these items before your core.


- Not only do you become tougher than an actual tank with it on, you also get 57 more damage for only 2600. Cheaper and nearly as much damage as a Sacred Relic. Sure it drains your health, but you're a fucking royal reincarnating skeleton vampire swordsman from hell.
Which boots?
- Any of them except Arcane(pussy) Boots. They all work for him. Treads for tankiness and attack speed, Phase for the "I'M COMING TO GET YOU" effect, and Travel if you want to give your enemies chornic diarrhea.
Leoric is ridiculously flexible when it comes to skill builds. The following are builds that you can make after your core.

What not to get

Leoric is a tank and a DPS carry. During a teamfight, the enemy will have to choose between killing you when you can just reincarnate and while your allies are beating the shit out of them, or killing your allies, leaving you to just beat the shit out of them.
Always have a lane partner. Leoric is not built for the Solo Mid.
What to do in a teamfight
Activate Armlet, choose pussy out of other pussies, stun, and beat the shit out of it. Once it runs out of shit to beat out of, stun and beat the shit out of the other pussies. Once every pussy is out of shit, deactivate armlet.
I'm being ganked
Manliness also involves common sense. Get the fuck away. Stun the most dangerous enemy and run into the jungle and leave them in the fog.
I'm still haven't got Armlet
- Farm. Don't help your allies unless the fight ends up where you are, just farm until you get Armlet.
- Don't venture too far away from allies. You will be gangbanged by necrophiliac shemales.
I'm feeding
- Or blame your teammates for not ganking the enemy carry enough. Unless you fed the carry, of course.
Edited by basicdotaguide.blogspot.com